***The Official Asus Eee PC Thread***

Quick EEE 701 question. I'm running win 2k and I have 2gb of RAM. How much Virtual Memory should I allocate? I have none alocated at the mo as I read that due to the 2gb of RAM there is no need to have any wasting precious space on the 4gb ssd as it would normally allocate 2gb of hd space for 2gb of ram. I also read that due to the finite number of write times its not good for the SSD to have VM constantly writing to it?


I'm really tempted to pick up a eee 1000 40gb linux in the weekend but i have a quick question.

I've heard that the drive in this is a lot slower then say the 20gb 901? is that true? If so is it very noticeable because if it is noticeably slower i think i'll just buy a 20gb 901 instead once i find a place with stock in again (in black i might add)
is the 901 20gb ssd split into 2 ssd drives? 8 gb + 16gb? thats what ive heard but i might be wrong

i do prefer the 901 myself, i think the 1000 is a bit too big, its heading too much into the laptop size for my liking
is the 901 20gb ssd split into 2 ssd drives? 8 gb + 16gb? thats what ive heard but i might be wrong

i do prefer the 901 myself, i think the 1000 is a bit too big, its heading too much into the laptop size for my liking

Yes but so is the 1000 40G its a 32GB SSD and a 8GB Flash drive and neither of them are particularly fast.
I got a 900 20G today as an upgrade to my 701 4G. I know its basically the same hardware but it was £200 and worth every penny.

Screen is much better
Although the 4/16 combo isnt ideal and the 16G is generally classed as to slow for the OS, its still faster than the 8GB SDHC card I had in the 701.
Keyboard is better than the 701

I havent tested the battery out yet and I did get stuffed with a 4400 battery again :( but have a 10400 battery from the 701...although its black and the 900 is white so looks a little like a zebra :)

Found a great program for installing via USB too: http://www.msfn.org/board/How-to-install-from-USB-WinSetupFromUSB-t120444.html

Works great with my 450MB after install nlite'd XP too.

On from this, I got over 4hrs with the 10400mAh battery on my 900. Thats streaming a movie over wifi with a constant 30% load. Not sure how much over 4hrs as I left it for 30mins @ 4hrs10mins and it was dead when I got back.

Testing the poxy 4400mAh now... wont be long before its flat...its been going almost 10mins now :) ........ Got 2hrs37 before the indicator got to 1% and I shut down. not to bad as it happens! Streaming a movie over wifi as before.
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I use zero VM on XP and never had a problem.

Get the usual error message on startup as you would expect and I have even got a few messages while running firefox and playing media on it. I have set it to 512mb now, doesn't seem any faster, although windows has stopped grumbling.

Get the usual error message on startup as you would expect and I have even got a few messages while running firefox and playing media on it. I have set it to 512mb now, doesn't seem any faster, although windows has stopped grumbling.


Strange. I've never had any error messages relating to VM, either from windows or FF or any program I have tried.
Would any of you say it's worth paying the extra money for the Core V2?

I would probobly want at least 60GB but the Core V2 is on the expensive/should I/ but it side lol.

The normal Core version looks good enough.
Theres always going to be something better around the corner. Splash out now :) I have the old Celeron one and even at 630Mhz find it more than fast enough around XP etc, I am amazed just how quick it is.
is anyone using one of these netboks as their main pc? how you finding it? i know someone who is trying to (general web access / downloading / office etc..), but i said i'll give him a week or so before he goes back to his main rig :p
I got my extended battery today, I have to say I'm quite impressed. Build quality is decent and it lasts a lot longer than the original.

Settings used:

50% brightness
100% volume (50% in VLC player), CX300 headphones plugged in.
Wi-Fi On
Camera Off

Looping a video

Standard 4400Mah battery - 2h 52m

10,400Mah - 6h 28m

I'll update later with some pics and the final time it lasted, it's a bit big but makes it nicer to type on and adds some ventilation. Weight wise it adds around 200g so the EeePC is still very portable.

Cost - £28 delivered




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This may have already been done but can anyone who has a 901 please post a size comparison shot with a DVD case?

I've seen the dimensions of the 901 but i'd prefer to use something for comparison instead e.g. DVD case

I've had a look on google but can't find anything like that

Thanks :)
Is the 12gb SSD faster than the 20gb one in the Linux one? There must be some reason for the size difference.

Can someone bench the C and D partitions on the 20gb linux 901?
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