Just came from a CPW in Edinburgh - hilarious. Wandered along out of interest at about 7.45 to find only one person in the queue, so thought i'd join and see what happened. By 7.55 there were about 10/15 folk - pretty good odds I thought.
When it came to signing up I was told the store only had 2 16gb phones (same for all the CPWs in Edinburgh), and despite being second in the queue there were none left. It's all to do with how fast the staff can process the order, it seems....
02 are carrying out all of the credit checks live, so the queue for that on their systems is unbelievable and has ground it to a halt. The guy tried to promise me that there would be some more stock delivered tomorrow until his manager came up and warned him not to "over promise" to anyone and actually it could be, ahem, longer than that... I waited half an hour to see if the credit check went through before finally telling him not to bother and to cancel the entire order. The guys behind me in the queue looked at me like I was mad.
Hilariously badly organised, lucky I didn't have my heart set on one, eh?