Got to the 02 shop at 7:25am this morning, about 15 people infront of me. Looked across at CPW and the queue was only at 3 people.. I resisted the urge to swap queues just because 02 have always been better.
Doors opened at 8:02am and the first 6 people walked in.... 1 hour later and 3 people are coming out
Apparently the system had died, so they had to do it all manually.. anyway, someone infront of me asked if there was enough stock, to which the meet-n-greet girl replied "plenty for everyone".
I jokingly said "...yeah, 8 Gigs maybe" to which the guys infront of me chuckled.
Someone from CPW comes over (a customer) and says they only had 3 or 4 16GB models when the doors opened at 8, because they'd reserved so many for collection... they were now sold out.
Anyway, 9am rolls around and I'm standing in the doorway to the 02 shop.. the 2 guys infront of me went in to play with the test models while the tills were finishing their transaction.. uh oh... that meet-n-greet girl is back.
"Who wants a 16 gig?" she asks..
Myself and the majority of people behind me put their hand up..
"Well.. thing is, someone has changed their mind and gone with a 16 gig, so there's none left"
I couldn't believe it.. I was stood in the doorway for an hour and cool as a cucumber they come out and say "oh, but you can still order the 8 gig"
At that point the entire queue could be heard saying "FFS" and I just walked off. I guess I'm destined to get one when I get back off holiday.