The muslims are at it again

dark_shadow said:
Islam believes when mankind is born, they're not accountable till the age of puberty. Hence they're not in sin. Thus, they are not accountable for any action as they're born into whatever family they are.

Converts may be more appropriate?
People turn to religion in times of need. When their life is miserable and they need something or want something to pin their life onto.
So if people are turning to islam or christianity or any other religion then the chances are they are pretty miserable and feel that they are "missing" something in their lives.
It may well be that a proportion of the "converts" have little choice but to convert if they are to marry the people they fell in love with, others might just be sad and lonely people and some might identify with the victim culture of Islam. Then when they fail at everything that they do in life it is because they are picked on for being muslims instead of just being useless.

Or maybe they are simply born into islamic families and 14k of them hit puberty each year.
VIRII said:
People turn to religion in times of need. When their life is miserable and they need something or want something to pin their life onto.
So if people are turning to islam or christianity or any other religion then the chances are they are pretty miserable and feel that they are "missing" something in their lives.
It may well be that a proportion of the "converts" have little choice but to convert if they are to marry the people they fell in love with, others might just be sad and lonely people and some might identify with the victim culture of Islam. Then when they fail at everything that they do in life it is because they are picked on for being muslims instead of just being useless.

Or maybe they are simply born into islamic families and 14k of them hit puberty each year.

I agree with most of this tbh.
ElRazur said:
Because you clearly ignore the facts and "little challenges"

So if by your logic, why is it been practised then? Another muslim thing i guess -Forcing their will on people....Allahuarkbar.
Facts, what facts? Partial Shariah? A Shariah that is complete as it's not a Caliphate state?

El, you've really outdone yourself this time G.
My Grandfather died in the Burma in WWII, I have been to many re-unions and have had the honour of wearing his meddles with pride.

At least learn to spell "Medals" then.......
And why are you wearing *his* medals, you did not earn them.
Having been born and bred into a military family and having a grandfather who fought in WW1 and the Boer war I guess I might have met rather a lot of veterans myself. Not met any who approve of PC or multiculturalism though.
VIRII said:
People turn to religion in times of need. When their life is miserable and they need something or want something to pin their life onto.
So if people are turning to islam or christianity or any other religion then the chances are they are pretty miserable and feel that they are "missing" something in their lives.
It may well be that a proportion of the "converts" have little choice but to convert if they are to marry the people they fell in love with, others might just be sad and lonely people and some might identify with the victim culture of Islam. Then when they fail at everything that they do in life it is because they are picked on for being muslims instead of just being useless.

Or maybe they are simply born into islamic families and 14k of them hit puberty each year.
Emotional faith never lasts wrong. Ideological belief is different. It's what differentiates the too. Every convert that I have personally met are very Ideological in their thinking.
I totally agree with the Muslims on this one.

Valentines Day is a complete rip off and puts more money in fat cats wallets.
Back when I were a lad Valentines day was all about sending cards to someone who wouldn't find out or you received cards and didn't know who they came from.
Some fat cats have worked really hard to transpose it to courting couples and then married couples.

Allah rules.
VIRII said:
At least learn to spell "Medals" then.......
And why are you wearing *his* medals, you did not earn them.
Having been born and bred into a military family and having a grandfather who fought in WW1 and the Boer war I guess I might have met rather a lot of veterans myself. Not met any who approve of PC or multiculturalism though.
In order to appreciate their work you have hate all Non-WASPS?
dark_shadow said:
Facts, what facts? Partial Shariah? A Shariah that is complete as it's not a Caliphate state?

El, you've really outdone yourself this time G.

hahaa **wipes eyes** first it was nigeria's corruption, sharia not been practised and now not proper sharia.....Dress it how you want sharia is sharia, and the fact that those states are controlled by muslim leaders, one could argue it constitute of a caliphate.

Same old excuse, do you and @tif exchange ideas or something? You have your last shot, any other thing you wanna say about nigeria or Islam? :)
happy valentines day mr muslim!! mr no romance!! here is a posy for you - pin it to your valentines day garb!!

VIRII said:
Was making a cartoon of mohammed worth mass demos, anger, murder, rioting etc? Didn't seem like a big deal to me, yet the reaction was.......

Only of course we did not even publish them here. For what reason?
since when have organised demos or anger been a crime? And did we have murder or rioting in this country over that issue? I don't think so.
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