The muslims are at it again

8 Mar 2003
Looking at the internet
VIRII said:
Such as what? Perhaps you'd raise awarenes of the issues by posting on internet forums ........

Well the government don't seem to be backtracking thier immigration/MC policy too much from someone posting "The muslims are at it again..." on an internet forum.

I'd suggest a more direct approach. Maybe start burning effigies of Baa Baa Rainbow sheep outside downing street and see if anyone else joins in?
24 Jul 2003
starscream said:
Well the government don't seem to be backtracking thier immigration/MC policy too much from someone posting "The muslims are at it again..." on an internet forum.

I'd suggest a more direct approach. Maybe start burning effigies of Baa Baa Rainbow sheep outside downing street and see if anyone else joins in?
Well you go ahead and do things your way, I'll carry on doing things my way.
I think we'll see some U turns soon as public pressure builds against MC and PC without burning any rainbow sheep.
31 Jul 2006
Belgium land of chocolate
ElRazur said:
If spie will allow it, i see myself buying a quran and setting it alight, posting it here and on you-tube just for the sake of making a point. One thing though will i be swiftly arrested?

nope but some Danish government offices would be torched somewhere in the world, you would receive death threats and the muslim world would generally hate you.

Did you not see the uproar over some harmless cartoon?
12 Jan 2004
Strange thing is, I am a lefty, (does supporting lib dem make you a lefty?) but I cannot condone the actions of these particular muslims, they are being overly bigotted and inciting racial hatred towards westerners. But they can get away with it because their country does not enforce laws of tolerance and understanding, and instead breeds ignorance and hatred (even if their religion does not).

Perhaps with the advent of one laptop per child, we will see education reach new heights, and tolerance towards others will be accepted, I never want to see anyone feel the need to "desecrate" anyone else's symbols of heritage, whether that heritage is religion or nationality or otherwise.

The strange thing is, I don't actually feel too violated by their actions, because I feel as though it was pointless and they have a right to believe what they believe. But it kind of reduces their own point when they get "uppity" about "stupid things" like illustrations of muhammed.

But all of this feels rather "old skool" - even the church felt very strongly when life of brian came out - so we can expect them to go through all of the same stages that we went through, although it is worrying for "them" (not all muslims, just a minority) to seem to turn to violence and destruction in response to such "cultural threats".

Have to remember though, we did have a certain amount of violence and destruction in our own pasts concerning desecration of christian idols etc. I expect you could still get yourself into a lot of trouble by going to remote parts of the U.S. and doing satanic ceremonies etc etc by the local militant "christian" groups.

So there doesn't seem to be so much difference between the crazies amongst the muslims and the crazies amongst the christians... except that we don't see many of our own crazy kind over here any more (am talking, coming from england, where things are a bit more subdued).
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12 Aug 2006
VIRII said:
It won't take much, a recession, rising unemployment, a hot summer and another tube bombing should do it.

Then you have admirably high hopes for the British public as a whole.

Besides, a recession would be many years off, the gaps in employment are filled by outsourcing and foreign labour and a hot British summer only leads to tribal tattoos (circa 1999) seeing the light of day for the first time since last year in Tenerife with the boys, hardly industrial action.
24 Jul 2003
crystaline said:
Then you have admirably high hopes for the British public as a whole.

Besides, a recession would be many years off, the gaps in employment are filled by outsourcing and foreign labour and a hot British summer only leads to tribal tattoos (circa 1999) seeing the light of day for the first time since last year in Tenerife with the boys, hardly industrial action.

Perhaps I am just an optimist then :) However in my experience here in the SE of the UK the levels of resentment are rising and hardening.
A recession looks likely too. As do more attacks on the UK. Only time will tell who is right.
28 Jul 2005
ElRazur said:
If spie will allow it, i see myself buying a quran and setting it alight, posting it here and on you-tube just for the sake of making a point. One thing though will i be swiftly arrested?

Milosovich tried religious hatred and failed. You are welcome to start your own religious hatred too but where will it get you in the end. You will just be bitter and twisted inside after a while, as you are trying to isolate a section of community from the rest of the world, be it Christian or whatever. Race/religion is one thing, protectionism is another :)

Also for reference, I vote BNP for one reason only. And if I am not mistaken, you are black? ;) 99% of my peers think the same for reference so don't take it personally :)
Man of Honour
14 Nov 2003
starscream said:
Don't worry, terrorism is going to be a thing of the past as soon as Blink monitors are installed in public transport :)
Anyone still not believe in the global conspiracy to control every aspect of your llife? :eek:

Don't let the ******** win!
28 Jul 2005
Spie said:
I thought I left a few for amusement value. May as well suspend them too if they refuse to play ball :D

Hmmm.. I'm sure this a joke but I get the impression that you are are serious in driving liberals off the board to create a Rumsfeld style vanguard. The reason I get this impression is because I have noticed a lot of your posts mention things like 'doing my bit' etc. Of course you pay the bill, but you are also a poster and I don't think it is fair on a lot of posters as it is not in the FAQ, and this is a family forum after all? Don't take it personally, it is not a personal attack, I am just debating with you. Speaking from experience, I find by interacting with people unlike myself e.g. Chinese, I learn a lot about their culture and respect for that culture, as I do my English culture :confused:
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3 Mar 2003
London ;()!

Well at least they're enjoying themselves :)
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