The Man-Cave

I'd love a wooden building or a log cabin. They smell awesome when you walk in :)

Lovely place you have there dude, very jelly !
Some new art pieces Among others




This is a painting in progress from my mother
if you can guess where this comes from (the location on the canvas here is a cookie :)
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Great looking build.

Out of interest did you install insulation to the walls? or just the roof and floor.

I have been looking at similar buildings and have found mixed reports on wall insulation.
trying to hold of predator purchase but notice price has recently dropped on the , must resist :p
part of me loves the x34A part of me hates the x34A.

hopeing games work on 21:9 is annoying specially for older titles.
black bars are just unsightly. this why i kept my 4L 16:9 and 1440P 16:9
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