The muslims are at it again



8 Feb 2007
sunama said:
Personally, I dont think you would get arrested, but you will probably be found dead within a few days of you posting it up on youtube. There are some extremists who would kill for their beliefs.


Excellent, bring it on, now to find a quaran.

You think they would come up to Dundee to get me?
15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
sunama said:
Personally, I dont think you would get arrested, but you will probably be found dead within a few days of you posting it up on youtube. There are some extremists who would kill for their beliefs..

Even if it happens, what does it says about Islam? Funny how what one is trying to rasie awareness to is exactly what they might do.....Man i love Islam.

I dont think all muslims are like that but there is a pattern here that dosent seem to be addressed by influential muslims and other things etc.



18 Sep 2003
VIRII said:
Wait a sec.... burn a book = asking to be murdered = common sense.......
What country do you live in?

You should try reading and understanding his post before you start with the foaming.

For some reason, whenever I now see your posts I imagine you to be like Father Hacket from Father Ted..




18 Sep 2003
ElRazur said:
Even if it happens, what does it says about Islam? Funny how what one is trying to rasie awareness to is exactly what they might do.....Man i love Islam.

I dont think all muslims are like that but there is a pattern here that dosent seem to be addressed by influential muslims and other things etc.

First sentence is rubbish.

Second I agree with.
15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Vita said:
If a person burnt the Qur'an. I'd love to see what would happen to them next.

Please note, that wasn't a threat of any kind.

Bro, there are more than way to skin a cat.....more than one way to make it dead. If i have to do it, nothing will happen to me or whoever takes part. Ever read the book "Art of war"? What am saying is Islam is weaker than it looks if only people know that. :)
1 Dec 2003
going back to post one
the media should not even have published that picture, it just serves their cause. thats what they want, pictures in the media, people getting upset over it. we should just ignore these fanatic morons and they will soon quieten down
30 Nov 2005
VIRII said:
Wait a sec.... burn a book = asking to be murdered = common sense.......

I tought what Sunama said was pretty much common sense tbh.

sunama said:
Personally, I dont think you would get arrested, but you will probably be found dead within a few days of you posting it up on youtube. There are some extremists who would kill for their beliefs.

Unfortunatly there are fanatics who will try to kill somone burning the Koran. But thats not all Muslims. Most would probably find it deeply offensive, but won't go as far as trying to kill him.

sunama said:
As a Muslim I find it quite amusing that the people who think this Muslim stuff is getting out of hand actually even bother to start threads about what a few old men in beards are doing. You will always get extremists in every group.The difference now is that every little thing a Muslim extremist says or does is written about as if Muslims of the entire world think in the same way - 10yrs ago, no one wouldve even given these men in beards the time of day - if they were found burning a valentines card, people would walk past and not get involved; these days of course, you have a news van waiting to take pics and carry out interviews. On top of which you have non Muslims who actually start entire threads about the burning of a valentines card to encourage the Muslim extremists to do more outlandish things.

Makes sense, there are extremist in every religous groups.

Instead of ignoring them and maybe thinking "Get a life" we have reports in the media about it and members on here saying I'm gonna burn a Koran. All because they burnt valentines day cards.

sunama said:
All Im saying is take it easy and dont believe that all Muslims are extremists and partake in the burning of valentines day cards.

This is probably the most common sense statment in this whole thread. The silent majority of all people regardless of religous beliefs just want to have a quiet peaceful life. However people seem to be ignoring that fact, Valentines day was a runaway success in a lot of Muslim countries. Guess that isn't as newsworthy as a couple of saddos burning the cards.

VIRII said:
What country do you live in?

England, the same as you.
17 Mar 2006
Vita said:
If a person burnt the Qur'an. I'd love to see what would happen to them next.

Please note, that wasn't a threat of any kind.

No but you're condoning it, which is just as bad. :mad: All the same, religious nuts. I guess you can't help it. I pity you.
24 Jul 2003
Raz said:
You should try reading and understanding his post before you start with the foaming.

For some reason, whenever I now see your posts I imagine you to be like Father Hacket from Father Ted..


Stop with the babyish insults please.
Now try reading what he actually posted.
He posted that if El burnt a Koran he would not be arrested (not breaking a law) but would be found dead shortly after (murdered).

Why should people in this country live in fear of muslims? Why should we face death for insulting them or their beliefs? Clearly Islam has no place here.
24 Jul 2003
Vita said:
If a person burnt the Qur'an. I'd love to see what would happen to them next.

Please note, that wasn't a threat of any kind.
Why? Is it a crime to burn a koran? What "will" happen to them next? What "should" happen to them next? Why would you "love to see" it?

Would you seriously condone or expect or excuse violence against someone who burnt a koran?
24 Jul 2003
wordy said:
I tought what Sunama said was pretty much common sense tbh.
His post, like that of Vita afterwards, has undercurrents of violence and threats in it towards anyone who dares to insult Islam.
That is not acceptable in this country.



18 Sep 2003
VIRII said:
Stop with the babyish insults please.
Now try reading what he actually posted.
He posted that if El burnt a Koran he would not be arrested (not breaking a law) but would be found dead shortly after (murdered).

Why should people in this country live in fear of muslims? Why should we face death for insulting them or their beliefs? Clearly Islam has no place here.

I apologise if you felt insulted, it was only meant to lighten the atmosphere.

It wasn't a threat, but how things are - it doesn't necessary mean that we agree with it, and we know that we should do a lot more to stamp out that kind of extemist behaviour.

Take the journalist who was killed in Turkey recently. It's not an Islamic attitude, but a human one. Muslims are still people, and can do the wrong thing just like everyone else.
Last edited:
30 Nov 2005
VIRII said:
Stop with the babyish insults please.
Now try reading what he actually posted.
He posted that if El burnt a Koran he would not be arrested (not breaking a law) but would be found dead shortly after (murdered).

El probably would be in physical danger if he burnt a Korean and his Identity was discovered. There are people who extreme views would lead them to try and harm him.

You seem to be implying or be of the impression that would condone such behavior when I certainly would not. Who in their right mind would want somone to be killed for burning a book

VIRII said:
Why should people in this country live in fear of muslims? Why should we face death for insulting them or their beliefs? Clearly Islam has no place here.

They shouldn't live in fear of muslims. Again you seem to be trying to put words into my mouth.

The valentines day card burning happened in India, even over there the card burners are a minority, most muslims in India/pakistan/the far east seemed to be enjoying themselves, if the photos in the OP were to be believed
26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
VIRII said:
Why? Is it a crime to burn a koran? What "will" happen to them next? What "should" happen to them next? Why would you "love to see" it?

Would you seriously condone or expect or excuse violence against someone who burnt a koran?

No it's not a crime. a lot of things could happen to them next, you can't underestimate the power of God (if you belive in God). I would just love to see it.

I'd be very angry if I did see someone burn the Qu'ran* As it's a very prescious thing to me.

Say if someone burnt your house down infront of your eyes? What would you do. You may say yes, but that's a book and this is a house. But either way, your house could matter as much as the Qur'an matters to a Muslim.
30 Nov 2005
VIRII said:
His post, like that of Vita afterwards, has undercurrents of violence and threats in it towards anyone who dares to insult Islam.
That is not acceptable in this country.

Looks like we both read it different ways then. To me Sunamas post didn't have any threatening undercurrents, he simply stated a fact. While Vitas post did seem more provocative
24 Jul 2003
Raz said:
I apologise if you felt insulted, it was only meant to lighten the atmosphere.

It wasn't a threat, but how things are - it doesn't necessary mean that we agree with it, and we know that we should do a lot more to stamp out that kind of extemist behaviour.

Take the journalist who was killed in Turkey recently. It's not an Islamic attitude, but a human one. Muslims are still people, and can do the wrong thing just like everyone else.

It is a threat, a threat to the freedoms we enjoy in this country.
Originally Posted by Vita
If a person burnt the Qur'an. I'd love to see what would happen to them next.

That is as good as a threat too.

Fit in or **** off.
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