*** The iPhone 3G Thread ***

i didnt have an iphone and i wanted the 16gb version so i went and queued at 6am because i knew that's what i would have to do to get one.

i got up a couple of hours earlier than i would have and played final fantasy crisis core on my psp until shop opened.

Just because you wouldn't do it
well after being foiled at the o2 shop and cpw in town, i just got a call from cpw saying they will dispatch me one for tomorrow :D (had to pay an extra 10 pound for saturday delivery but bugger it)

i only rang up yesterday and they said they'd give me a callback... i honestly never thought they would thats why i went to town...

bring on tomorrow :D
Who considers it totally normal? I've never queued up for a product release in my life and probably won't do so again anytime soon, but I wanted an iPhone and I'd rather get my ass out of bed two hours early than wait several weeks for the stock situation to settle down.
Well, you're possibly the exception to the rule. I still think it's peculiar to go out of your way to queue for it though - it's ultimately just a phone.

As I said - maybe I just don't get it. My opinions on queueing for things like this pretty much mirror what Charlie Brooker once said (far more eruditely than I ever could):

Charlie Brooker said:
Ultimately the campaign's biggest flaw is that it perpetuates the notion that consumers somehow "define themselves" with the technology they choose. If you truly believe you need to pick a mobile phone that "says something" about your personality, don't bother. You don't have a personality.

i didnt have an iphone and i wanted the 16gb version so i went and queued at 6am because i knew that's what i would have to do to get one.
The problem is you say that like it's totally normal to do that, when it's not. It's not normal to desire a phone that much that you would queue up for hours at 6am for it. That's not normal behaviour - though expecting someone who would do such a thing to appreciate that is a pointless argument really. My point is - at the fundamental level - wanting something like an iPhone, or any phone, or indeed anything which isn't ultimately a finite stock item that badly isn't normal. It says more about ones life in general than anything else really. *shrug*
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Well that was a total farce!

Went into O2 store 2 weeks back to enquire about upgrading. I'm 14 months into a 18 month non-iphone contract. Was told yeah, no problem with early upgrade to new iphone, come into store to have it sorted on the 11th.

Got to mansfield store at half 9, was the earliest I could get there. 15 people in queue, so asked the store assistant managing the queue about the upgrade and was told again, no problem with an early upgrade. so got in the queue.

Got to 4th in the queue and they sold out.

Rang up sutton store, which is a lot smaller but they had some left, so drove there. 15 mins later I'm in that store, no queue at all, they have 2 left. But they say I can't upgrade till my 18 months is up. Stand and argue for 5 mins about being told by mansfield store I can, twice, and in this time the last 2 they had left were sold right in front of me.

The sutton store did say they have more stock next week and she will confirm about the early upgrade and call me if it's actually possible.


Just got an 8GB version from O2 in Doncaster. Got there for 8:30 and was about 15th in the queue. Shop opened at 9am, then their computer systems promptly crashed. Took me nearly 2 hours to finally get it.

As I said I was about 15th and by the time it was my turn they'd already sold out of the 16GB versions, and I know for a fact not everyone in front of me got a 16GB version.

When I asked them how many 8GB's they had left I was told they're not allowed to answer that :S

I was expecting online activation to be a real pain, but it did it instantly and only took about 10 seconds!
Does anyone know the full process of upgrading from the previous iPhone yet?

I'm interested in knowing this, too :)

Anyone who upgraded care to share the process with us?

Edit: I only went early because I had work at 9am, and If I'd gone at 8 the queue would have been loooooooooong. As it turns out the crazies were there at 5am, so it was ruined from the start
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o2 are trying there darnedest to hype the damn thing up.

Everywhere you look it's "Limited Stock!!!"

Do you expect them to lie and say "We have loads of stock". ;)

It's all about customer expectation, a lot of people will be disappointed today because there is limited stock of the device.
I'm interested in knowing this, too :)

Anyone who upgraded care to share the process with us?

Edit: I only went early because I had work at 9am, and If I'd gone at 8 the queue would have been loooooooooong. As it turns out the crazies were there at 5am, so it was ruined from the start

I upgraded online on monday, which was just fill in your number. When the phone was delivered put in my old sim card from the Iphone v1 and then plugged it into itunes and it asks you do you want it to be a new iPhone (i.e. blank slate) or back it up from your old one (i.e. pulling in all your settings and contacts etc).
Apart from 3G and the colour available for the back cover is there much difference in the 3G and 2G iphone? Want to get an iphone but only just started a new contract with vodafone so may see if the price of iphone 2G will go down in price on the bay and may get myself one.
Apart from 3G and the colour available for the back cover is there much difference in the 3G and 2G iphone? Want to get an iphone but only just started a new contract with vodafone so may see if the price of iphone 2G will go down in price on the bay and may get myself one.

Super Monkey Ball!!!!!!!

It also runs a bit quicker and better battery live apparently.
Yet another product launch completely mismanaged.

My local store had a whopping total of zero 16gig iPhones this morning, I was 6th in line.
The stores I have spoken to ALL have 8gig stock but not 16.
None of them have ANY idea what is happening with stock, many of them report that the system that tells them which retail outlets have stock DOESN'T WORK.

Its crap. This on top of the fact that I went through the pre-order process TWICE on monday, putting my card details in on both occasions, only to be presented with "error" on both attempts. Pathetic.
It feels different too, It's difficult to explain it but the bottom and the home button feel more flat and solid.
Just got my 16g from Chelmsford. Similar story, (I arrived at 6am and got the last 16g of the 12 they had in stock at O2).

Had to take the details manually, they are going top process them later but let me walk away with the phone. I am on a new contract, so I guess I cant use the iPhone yet? I mean would be nice to be able to sync it up with iTunes for music/contacts while I wait for the call though....grrr....

I have...you can still register the phone via itunes and sync etc but you will not be able to make calls etc till your registered with O2. (It does ask for you iphone number during registration - i just put in my old mobile number lol)
I guess no one will know this, but..

When updating, can you just use the new SIM, or will you need to use your old iPhone SIM?

Ideally, I'd just like to use the one that comes with the phone.. my one is battered after being in so many different iPhones :(
Does anyone know the full process of upgrading from the previous iPhone yet?

Well, I did the upgrade.
Went in to CPW, told them what I wanted.
They ran the upgrade on their computers (which took over an hour)
I signed the contract
Walked out with my iPhone

Got to work
Took SIM from old iPhone and put it in new iPhone
Plugged in to iTunes
Upgraded iTunes to 7.7
Registered new iPhone

Mine was delivered by City Link this morning at 8AM. Wont be home to play with it until tomorrow, but at least I have one.

Perfect service from CPW, ordered fine, got all the emails in time, friendly customer service. 5 stars from me.

Does anyone know how buying apps works? does it come out of your contract?


Out of your iTunes account, which is linked to a card of your choice.
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