Thank you for correcting my spelling.
They removed the 64gb phone, so effectively it forces you to pay more to have the ability to use the phone in same way as you did.
As far as Brexit is concerned if the pound returns to levels that it was before can we expect a price drop?
On price gouging, I was exaggerating to make a point. However I do feel their stuff is approaching crazy levels. £819 for a phone is rather amazing don't you think?
Your stomach is hardier than mine it seems.
Honestly? If it ever did get back to 1.5 or higher then yes I suspect they would drop the price because for the most part it's not like they're actually seeing any benefit for putting the price up but they're getting a load of grief for it? I think they'd put it back.
And it's not so much being hardy, yes £819 is a lot of money but I guess I think it's worth it (technically not, I went for the 128gb 7) but either way, even something seemingly silly like offering 32, 64, 128 and 256 would add a massive amount of inventory to the channel.
Also, I know you're not saying anything specific on this but I do believe nice things cost money. Yes I could get something technically as good for a lot less but IMO having fought with an S7 edge for a few weeks I can tell you, I think that premium of a couple of hundred quid over the top of the range Samsung (which lets be honest is the only sensible benchmark) is totally worth it, they've got close but the iPhone is still a level of polish above. IMO IMO IMO!
Let's be honest, they are being greedy. Their price increase is around 140% of the forex movement and they could easily swallow half of the cost of the movement. The difference in pricing between the different memory levels is ridiculous. I'm not saying Apple owe anything to anyone but they are being purely greedy.
mmmm I dunno.. 639 to 699 (in my case) is 10%, 1.33 to 1.46 which is broadly what the move has been is also about 10%.. more to the point can you imagine if Tim Cook said their profitability had dropped because they'd done one of their major markets a solid and swallowed some forex moves?
steve jobs said:
What ruined Apple wasn’t growth … They got very greedy. Instead of following the original trajectory of the original vision, which was to make the thing an appliance and get this out there to as many people as possible, they went for profits. They made outlandish profits for about four years… What that cost them was their future. What they should have been doing is making rational profits and going for market share
Steve Jobs, 1995.
Oh yeah.. Apple were making entirely non premium price champion devices all the way through his reign.
Greed is not the same thing as being premium. Greed is selling something you have no right to charge a lot for at a high price, like old post Jobs apple did, dining out purely on the name. Nowadays it's more a situation like with.. I dunno.. Vaios of old, Samsung 4K TVs, Nike trainers, BMW cars etc.. attainable specs, not necessarily the best but executed better than the rest with a price tag to go with it.
Premium. Not greedy.