Don't suppose you could post a link to the guide you followed?
Have a look on and check the 'Wiki'.
Don't suppose you could post a link to the guide you followed?
Don't suppose you could post a link to the guide you followed?
You can replace the RAM upto 1gb very easily but it voids the warranty i.e. warrenty sticker is over the screws to the panel.
Internal SSD is apparently soldered to motherboard but you can jsut mount SD cards in the slot as a disk.
Im planning to get one in next week or so and my plan is to leavee the ram alone and use my creative zen 30gb as a USB disk as its always on me anyway.
a lot of people upgrade the storage in their mobile phone and then bluetooth it with a dongle to the eee ad this way you have more space on your phone and as its with you msot of the time you can access it on the eee.
Very interesting link there about the new 900 - 8.9 inch 1024*600 screen is a massive improvement, and a 12GB model for 400 euros. Hopefully that'll work out around £300 but that really depends on availability since the prices of current models are inflated due to how scarce they are.
The link says more info tomorrow...
Main thing about this 7" 4G is because its such a small laptop, and cheap..getting bigger and more expensive isnt the answer, imo.
It's not too much bigger, but the screen looks more usable. Don't you find the 7" screen a bit small?
Hmm, not really tbh, if i need to i set the resolution to 800x600 and its fine.
I didn't know that was possible!
Doesn't that make the font a bit small?
Can you set the res even higher than that?
I think 800*600 is interpolated since the 7" screen only has 480 vertical pixels.
I think 800*600 is interpolated since the 7" screen only has 480 vertical pixels.
The Eee 900 will be made available in Asia this month, and in Europe in April. Within the same timeframe, a Windows version of the Eee 701 will also be made available in Europe for the first time — it is already available in Asia.