The Lord of the Rings Online - Name / Class / Server thread .. etc etc

Yeah, the captain has a wonderful bag of tricks for getting himself and others out of trouble. I find he takes an age to kills stuff though, I kind of expected him to be a lot slower than the hunter, but it was a bit of a shock when the mins turned out to be faster than him too :)
Yeah I have the same problem with Champs that I have with Hunters really; there are *so* many badly played ones! :rolleyes: You know, those ones who just spam 2 or 3 DPS skills regardless of the situation.

The number of champs that I've grouped with that, for example, would either run around like headless chickens or just carry on blatting away until they died when they pulled too much aggro is depressing.

Having said that, I play regularly with one of the good ones and he's a real asset. :)

Don't play with my own Champ that much but gotta love the shing-shing. ;)
Yeah I have the same problem with Champs that I have with Hunters really; there are *so* many badly played ones! :rolleyes: You know, those ones who just spam 2 or 3 DPS skills regardless of the situation.

The number of champs that I've grouped with that, for example, would either run around like headless chickens or just carry on blatting away until they died when they pulled too much aggro is depressing.

Having said that, I play regularly with one of the good ones and he's a real asset. :)

Don't play with my own Champ that much but gotta love the shing-shing. ;)

Yeah champs are easy to use, hard to master, hence many running around are like a gun in a kid's hand, but if you control your aggro and know your skills they can make a lot of fights much easier. In many fights theres nothing like a timely clobber to save the whole group a lot of trouble. aoe is also something to be used carefully but which can really help.
Yeah im really liking my champion now (lvl 56 maybe 57), was getting a bit bored with him around level 30-40 but after that he begins to get a lot more useful abilities as well as more choice in terms of focus on dps, aoe or semi tanking, great fun.

Though yeah I agree a bad champ is awful, was playing a mini 6man (with only 4 of us) instance the other day, was really tired and about to go to sleep but an LFF popped up for one quest I needed to do, so I went in and got lumbered as the tank as I was a few lvls higher and there were no guards/wardens/caps, needless to say my mind wandered off a few times and I miss clicked a few abilities causing a few problems that could have been avoided plus the other lower lvl champ there was a bit to keen to take on everything (though he did a rather heroic run away saving us at one point). So yeah no more sleepy group play for me.

Only problem with the champ is that its kinda spoiled other classes as going to play them (especially starting off) its takes so much longer to kill things :(
Just started again on US servers, went for brandywine, currently level 11 runekeeper after day 1
Just started again on US servers, went for brandywine, currently level 11 runekeeper after day 1

cracking class the Lorebreaker oops I mean, Runekeeper :p

three of us decided to roll one each and level up together, it was practically impossible to die no matter how much aggro we pulled !! a damage attuned pack of RK's can decimate a mob in seconds.. although I hate meeting them in the moors :rolleyes: when they become sith lord nukers !!
There are many badly played champs (just like any other class) but often problem is that people don't know how to paly with them. Our biggest strenght is AoE so any 'trash' mobs can be done easily if champ is the main agro taker and everyone focus on his target, healers heal champ and tank is there to get agro off healers if needed.
The new samath gul instance is perfect example of this, when brute gets his shield on 3-4 mobs, champs can do 1k+ damage to brute with every single aoe attack yet some groups still insist on stunning some of the adds and only use 1-2 to kill the brute.
Turbine have re-addressed champs in SoM and we are now more balanced out, inc healing has been tweaked to lower the fervour penalty to -10% and we now have the ability to easily crit around HS values with Remorseless.

A good champ has the ability to integrate into a raid / fellowship in all stances and can easily manage aggro and threat generation, a lot of champs think that by running around in fervour they are good.

If any of you fellow Ocuk players are on Evernight and are kinless then PM me in game : Gypo
if champ is the main agro taker and everyone focus on his target, healers heal champ and tank is there to get agro off healers if needed.

Problem is that a lot of champs think this is an appropriate approach to almost every situation, possibly as a result of not being properly penalised for fervour tanking during MoM. I can understand why groups don't want to play like that. Ask A) Your Tank and B) Your Healer what they think. If you play with them regular, you're probably good to go. In a PUG the chances are they'll just let you get crushed and pick up the pieces after. I don't know many Minstrels who enjoy healing Champs these days.

The new samath gul instance is perfect example of this.

This is a situation where it is appropriate. ;)

Imagine the grief a Loremaster with all his cooldowns up dishes out in the same situation. :D
some news about the next 'free' content addon ;-


Major Content Update to Hit MMO Coming Soon!

Codemasters Online and Turbine Inc. today announced details of the next free content update for subscribers to The Lord of the Rings Online™: Siege of Mirkwood™.

In this brand new volume, Volume 3: Allies Of The King, Book 1: Oath Of The Rangers, players will return to Dol Guldur and fight in four Skirmishes with new 12-person mode in the shadow of the Necromancer’s Tower. Plus, fire and madness waits in the Depths of Nûrz Gâshu, an additional new Skirmish where you must rescue a brave fighter from flame and shadow. To help you meet the dangers ahead, you can now craft items up to level 65.

The shadow is spreading over Middle-earth, and the future king needs his allies to gather around him. Your part in the legend of the Ring continues as you must gather the Rangers of the North and bring them to the aid of their leader as he prepares to face his greatest challenge. You must race across the Northlands, where malice has already awoken and evil is growing, and marshal the rangers to meet the coming storm. The fate of the king depends on this journey, and the hopes of all the Free Peoples of Middle-earth!

Marshal the Rangers of the North, and help the future king find his destiny!

  • New Skirmishes - Expanded 12-Man Skirmishes in the Shadow of the Necromancer’s Tower
  • Take the war to the shadows with four expanded Skirmishes!
    • At the Necromancer’s Gate, a powerful Olog-Hai thinks he’s king of the hill, and your force must prove him wrong.
    • Before the Gate of the Ringwraith’s Lair, creatures of nightmare seek to lay a deadly trap.
    • Man the catapults! A powerful force seeks to capture the outpost at Thangúlhad, and you must drive them back into the darkness.
    • In the dungeons of Dannenglor, captured elves face torment and destruction, unless you can rescue them from the Enemy!
  • New Crafting Levels - New Level 65 Recipes and Crafting Skills! Make your own power with new Level 65 recipes and major updates to crafting abilities.
    • New icons and updated stats for all Jeweller recipes
    • New recipes and more powerful products for Cooks
    • New class items for Weaponsmiths and Woodworkers
    • New crop recipes for Artisan, Master, and Superior Farmers

    Volume 3: Allies Of The King, Book 1: Oath Of The Rangers will be available to subscribers of The Lord of the Rings Online soon.
decided to level one of my alt's up a bit purely via skirmishes at lvl 30, questing seems irrelevant seeing as I achieved 3 levels in no time.. :D
Well it's broken up by areas, but basically you'll have full access up to the time you hit about level 17-20. After that, you can still visit the higher level areas and explore and level via killing mobs, but you have to play to unlock the quests for those areas.

There are other restrictions too - no shared bank, limited character slots, that kind of thing. You can still opt to pay a monthly sub and get access to the whole thing though.
That video just makes me sad - how utterly awesome could the game had been if they'd had a proper two sided game with adventuring areas for both sides and a load of contested zones like DaoC or Warhammer :(
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