I'm on Laurelin, and have been addicted since pretty much day one. Damnation to the man who gave me his buddy code!
Feanol, 56 Elf Hunter
Harran, 65 Woman Guardian
Fairalon, 64 Woman Burglar
Ormserath, 54 Dwarf Champion
Thanadel, 55 Elf Warden
Grimbyrn, 55 Man Loremaster
Urumi, 45 Dwarf Runekeeper
Meornar, 48 Man Captain
Meribelle, 52 Hobbit Minstrel
There's a handful of mules and lower-level alts as well (2 accounts).
I've just started a trial on this. How much of the game is instanced? WoW's instancing is the best I've seen in an MMO (although my experience is somewhat limited
), is it similar?
Most (but by no means all) of the instances are confined to higher levels and vary quite widely in terms of enjoyability, quality, challenge and replay value, but the epic storyline also has some excellent instanced content. The majority is 6-man instances but there are also 3-4 12-man raids and one old 24-man raid.
And then there's the new skirmish system, which are sort of semi-random conbat-oriented battlefield instances. Oh and then there's the Angmar battlegrounds, which no one really goes to any more (and were never very popular).
And probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. There's a fair amount. Can't quote on how it compares to WoW's, though, not having played.