Does anyone know how to deal with agoraphobia? Been suffering with it for 3 years now
Not necessarily true. Medication can give you some internal peace or respite from stress, anxiety etc. This can make room for you to address things and build since good coping mechanisms/strength. It's a complex topic because as you say, for many it's more help than others. I was put on anti-depressants during final year of uni and they absolutely helped me get through it. But I was also very keen not to stay on then any longer than necessary.As soon as you stop taking the meds you’ll be back to square one..
As soon as you stop taking the meds you’ll be back to square one..
Yeah I get where your coming from meds work for some and not others I gues.. has anyone tried applying for PIP I did and got declined because as I oook to call it my condition didn’t “suit” them I’m just wondering about the future how can I work with intense anxiety some days your ok and others not and the government won’t give you money for not working ah logic..
Lmao its hard enough getting any job as it is expect from retail let alone being picky about a job “work from home” that’s so easy isn’t it
That’s crazy
Well you've got a lot of free time, could do a programming, web or graphic design course etc. Added advantage you can be a full time student and claim some financial suport.
Crom out of interest how severe is your agoraphobia?
That’s crazy
I done it for 3 years without meds... so I can do it again I’m just anti meds