*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

So, 16s all gone.

Here's a quick q for you. If I buy the 8 now, is there a chance of taking it back on that money back guarantee thing. Bearing in mind I'm an upgrade?
I queued at my local from 6:30, and was second in line to a lady that got there at 6:25, the store only had ONE 16gb, and that's what she wanted, so I didnt end up getting one in the end, the funniest thing about it is she didnt even know what the difference was between the 8gb and 16gb one, she just thought it was a model number, until I (and I don't know why I did) explained she'd be able to get twice ad much on it, so in theory I managed to talk by way out of getting a 16gb :rolleyes: doh!
Got to the O2 shop for it's opening at 9am and there was already 15 people in the queue. They had 13 iPhones.

I blame the traffic. I'm not going to chase them up and get fobbed off with stories that it's at the warehouse and rubbish like that for the next two weeks. I'll try again in a months time.
So, 16s all gone.

Here's a quick q for you. If I buy the 8 now, is there a chance of taking it back on that money back guarantee thing. Bearing in mind I'm an upgrade?

I'd think not :( but you'd have to ask o2 to be sure, let us know what they say!

I'm waiting for the 16gb, as I have the 16gb v1 and don't want to pay £99 for a down grade (in theory)!
Got to the O2 shop for it's opening at 9am and there was already 15 people in the queue. They had 13 iPhones.

I blame the traffic. I'm not going to chase them up and get fobbed off with stories that it's at the warehouse and rubbish like that for the next two weeks. I'll try again in a months time.

yea same here, according to o2 we have 3 months to upgrade, so no hurry! Plus you never they'll probably release a 32gb phone next month, now they have gotten rid of the left over 8gb harddrives :rolleyes:
got mine :) 16gb I was the first in line at the O2 shop in Leeds :D

its awesome but gets dirty! all the O2 systems died as well so we had to go through a manual contract so the connection isn't on yet but the iPhone all works on wifi :D
got mine :) 16gb I was the first in line at the O2 shop in Leeds :D

its awesome but gets dirty! all the O2 systems died as well so we had to go through a manual contract so the connection isn't on yet but the iPhone all works on wifi :D

what oyu mean it gets dirty?? what more so than the v1??

pics dude..... pics :D
I just got mine from o2, think they had 9 16GB's and a good supply of 8GB's. At work now so won't play on it till I get home tonight. I got there at 7:00 and was about 13th in the queue, after the issues with not being able to do upgrades I found myself 5th so result.

Only wanted an 8Gb anyway lol, loads of ppl seemed pretty peeved.
I went down at 8:15.

O2 store opened at 8:02 and had 30 people at 8:15 queuing.

CPW had 10 16gbs and opened at 7AM (and sold out at 7AM) but still had 8gbs at 8:15.
Other CPW in town also only had 8gbs left.
CPW said that O2 didn't have any 16gbs.
Out-of-town CPW didn't have any left, but could order in for tomorrow AM (but I'm at RIAT Fairford.)

And I've heard from someone that got the last 16gb at 7AM that all of O2s computers are down, so he hasnt got it yet but will be rung by the store when the computers come back online and he's passed the credit check.

So could have got the 8GB but have chosen to hold out and get the 16GB either online or in-store in a few weeks.
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Someone on another forum posted

Just came from a CPW in Edinburgh - hilarious. Wandered along out of interest at about 7.45 to find only one person in the queue, so thought i'd join and see what happened. By 7.55 there were about 10/15 folk - pretty good odds I thought.

When it came to signing up I was told the store only had 2 16gb phones (same for all the CPWs in Edinburgh), and despite being second in the queue there were none left. It's all to do with how fast the staff can process the order, it seems....

02 are carrying out all of the credit checks live, so the queue for that on their systems is unbelievable and has ground it to a halt. The guy tried to promise me that there would be some more stock delivered tomorrow until his manager came up and warned him not to "over promise" to anyone and actually it could be, ahem, longer than that... I waited half an hour to see if the credit check went through before finally telling him not to bother and to cancel the entire order. The guys behind me in the queue looked at me like I was mad.

Hilariously badly organised, lucky I didn't have my heart set on one, eh?

Same story in Reigate - 15mins queing with no progress - **** up & brewery come to mind - do these people try & design ways to screw brand value?
I'm just back.

Got there at 9:15 to find a queue of about 5 people, and 4 being dealt with, no spare staff to pass on information or separate out the queue.

16GB sold out two people in front of me, I don't think they'd sold one 8GB until then.

Activations are down, so they were just sticking names on boxes - getting them back in once the system's back up.

No white (had to be sure), no 16GB... no thanks :D

I'll just get my Whitey once they're available online :)
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:mad::mad: :mad:

Got to the 02 shop at 7:25am this morning, about 15 people infront of me. Looked across at CPW and the queue was only at 3 people.. I resisted the urge to swap queues just because 02 have always been better.

Doors opened at 8:02am and the first 6 people walked in.... 1 hour later and 3 people are coming out :rolleyes:

Apparently the system had died, so they had to do it all manually.. anyway, someone infront of me asked if there was enough stock, to which the meet-n-greet girl replied "plenty for everyone".

I jokingly said "...yeah, 8 Gigs maybe" to which the guys infront of me chuckled.

Someone from CPW comes over (a customer) and says they only had 3 or 4 16GB models when the doors opened at 8, because they'd reserved so many for collection... they were now sold out.

Anyway, 9am rolls around and I'm standing in the doorway to the 02 shop.. the 2 guys infront of me went in to play with the test models while the tills were finishing their transaction.. uh oh... that meet-n-greet girl is back.

"Who wants a 16 gig?" she asks..

Myself and the majority of people behind me put their hand up..

"Well.. thing is, someone has changed their mind and gone with a 16 gig, so there's none left"


I couldn't believe it.. I was stood in the doorway for an hour and cool as a cucumber they come out and say "oh, but you can still order the 8 gig"

At that point the entire queue could be heard saying "FFS" and I just walked off. I guess I'm destined to get one when I get back off holiday.
waited from 7am at o2 but they wouldn't tell us stock levels until 8:02 - then they told us they only had 3 16gigs in stock :(

so went to cpw who opened at 9, they didn't have any.

what a pile of crap!
hehe proper shambles, good job i didnt bother camping outside o2 this morning

il grab one online when/if they come available :p
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