The muslims are at it again

26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
Where is Violence stated in my Post, please un-blind me so I can see it for myself.

Did you see me type "If someone burnt the Qur'an I would execute him/her with a samarui sword."

Too me you seem a bunch of Media Loved Hypocrites.

EDIT: That wasn't a threat.

EDIT2: Thing that worries me is, you said "fit in or bleep off." Are you just personally annoyed that a lot of Immigrants are comming it, living off the councils, using tax payer's money. And taking some of the EnglishMan's jobs? Is that all down to relegion? I mean, a lot of Hindu's, Sikh's come, don't see anyone criticising them.

Or isit because Muslims are now known as the Biggest Threat in the world, well seems to me like we pose a BIG threat. Even on an Internet forum.

The same could be said to the Us/Uk troops in Iraq/Afghanistan. People over there could say "Fit in or Bleep off".
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17 Mar 2006
wordy said:
Looks like we both read it different ways then. To me Sunamas post didn't have any threatening undercurrents, he simply stated a fact. While Vitas post did seem more provocative

In other words, some muslims would just stand around and do nothing and watch.

Which is just as bad as letting the KKK hang a black man and just stand around the tree.

You don't disagree enough with there actions to stop it, because your religion has teached you that way. You might get moderate muslims but still not sensible enough to stop there fellow muslims to protect the person who's going to be killed.
24 Jul 2003
wordy said:
El probably would be in physical danger if he burnt a Korean and his Identity was discovered. There are people who extreme views would lead them to try and harm him.

You seem to be implying or be of the impression that would condone such behavior when I certainly would not. Who in their right mind would want somone to be killed for burning a book

They shouldn't live in fear of muslims. Again you seem to be trying to put words into my mouth.

The valentines day card burning happened in India, even over there the card burners are a minority, most muslims in India/pakistan/the far east seemed to be enjoying themselves, if the photos in the OP were to be believed

So on the one hand you think El would be in danger and on the other he should not be......

Originally Posted by Vita
If a person burnt the Qur'an. I'd love to see what would happen to them next.

Whilst you may not condone violence to someone for burning a book it seems others will and do.

I'm not sure that the post you are replying to was actually adresed to you was it? In which case it can't be putting words in your mouth...
24 Jul 2003
Vita said:
No it's not a crime. a lot of things could happen to them next, you can't underestimate the power of God (if you belive in God). I would just love to see it.

I'd be very angry if I did see someone burn the Qu'ran* As it's a very prescious thing to me.

Say if someone burnt your house down infront of your eyes? What would you do. You may say yes, but that's a book and this is a house. But either way, your house could matter as much as the Qur'an matters to a Muslim.

Then muslims need to get some perspective. I live in my house. I don't and can't live in a book. Burning a book is simply a waste of paper. It doesn't harm you, it doesn't affect you, it doesn't mean you have nowhere to live.
24 Jul 2003
wordy said:
Looks like we both read it different ways then. To me Sunamas post didn't have any threatening undercurrents, he simply stated a fact. While Vitas post did seem more provocative

It is always difficult to to 100% sure you have the correct meaning when reading a forum post as much communication is body language.
Either of us could be right.
24 Jul 2003
Vita said:
Where is Violence stated in my Post, please un-blind me so I can see it for myself.

Did you see me type "If someone burnt the Qur'an I would execute him/her with a samarui sword."

Too me you seem a bunch of Media Loved Hypocrites.

EDIT: That wasn't a threat.

EDIT2: Thing that worries me is, you said "fit in or bleep off." Are you just personally annoyed that a lot of Immigrants are comming it, living off the councils, using tax payer's money. And taking some of the EnglishMan's jobs? Is that all down to relegion? I mean, a lot of Hindu's, Sikh's come, don't see anyone criticising them.

Or isit because Muslims are now known as the Biggest Threat in the world, well seems to me like we pose a BIG threat. Even on an Internet forum.

The same could be said to the Us/Uk troops in Iraq/Afghanistan. People over there could say "Fit in or Bleep off".

It is because of your attitude. "If someone burnt a koran I'd love to see what would happen to them next."
What exactly did you mean by this? Would you get pleasure from seeing something bad happen to them? Such statements are usually intended to imply that such an action would result in bad consequences for the person.

I'll burn as many korans as I like in my country without breaking any laws of my country. If you can't fit in with the laws of this country and if your beliefs are incompatible with the laws of this country then leave.
26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
VIRII said:
Then muslims need to get some perspective. I live in my house. I don't and can't live in a book. Burning a book is simply a waste of paper. It doesn't harm you, it doesn't affect you, it doesn't mean you have nowhere to live.

Yet you can't live in a book, but like I stated, your house does matter to you. That's the same way the Qur'an matters to a Muslim. The Qur'an is not just a book mind you, it's a way of life.

It explains to Muslims, what has happend and what will happen in the future life. You'd be suprised, if you botherd reading an english translated version. And not the fake versions you find.



18 Sep 2003
VIRII said:
Then muslims need to get some perspective. I live in my house. I don't and can't live in a book. Burning a book is simply a waste of paper. It doesn't harm you, it doesn't affect you, it doesn't mean you have nowhere to live.

Naturally that applies to Christians, Jews and others too.
26 Mar 2006
United Kingdom
VIRII said:
It is because of your attitude. "If someone burnt a koran I'd love to see what would happen to them next."
What exactly did you mean by this? Would you get pleasure from seeing something bad happen to them? Such statements are usually intended to imply that such an action would result in bad consequences for the person.

I'll burn as many korans as I like in my country without breaking any laws of my country. If you can't fit in with the laws of this country and if your beliefs are incompatible with the laws of this country then leave.

Because of my Attitude, Or because of the attitude of the Muslims "Extremists."

Like I said I wasn't emplying my words which I used, as a Threat. What I meant was, how would people look at them, treat them after they'd done such a thing. No I wouldn't get pleasure from from seeing any harm to that person.

Yes you burn as many Qur'ans* as you like. So far from reading what you wrote, you're just a loved up racist.

Go to another country, live their for a bit. See how they treat you. If you don't like it then leave. However, I'm british born, so I've got as much right as living here then any of you others.
24 Jul 2003
Vita said:
Yet you can't live in a book, but like I stated, your house does matter to you. That's the same way the Qur'an matters to a Muslim. The Qur'an is not just a book mind you, it's a way of life.

It explains to Muslims, what has happend and what will happen in the future life. You'd be suprised, if you botherd reading an english translated version. And not the fake versions you find.

I have one house. It is MY house. The book is not YOUR book. Chirst if a book is actually more important to you than your house then you really are weird.
The koran doesn't explain anything - you merely THINK it explains things. It is no more important than the lord of the rings trilogy and no less fantastical.
If I choose to believe that Gandalf was real and the prophet of God would you understand my anger if you burnt a copy or dared to insult Gollum?

This country does not revolve around your beliefs or sensibilities and nor should it, it is becoming more apparent on a daily basis that Islam is not compatible with the UK and our way of life to a level where your angry little riots over cartoons are affecting the rest of us. So if you can't learn to fit in then leave.
24 Jul 2003
Raz said:
Naturally that applies to Christians, Jews and others too.
Burn a bible. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU? Will there be riots? Will there be murders? Angry foaming lunatics on the streets? NO.

Burn a Koran - spot the difference.
17 Mar 2006
Vita said:
Yet you can't live in a book, but like I stated, your house does matter to you. That's the same way the Qur'an matters to a Muslim. The Qur'an is not just a book mind you, it's a way of life.

What do you cherish most?

1) Your friends
2) Your family
3) Your book

If your house was on fire, and all of the above were trapped inside, in what order would you race inside and save?



18 Sep 2003
VIRII said:
Burn a bible. WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO YOU? Will there be riots? Will there be murders? Angry foaming lunatics on the streets? NO.

Burn a Koran - spot the difference.

That's not what I asked.
24 Jul 2003
Vita said:
Because of my Attitude, Or because of the attitude of the Muslims "Extremists."

Like I said I wasn't emplying my words which I used, as a Threat. What I meant was, how would people look at them, treat them after they'd done such a thing. No I wouldn't get pleasure from from seeing any harm to that person.

Yes you burn as many Qur'ans* as you like. So far from reading what you wrote, you're just a loved up racist.

Go to another country, live their for a bit. See how they treat you. If you don't like it then leave. However, I'm british born, so I've got as much right as living here then any of you others.

If you would not get any pleasure from something bad happening to a koran burner then what exactly does "I would love to see what happened to someone who burnt a koran" mean? Hmmmmm...

Being british born doesn't give you some "right" to do as you please here. Nor do I believe that your accident of birth is what gives you the right in the first place. Hundreds of years of ancestory and family investment into making this a decent place to live do though. Something you haven't got.

Your attitudes of "death to koran burners" and "it is my country" will lead to a civil war here. If it is not already taking us there.



18 Sep 2003
squiffy said:
What do you cherish most?

1) Your friends
2) Your family
3) Your book

If your house was on fire, and all of the above were trapped inside, in what order would you race inside and save?

that's a pointless post, seeing how a saving a life is more important. Either you don't understand or refuse to understand. I guess it's all that anti-religion brainwashing you've had.
24 Jul 2003
Raz said:
that's a pointless post, seeing how a saving a life is more important. Either you don't understand or refuse to understand. I guess it's all that anti-religion brainwashing you've had.
Why don't you actually answer the question, not that it was aimed at you to begin with....



18 Sep 2003
VIRII said:
It still wouldn't be a well formed question even if it had a question mark.

sorry, I'll pack up and leave now that you've highlighted my inability to compose proper English sentences.

But ok, regarding your post about Muslims should realise it's 'just a book' I assume you'd say the same about other faiths and their Holy Books?
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