I always tell my Android using friends that. Half the 'open' nature they tout of the system, I never want. My phone isn't my PC and I don't want to spend hours upon hours customising it. I just want it to work, out of the box with minimal hassle.
Exactly and that's what 99% of customers want. The number of geeks who will spend forever customising their phones is miniscule in reality.
Choice is often a bad thing. The average person wants to be able to open email attachments without having to choose a viewer program. They want to just play music without having to choose what program they use to do that. This is what the Android zealots don't understand - they think everyone is a geek like them.
Android as a system is a total mess. Inefficient, fragmented and insecure.
I have an Android TV and it's full of bugs. If Apple ever started putting iOS in TVs, I'd buy one in a shot because I know it'd just work.