The Last of Us Part II

So I finally got around to playing this after picking it up in a sale earlier this year. I had been putting it off till I finished TLOU remastered which I’m half way through. Truth be told I never went back to TLOU and started Part II anyway.

Just finished the main story today, took me 45hrs.

Seemed like the game just kept going! There was a lot of bad reviews when this was released and a ton of outrage for one reason or another.

I really wanted to dislike this game because of the repetitive gameplay and some of the cheap “spawn in bad guys right behind you in an area you have just cleared” mechanics, but honestly, I’ve really enjoyed it.

It’s true that the gameplay has not moved on, or really developed since TLOU and it is a bit samey. Explore a bit to restock pickups, squeeze through a door/window into a new area with bad guys/zombies to kill/avoid. Get a bit of story. Explore a bit to restock - so on and so forth.

I found the story enjoyable as well as jarring and the game does a great job of showing the humanity of both sides and adding some depth to the characters.

Given I’ve never actually finished TLOU or even played the prequel left behind, I decided to buy Part 1. My excuse being that I got TLOU remastered when I bought my PS4 back in 2014 and I picked up Part II for £8.74 in a sale. So actually, I’m doing OK in the “how many times have you bought TLOU” game!! :)

Just about to start Part 1. May my life be long and my death be swift! :p
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Cool story lol. Yeah part 1 and left behind should have course be played as well. Do yourself a favour though and buy the PS5 remake of the remaster because it is sublime! You can’t buy this game too many times apparently! I’ve bought it 3 times now.
Part one i
Cool story lol. Yeah part 1 and left behind should have course be played as well. Do yourself a favour though and buy the PS5 remake of the remaster because it is sublime! You can’t buy this game too many times apparently! I’ve bought it 3 times now.
part one is fantastic. Played through again on the ps5 a few weeks back. Honestly part one and part two are both great.. but.. I prefer part one. :) the ps5 upgrades are worth it , upgraded character and scene models etc
I am torn. I think at the end of the day I love them both and it swings back and forth depending on which one I am playing at the time. They are both brilliant.

I sense another play through is imminent!
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