Managed to get some work done on the config tonight. Initial impressions are good. I booted it up with the Smarty SIM and even on the floor in the room here it picked up a decent strength LTE signal. I must admit I had to leave the room as I felt weird like tingles and headache. Since powering it down, I feel OK. So it is either very strong or it is all in my head. Initial connectivity was easy. Plugged in the POE, attached the cable, inserted the SIM card and turned it on. Pressed the WiFi button and connected to the Router via my PC.
Home screen is the same as NR5101 - each tile can be drilled in for furhter info (quite detailed). The cellular information even seems to give a longatude and lattitude now for the cell tower.
Performed a Firmware Upgrade and Modem Firmware Upgrade straight away.
And then had a look at the Cellular settings. More options than the NR5101 here, some I don't know what they do. Particularly like the disabling of UMTS as the NR5101 will occasionally drop to this for me, and I have to keep changing it back. Nice to see it can be disabled in the NR7101 altogether.
I also like the look of the LTE and 5G lock. It looks like you can perform a scan and lock to a specific tower. Shame 5G one appears to only work when in SA mode, but still, the ability to lock the LTE signal is very cool and useful for me. So not only do you have control over all the bands, you can control the tower connectivity.
What I also like about the Zyxel is the User Guide. It is a full 245 page guide which explains everything. When reading some manufacturers documentation - like the D-Link DWR-978, the Zyxel puts them to shame. I had scrolling fatigue. So I'll definitely be having a good read through once it is setup properly.
Next job, get it on the mast at the weekend hopefully (weather pending) and report back with stats and maybes some more GUI screenshots.
Home screen is the same as NR5101 - each tile can be drilled in for furhter info (quite detailed). The cellular information even seems to give a longatude and lattitude now for the cell tower.
Performed a Firmware Upgrade and Modem Firmware Upgrade straight away.
And then had a look at the Cellular settings. More options than the NR5101 here, some I don't know what they do. Particularly like the disabling of UMTS as the NR5101 will occasionally drop to this for me, and I have to keep changing it back. Nice to see it can be disabled in the NR7101 altogether.
I also like the look of the LTE and 5G lock. It looks like you can perform a scan and lock to a specific tower. Shame 5G one appears to only work when in SA mode, but still, the ability to lock the LTE signal is very cool and useful for me. So not only do you have control over all the bands, you can control the tower connectivity.
What I also like about the Zyxel is the User Guide. It is a full 245 page guide which explains everything. When reading some manufacturers documentation - like the D-Link DWR-978, the Zyxel puts them to shame. I had scrolling fatigue. So I'll definitely be having a good read through once it is setup properly.
Next job, get it on the mast at the weekend hopefully (weather pending) and report back with stats and maybes some more GUI screenshots.