The muslims are at it again

2 Nov 2004
starscream said:
I'll bite ;)

That photo is taken in Pakistan. The people burning the cards are doing so to protest as what they see as a foreign culture being imposed upon them.

Isn't that the problem a lot of people here have, with percieved cultures being imposed on the UK?

1) I don't think Valentine's cards are in any way forced upon the people of Pakistan. I think they choose to adopt them

2) Te complaints over here are not based on aspects of foreign culture being imported, you'll find we have a long history of adopting foreign culture (tea, spices etc. etc.) but we do not like exclusionary, non-integrating and aggressive diasporas jostling for political power and ways of attacking our existing culture
14 Apr 2004
AcidHell2 said:
No I think his reason, is more of a protest against Muslims, not just the extremists, but ever Islam that protests and asks for be-headings, war on the uk, imprisonment of people who speak out about islam, want shia law ect ect ect ect.

Not just the valentines cards. Valentines card just shows there mind set of a much larger problems.
So you want to insult every muslim? Everyone knows it were a few cracked up dudes :rolleyes:

You're generalising all muslims are the same?

15 Mar 2005
I am everywhere...
Redrum said:
True, Islam is a religion not a race, but Muslims think of themselves as one race and anything anti-Islam is often described as racist. .

Regardless of what they see themselves as the fact remains that they still aint no race at all. (not a pop at you or anything like that :) ) We have bow to them for many things but i refuse to change my definition of the word Racist so as to fit their needs and agenda.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
dark_shadow said:
Everyone knows it were a few cracked up dudes :rolleyes:

No it's not, there's thousands of Muslims who go on protests in London. It might still be a minority but its not just the handful of extremists Muslims like to suggest it is.
14 Apr 2004
AcidHell2 said:
No it's not, there's thousands of Muslims who go on protests in London. It might still be a minority but its not just the handful of extremists Muslims like to suggest it is.
Huh? It was just the one small march with handful of people. I'm sure if they felt, they'd express it amongst others.

The one soon after was much larger and that was completely different. I think you're getting confused.
24 Jul 2003
starscream said:
I'll bite ;)

That photo is taken in Pakistan. The people burning the cards are doing so to protest as what they see as a foreign culture being imposed upon them.

Isn't that the problem a lot of people here have, with percieved cultures being imposed on the UK?

Who is imposing that culture on them? What laws are in place to ensure that culture can be established there? Is there a crime there of not sending a valentines card?
Curry was not imposed on the UK. Valentines cards are not imposed on pakistan.
PC and "multiculturalism" is most certainly IMPOSED on people here.
Man of Honour
11 Mar 2004
dark_shadow said:
Huh? It was just the one small march with handful of people. I'm sure if they felt, they'd express it amongst others.

The one soon after was much larger and that was completely different. I think you're getting confused.

I'm talking in general not just the valentines cards. as I said it's still a minority but it's certainly more than a handful.
3 Aug 2005
Many young, urban Pakistanis ignored threats from religious conservatives and celebrated St Valentine's Day on Wednesday with gifts of red roses, heart-shaped cakes and chocolates.


'What is Valentine's Day except expressing one's love for someone. What is un-Islamic about it?' asked Huma, a woman student queuing up at a courier firm in the city of Karachi to place a Valentine's order.


Gift-shop owner Mohammad Hafeez said Valentine's cards had been flying off his shelves, thanks in part to the media which he said had been promoting the day much more.


In recent years, Pakistani newspapers have put out Valentine's Day issues full of advertisements aimed at young, well-heeled, urban consumers.

But in the central city of Multan the youth wing of the powerful Jamaat-e-Islami religious party sent out stick-wielding volunteers looking to catch any unmarried couples celebrating the day in parks, hotels and guest houses.

'The government is doing nothing to stop these un-Islamic practices but if we catch anyone we will not spare them,' said Babar Man, leader of the youth group.

Maulana Amir Hamza, a senior member of the Jamaat ud Daawa, an Islamist aid group linked to the banned Lashkar-e-Taiba militant organisation, said Valentine's Day was an attempt to corrupt Muslim youth.

Just a few minority groups of religious extremists who are proud of their culture and don't want to see foriegn cultures imposed on their nation's youth.

Oh the hypocrisy...
18 Oct 2002
Cambridge, UK
Honestly the Nazi's burned books, if you want to be ultra right wing and alienate everybody then burn away, I'm not religious but I can accept that some people are and that there beliefs are important to them!

I think at little perspective is in order, they burnt a few Valentines cards, Valentines day is one of the most contrived and commercial days of the year. If you think it's then propertional to burn their religious teachers in some kind of child like tit-for-tat approach :rolleyes:

14 Apr 2004
AcidHell2 said:
I'm talking in general not just the valentines cards. as I said it's still a minority but it's certainly more than a handful.
So was I. I'm personally yet to come across a muslim who wants such actions. I must be living in a strange place of Sheffield I guess?
2 Nov 2004
24 Jul 2003
dark_shadow said:
Stop being so foolish Virii.

I'm sure you have something you value. Wife? Daughter? Son?

Now stop being ignorant for a second and consider this; Muslims who value something as much as you have that status for whatever. Now just consider this, they value the prophet above all. Without jumping on the "stupid religions" bandwagon. Consider this scenario for a second.

Those who do so, full well know they're insulting something that has an elevated status in their belief.

You all know, I dont even need to explain it.
Oh so it is OK for you to have a belief in something and to elevate it.
However if I value the british and western way of life which includes the freedom of speech to criticise islam and to mock it and burn the koran then in your eyes it is LESS important than your beliefs?

Burning the union flag is an insult to my beliefs.
Building mosques in the UK is an insult to my beliefs.
Demanding muslim uniforms is an insult to my beliefs.
Blowing up tube trains is an insult to my beliefs.
Demanding beheadings is an insult to my beliefs.
If you and people like you can't take some criticism and attacks on your beliefs then you do NOT DESERVE to live here in this country. This country was not founded to protect your beliefs.
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