Most of what you say rings true with me too.
So my eldest is 9 after she was born the intimacy stopped. She had no interest in sex, where as I’m quite a high libido guy. We decided to have another child a few years later and then for the last 6 years it was almost just a yearly birthday treat. Not because she wanted it but she complied because I did. When it did happen there was no foreplay either, just down to business, no effort on her end and sleep after. I asked her numerous times if it was me or what the actual issue was as I wanted them resolved but her response was that she had no interest in it and could happily live without it.
Even to the point that having a kiss was a yearly occurrence.
I’m not the type to stray and I enjoyed the family aspect, I’d spend as much time with my children as I could. We did do day trips together and holidays as we did like travelling but it was like we were 2 mates with children.
looking back we should have called it quits a loony time ago but with a house, marriage and children it was just easier to carry on as we were. Despite neither of us being happy on the inside.
no one really knows what’s going on behind closed doors, from the exterior i can imagine it pretty much looked like we were a normally happy couple.
the time alone albeit nice not having to answer to anyone I long for what I was missing!
I’ve moved not far away as it’s easy for pickup and drop off and I get to see the children a lot which was my biggest fear. we’ve agreed everything as far as who is responsible for what monetary wise and children wise and we created a separation agreement which we were both happy with.
she is currently in the process of sorting out finances to buy my percentage of the property (I’ve lowballed what I want percentage wise but I’m happy with it and it will make the whole process easier for her and therefore quicker)
were opting for a 2 year no fault divorce as it’s exactly that and no fault although I think there is something coming this year meaning we wouldn’t have to wait 2 years.
At the end of the day we still speak, we both have to be there for the children and it’s in their best interest if things stay civil between us.
sorry for the waffle. I moved from my home town to be with her leaving my family / friends behind. All new friends I have are couples that we both know so I don’t feel like I can talk to them! Sometimes you just need to get things off your chest.