**The Mental Health Thread**

IMO you're better off trying to overcome or at least lessen the agoraphobia rather than trying to base your life around it, as in the long run it's only going to make you worse when you've isolated yourself with a career or job.
We suspect my wife has had a miscarriage overnight, anxious, stressed and trying not to resorting to self-harm to deal with it. just when I'm getting ahead with things. :(
Oh mate that's rough :(

Try to keep calm and not jump to conclusions even if you fear the worst. Be there for her and also know that you and her will get through this together whatever the situation is.
They not give you PIP for extreme anxiety/agoraphobia the person who asses you will lie saying you’ve said you can do things you haven’t and they’ll tell you you can work the system makes me sick to be fair.

They won’t get you PIP

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After watching Hereditary at the weekend, it got me thinking a bit, for those who haven't seen it, it involves a lot of mental health references, even more noticable for people who have had family members sectioned and all the stuff that comes along with that.... anyway, has anyone else who suffers from mental illness got parents that also do or did? Just wanted to get an idea of other peoples experiences.
After watching Hereditary at the weekend, it got me thinking a bit, for those who haven't seen it, it involves a lot of mental health references, even more noticable for people who have had family members sectioned and all the stuff that comes along with that.... anyway, has anyone else who suffers from mental illness got parents that also do or did? Just wanted to get an idea of other peoples experiences.
Met my dad's family when I was 20. He was a heroin addict and mostly homeless - his family are a bit more "normal"... But as I got to know them I realised many of them have a troubled streak, and thought "Ah! This is where I come from!"
Why do they have a service aka PIP to give people money who can’t work yet when there told several times and you show them evidence I.e doctors letters they still say you can work??
Why do they have a service aka PIP to give people money who can’t work yet when there told several times and you show them evidence I.e doctors letters they still say you can work??

Because they do thier own assessment iirc not just accept doctors notes.

Because doctors notes are notoriously unreliable because doctors dont want to damage thier relationships with patients by saying they dont belive them.

Sadly chancers and chavs ruin it for the genuinely ill.

Since this is the mh thread has anyone done any training to be a MH first wider work is looking for some extra ones so tempted to do the training.
They do there own assessment these are people who have never suffered anything in there entire life so how could they possibly know how a condition effects a persons daily life? That I’ve always wondered also they ask question that have abousletely nothing to do with being able to work can you wash yourself? They also asked me a maths question and kept asking me these same question over and over again that had no5ing to do with being able to work..

Also when you say you can’t do things they’ve answered they write in the actual assessment paper that you’ve said yes to do it.. next time I have an assessment I’m recording it so they don’t lie for them to know if I could work or not they’d litreally need to be in my brain....
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They do there own assessment these are people who have never suffered anything in there entire life so how could they possibly know how a condition effects a persons daily life? That I’ve always wondered also they ask question that have abousletely nothing to do with being able to work can you wash yourself? They also asked me a maths question and kept asking me these same question over and over again that had no5ing to do with being able to work..

Well your doctor has never had a condition either so...

They ask you things like that as they are basics questions to asses physical capabilities.

It's a standard thing so you get all the questions foe people claiming back pain etc too.

They use them to find out if somone is trying to play them ie claiming they don't have the mobility to work yet can wash dress climb stairs etc

Also when you say you can’t do things they’ve answered they write in the actual assessment paper that you’ve said yes to do it.. next time I have an assessment I’m recording it so they don’t lie for them to know if I could work or not they’d litreally need to be in my brain....

So do you ever leave your house or not at all?
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No I don’t doctors don’t I know so if a doctor don’t how the hell can a random person? But these things have nothing to do with being able to actually work.. for example anxiety and panic you can wash dress climb chairs but not leave the house.. so how you working and don’t say from home because they don’t mean that because they mean working outside also your not even suppose to work when you are on medication I’ve known 5 people to get there PIP taken off them they need to stop having a system like pip and not giving it to people who need it makes no sense! But for sure I’m recording the assessment next time PIP is the reason there’s crime and homeless people

Blind people can wash themselfs and climb up stairs by themselfs does that mean they can work?? Schizophrenics can also...
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Oh mate that's rough :(

Try to keep calm and not jump to conclusions even if you fear the worst. Be there for her and also know that you and her will get through this together whatever the situation is.

I think my problem was that I was at work. She'd been given a GP appointment at 10:50am and work let me leave to get there. Once I was there and helping her my self-harm urges passed. It's purely a way of dealing with pain by covering it with a different pain that although hurts more, hurts in a way I can deal with.

I've actually been able to go for quite some time now without really hurting myself.

After watching Hereditary at the weekend, it got me thinking a bit, for those who haven't seen it, it involves a lot of mental health references, even more noticable for people who have had family members sectioned and all the stuff that comes along with that.... anyway, has anyone else who suffers from mental illness got parents that also do or did? Just wanted to get an idea of other peoples experiences.

My family has a history, of what I'm not 100%.

My dad, although I've never spoken to him directly about it as we barely speak anymore, had a rough childhood. Beatings with belts etc from his dad, locked in cupboards, basements etc. Lots of physical and emotional abuse which at the time I suppose wasn't as out there as to how we see it now.

My first recollection of any issues was aged 8, finding letters between my mum and dad, overhearing arguments, there was violence between them, both ways. She was having an affair.

When my mum left with his 3 kids during the summer holidays before my final year at primary school the real fun started. I suffered emotional abuse from him, tears and telling me goodbye, fishing for info on mum, Then dealing with his multiple suicide attempts. This is where my BPD is believed to have started. All the time I was having my mum rip my dad down and then saying I was just like him.

My dad moved on eventually by the time I was 16, relationships with violence in them towards his girlfriends, I hit him once over it and she finally left him. He grabbed my girlfriends backside at 18 resulting in another physical fight between us.

Over the years he's had fights with police, supposedly, sectioned himself, been sectioned, in one case he poured petrol over himself and his still girlfriend while her 3 little girls were asleep in the next room. He didn't light it. She refused to leave him even at my request, "he's a lost soul!" was her response. Time moved on, my first fathers day 6 years ago was ruined because I had to travel past his car parked in a local layby as he was sleeping rough in it after another argument with his girlfriend.

I've no idea mentally what's wrong with him, I see him 3-4 times a year now, I'm 37 and he appears to have calmed right down.

The next brother down supposedly suffers from Schizophrenia, he's on meds but I don't fully believe his story. It appears to be a convenient way to excuse his past mistakes. He's supposedly had a home visit about it but when I turned up this medical person that was supposed to be there hadn't shown up. Can't name what meds he's on.

Mental health issues can and are caused by those family members who suffer, which is another reason I am trying to handle my BPD to save my 2 kids.
Blind people can wash themselfs and climb up stairs by themselfs does that mean they can work?? Schizophrenics can also...

Well yes, many blind people work, as do schizophrenics, although they will take medication to manage thier condition.

Do you just think all disabled people and those with MH issues are unemployed or given a free pass?
No I don’t doctors don’t I know so if a doctor don’t how the hell can a random person? But these things have nothing to do with being able to actually work.. for example anxiety and panic you can wash dress climb chairs but not leave the house.. so how you working and don’t say from home because they don’t mean that because they mean working outside also your not even suppose to work when you are on medication I’ve known 5 people to get there PIP taken off them they need to stop having a system like pip and not giving it to people who need it makes no sense! But for sure I’m recording the assessment next time PIP is the reason there’s crime and homeless people

What medication are you not supposed to work on?

At least a dozen people at my workplace are on various antidepressants or MH meds.

Being a majority male workforce after physio problems due to the physical work, mental health is one of the biggest causes of illness here so we even have in house psychiatrists.
Well isn’t PIP for people who can’t due to MH

Isn’t PIP for people who can’t work due to mental health?
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No PIP is there to assist with the additional expenses due to medical or psychological issues. I'm going through the PIP system now. You can still get PIP if you work however they tend to hold this against you.
The usual process for PIP with mental health patients is as follows:

Go to assessment
PIP rejected
Ask for mandatory reconsideration
PIP rejected
Ask for tribunal
Attend tribunal
PIP granted

I'm at the tribunal stage.
@AHarvey Sounds like you've been through a lot. And it does come from both hereditary causes and historic/repeated behaviour IMO. The latter is obviously a cycle that can be broken, though it takes work. I think we do sometimes get our determination to change things, from the experiences we had and don't want to repeat on our kids.

I would say that learning to manage your self, especially with things like bipolar, is very much key to sustainable change. But having conversations about it and being open about mental health is a big change I'd like to see, especially with kids as that will set the precedent for a new generation.

I'm glad you were able to be with your partner and it helped you cope :)
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