The muslims are at it again

28 Jul 2005
ElRazur said:
Seriously you are breaking my heart. In my last attempt to play with you here - I think you are a black man and even so more blacker than me. If you dont agree i dare you to post an image of yourself with a loaf of bread on your head and a note in your hand saying "Look el am not black".....Only then will i take you serious. :)

Haha. Finally, you have revealed yourself and your contempt for the indigenous people, you have no interest in our culture or our heritage. Freeloading springs to mind, now you are trying to create religious hatred, as if there wasn't enough in Nigeria with people hacking limbs off and slaughtering whole towns like cattle. I think I am seeing a pattern here, tell me I am wrong ;) Anyway, you see my point, we fought for these lands, they are ours :mad:
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15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Skyfire said:
Haha. Finally, you have revealed yourself and your contempt for the indeigenous people, you have no interest in our culture or our heritage. Freeloading springs to mind, now you are trying to create religious hatred, as if there wasn't enough in Nigeria with people hacking limbs off and slaughtering whole towns like cattle. I think I am seeing a pattern here, tell me I am wrong ;) Anyway, you see my point, we fought for these lands, they are ours :mad:

One last word - AllahuAkbar. :p
28 Jul 2005
ElRazur said:
One last word - AllahuAkbar. :p

Final words: This is not directed at you personally but intelligence is lacking in some people, Allah Akhbar ;)

/please return any 'lost' property before you go - mobile phones, laptops, bank account details etc. ;)
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4 May 2004
NE England
24 Jul 2003
Van_Dammesque said:
An interesting read about islam and PC.

oh and to balance this out here is a great article in the guardian (actually more like PC bile at its very best!):,,2013207,00.html

Hehe have you read the comments attached to that article? Seems even Guardian readers think this french journalist should sling his hook.
For enshrined in the principle of multiculturalism is the idea that the white community does not insist on the assimilation of ethnic minorities but recognises the importance of pluralism
Multiculturalism relies on the white population not expecting minorities to fit in <--- a paraphrase but it is Oh so true. It does rely on that. But why the hell shouldn't I expect people who move here to fit in?
4 May 2004
NE England
VIRII said:
Hehe have you read the comments attached to that article? Seems even Guardian readers think this french journalist should sling his hook.
Hahaha. :D
Firefox and no script prevented me from seeing the comments, the first one sums it up tbh:
Is this a new article, or has he just been cutting and pasting from the thousand or so previous Guardian articles on the same subject?
He should visit these forums and hear what the guardians readers say here! :p

VIRII said:
Multiculturalism relies on the white population not expecting minorities to fit in <--- a paraphrase but it is Oh so true. It does rely on that. But why the hell shouldn't I expect people who move here to fit in?

Exactly, otherwise we would have (are having) effectively other countries being setup in our cities, some people might call it a legalized invasion.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Skyfire said:
/please return any 'lost' property before you go - mobile phones, laptops, bank account details etc. ;)

Where will El Razur go because as far as I know he was born he's British.
I on the other hand am Nigerian and was born in Port Harcourt back in 58.
Nick Griffin knows my background and even asked me to run as a councillor but to be honest I couldn't be arsed.
All I want is enough BNP votes to put a rocket up the Governments bum.
3 Mar 2003
London ;()!
dmpoole said:
Where will El Razur go because as far as I know he was born he's British.
I on the other hand am Nigerian and was born in Port Harcourt back in 58.
Nick Griffin knows my background and even asked me to run as a councillor but to be honest I couldn't be arsed.
All I want is enough BNP votes to put a rocket up the Governments bum.

You too, would be SENT BACK :mad:
28 Jul 2005
Chronos-X said:
You too, would be SENT BACK :mad:

Correct, people would never accept you because you are different, least of all me. You are very foolish to think otherwise :cool: This is not a personal attack btw, it is reality (fact).
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Skyfire said:
DMPoole said he was Nigerian, pretty obvious isn't it? We live in the UK, Nigeria is x miles away. We are not the world's dumping ground for immigrants :mad:

You are very funny Skyfire.

My mum and dad are from pure Irish stock and moved out to Nigeria round 1957.
I was born in 1958 therefore I could play football for Nigeria.
I had a good life out there and even had my own servant called Clifford and my sister had a servant called Doreen.
Around 69 we kicked out of Nigeria and we came back to a house that my mum and dad already owned in Stoke.
A couple of years later we were kicked out of our house by Pakistanis and moved to a place called Blurton where I'm about 400 yards from OCUK.
So I've been in this country for about 39 years which is probably 3 times longer than you by the style of your posts.
I suppose I am different and thats why if I did take on the job of BNP Councillor I would make sure I didn't have people like you as a member.
4 Aug 2003
Your are of "pure Irish stock" from Nigeria and Nick Griffin wanted you to stand for the British Nazi Party :confused:

Incidentally, these "Pakistanis" who you say kicked you out of your house in the early '70s, from what stock did they come? Where were they born? How did they come to "kick you out of your house"? Did you seek legal redress?
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Shackley said:
Your are of "pure Irish stock" from Nigeria and Nick Griffin wanted you to stand for the British Nazi Party :confused:

Incidentally, these "Pakistanis" who you say kicked you out of your house in the early '70s, from what stock did they come? Where were they born? How did they come to "kick you out of your house"? Did you seek legal redress?

I'm not even going to respond to the first question. Either you misread or you think that White Irish people who were born in Nigeria can't be in the BNP.

How the hell would I know what stock they came from?
I was about 9 and I lived in a place called Hancock Street in Stoke.
All my best friends were Pakistanis but their parents wanted our house for other Pakistanis.
My Dad ended up selling the house for £800 and we ended up moving to a massive detached bungalow which cost a staggering £2500 and he had to hold down three jobs to pay for it.
4 Aug 2003
dmpoole said:
I'm not even going to respond to the first question. Either you misread or you think that White Irish people who were born in Nigeria can't be in the BNP
I am somewhat surprised that Irish people (of any colour) who were born in Nigeria would be favourite candidate material for the (British) BNP - but there you go.

dmpoole said:
How the hell would I know what stock they came from?
It seemed reasonable to ask, since they might have been born in the UK (and therefore be British) or be of pure white English stock who were born in Pakistan, mightn't they?

dmpoole said:
All my best friends were Pakistanis but their parents wanted our house for other Pakistanis.
My Dad ended up selling the house for £800 and we ended up moving to a massive detached bungalow which cost a staggering £2500 and he had to hold down three jobs to pay for it.
You weren't exactly "kicked out of your house" then, were you? Your father sold it, apparently to the parents of your best friends.
Man of Honour
29 Mar 2003
Stoke on Trent
Shackley said:
You weren't exactly "kicked out of your house" then, were you? Your father sold it, apparently to the parents of your best friends.

We were forced out by Pakistanis. My mum and dad complained over about two years and nothing was done. Eventually my parents gave up and sold it.
You have absolutely no idea what goes on.
I have friends who live in a place called Normacot and weekly they get notes through their door to move on from Pakistanis.
3 Mar 2003
London ;()!
dmpoole said:
We were forced out by Pakistanis. My mum and dad complained over about two years and nothing was done. Eventually my parents gave up and sold it.
You have absolutely no idea what goes on.
I have friends who live in a place called Normacot and weekly they get notes through their door to move on from Pakistanis.

Post these notes, with a loaf of Granary for authenticity.
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