LOTR is the greatest trilogy ever.
Don't mind the Hobbit but that was more down to Freeman and McKellen.
It's has some fantastic moments.
Good is in the eye of the beholder to a degree, some things are just objectively better than others, like The Beatles and Take That, now YOU may much prefer TT and you're not wrong for doing so, but The Beatles still made objevtively better music.
A lot of reviewers these days will give something a good review if it hits all the right virtue buttons - regardless of the actual quality .
That's certainly what people keep repeating.
Without evidence.
He's one of the most annoying people to ever appear on TV..Lenny Henry seems to be getting well into fantasy, he's in the Witcher prequel series too.
Oh the delicious irony there Vincent
You post "You can't trust them, it's just a cash grab" every time a youtuber negatively reviews something you like, all without evidence that the reason for the negative review is cash driven.
Obi Wan Kenobi (Disney+)
Oh yeah definitely. As i have said before, i really loved the introduction of the inquisitors and some of the later fights were spectacular (Ahsoka v Vader) and the demise of Maul was a great scene along with the Thrawn arc. The Clone Wars was a little weird to me but understandable. The...forums.overclockers.co.uk
The next Predator movie - Prey (2022 on Hulu)
The first movie is ridiculous but we give it a pass because its Arnie. We "give it a pass" because it's good, not just because its "Arnie". If this new movie is "good" people will like it too, but based most current Hollywood writing being crap (irrespective of what/who stars in it) I'm not...forums.overclockers.co.uk
Captain Marvel (2019)
I was about to say, the spider suit is a tiny part of the film. That is a crazy weird thing to turn a film off for.forums.overclockers.co.uk
Marvel Studios Loki
Are they released weekly or do they all come out at once? Weekly. All D+ Marvel & Star Wars shows are weekly releases to keep people subscribed for more than a month at a time.forums.overclockers.co.uk
He's one of the most annoying people to ever appear on TV..
Is ainsley harriot in this too? he's the correct skin tone
He's an idiot tooHenry has been on the BBC gravy train for 40 years for no disernable reason whatsoever.
EDIT: Not sure how well it opens up the story for those who aren't at least passingly familiar with the source material though - the background of some of the characters, which is important to understanding them, doesn't seem very well introduced for me aside from 2-3 central characters.
Why do people not trust critics? Access Media?
Fancy trips around the world, put up in fancy hotels to see early viewings.
Most publishtions these critics work for rely on advertising.
But no no reviews are not paid for.
Well, they do. But most likely for an editorial piece rather than a straight-up review. It's a combination of all of the above, in reality.People aren't getting flown around the world and put up in fancy hotels regularly to see a movie/TV show.
Well, they do. But most likely for an editorial piece rather than a straight-up review. It's a combination of all of the above, in reality.
Anyhoo, I came into this thread to find out what people thought, but it seems full of nonsense arguments soooooo...
You mean you've watched the first two episodes and felt like this?Every frame I've seen on this show feels like it's shot on a stage, which no doubt it mostly is but look at this shot from the BBC. Look how specifically lit the characters are, like they are lit with a spotlight from the side, with that level of sunlight you'd expect the background too be bright as well but it looks like it's under a luna eclipse.
While it looks good from "how well the characters are lit' perspective, subconsciously it feels fake and it takes me out of the the story immediately.
GOT/House of the Dragon (HOTD) does this aspect a lot better.
You mean you've watched the first two episodes and felt like this?
Because that's just a promo shot...probably photoshopped.