The Last of Us Part II

The pickups felt pretty sparse on Hard?... So many empty drawers and cabinets.

I haven't done the add-on DLC that was part of remastered... Left Behind. Saw a picture of nasty looking wolves?
The pickups felt pretty sparse on Hard?... So many empty drawers and cabinets.

I haven't done the add-on DLC that was part of remastered... Left Behind. Saw a picture of nasty looking wolves?

There weren't that many resources on hard but just enough to play around with everything the game had to offer in terms of mechanics and weapons. That's why I think it's a good idea to not do the first run on survival, it takes some fun out of the experience.

About Left Behind, as above, go on and play it:p
i'm going to have to revisit TLOU. Never played it on ps3. Bought the ps4 one but stopped playing when i got to that dark room with loads of clickers (i'm sure that happens a lot, but it was the first time there were several of them). Got a bit stuck then for some reason needed to uninstall the game to make way for something else. Got an external drive now and reinstalled it - just need to actually play the damn thing! Trying not to play loads of games at once though.

I've also barely scratched the surface of the witcher 3!! :(
TLoU is a must IMO. I honestly think it's the best executed story ever told in a videogame with fantastic characters and one of the most powerful endings.
i'm going to have to revisit TLOU. Never played it on ps3. Bought the ps4 one but stopped playing when i got to that dark room with loads of clickers (i'm sure that happens a lot, but it was the first time there were several of them). Got a bit stuck then for some reason needed to uninstall the game to make way for something else. Got an external drive now and reinstalled it - just need to actually play the damn thing! Trying not to play loads of games at once though.

I've also barely scratched the surface of the witcher 3!! :(

Was that the same area I encountered when I stopped this time last year on remastered. It was quite early on. Downtown. In the broken building with angled floors at the bottom. There was a square dark area with 4 - 6 clickers and 3 or 4 screamers.

One clicker keeps walking past the area you come out near a brick wall on your right.
Why do people seem to quit on that part? You guys aren't the first I've heard of giving up there.

It's pretty easy that part, but is the first time it gets a little tense I guess. The story from there onwards is amazing.
Why do people seem to quit on that part? You guys aren't the first I've heard of giving up there.

It's pretty easy that part, but is the first time it gets a little tense I guess. The story from there onwards is amazing.

On normal difficulty the clickers are a doddle to beat even in larger groups so I don't get it either.

Throw a brick in a doorway, then throw a cocktail and all the idiots run into it and die. You can do the same with the nail bombs. Even melee weapons work really well against any that remain after that, and I never needed to use the shiv upgrade to avoid the instant death as a shotgun kills them in one shot up close.

I have completed the main game and found the story decent enough, but nowhere near special as it was very predictable. Is the DLC worth playing and do they improve on the story telling at all? Ellie's voice acting and little nuances were probably the highlight of the "story" for me.
definitely my favourite game, was really difficult in places and i normally give up but this game had me hooked and i stuck with it and carried on.
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Why do people seem to quit on that part? You guys aren't the first I've heard of giving up there.

It's pretty easy that part, but is the first time it gets a little tense I guess. The story from there onwards is amazing.

I was playing on hard for the first time. I really never knew much or the mechanics of The Last of Us. It wasn't until part 2 became public I started to become intrigued then picked up from that part and finished it. Glad I did. Now I have to do grounded.
I have completed the main game and found the story decent enough, but nowhere near special as it was very predictable. Is the DLC worth playing and do they improve on the story telling at all? Ellie's voice acting and little nuances were probably the highlight of the "story" for me.

If you think the main story is badly executed, then you don't need to bother with the DLC at all.
That's the gym section.

The bit they are talking about is the generator section, that's a real "**** just got real" moment.
Both those sections had me properly stressed out!!! Really well done.

is the the last of us 1 availble on pc?

No but it's worth buying a PS4 to play TLOU. Then you'll discover the other exclusives and rage at what you've been missing all this time... You could use PSNow to help make up your mind.
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No but it's worth buying a PS4 to play TLOU. Then you'll discover the other exclusives and rage at what you've been missing all this time... You could use PSNow to help make up your mind.

I remember that feeling back in 2007. It was an awful feeling reading all these console players and their exclusives when it simply wouldn't appear on PC.
So far, the games I've experienced on the PS4 are better than anything I've played on PC and I'm mainly a PC gamer. TLoU, Horizon, U4, Yakuza 0/Kiwami/6, Infamous SS, Gravity Rush 1/2 and a lot of upcoming stuff like God of War, RDR 2, TLoU 2, Detroit, Days Gone... There are simply no games like that on PC. It's nice we're at least getting Tekken 7.

It was the same story with the PS3.

IMO, it's totally worth getting a PS4 now. Getting a console for a single game wouldn't be such a brilliant investment but there are other great titles. PC/PS4 is a great combo.
It was the same story with the PS3.

IMO, it's totally worth getting a PS4 now. Getting a console for a single game wouldn't be such a brilliant investment but there are other great titles. PC/PS3/PS4 is a great combo.

I'm still playing some old titles.
I'm not a fan of scary/jumpy games and both those bits filled me with trepidation even on my second playthrough.

Hehe! When that light strip fell I did jump.

Curse Naughty Dog and bloody generators. Uncharted 1 all over again.
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