The official canon 5d mk4 thread

Actually I don't want a top Touch screen. I like it how it is. I can do it all from feel rather than if it was touchscreen I'd have to look all the time. But to be fair I'm not a huge fan of TS even on the back. I find everything much quicker and positive the 'old fashioned' way.

Not getting bent out of shape about price, it will fall fast enough. It's not like many people on here would pre-order anyway and will wait on falling grey prices. Except Jonney I have seen one person pre-order.
Few things Steven, no I'm not trolling.

Perhaps this might help you understand what's going on. You are a police officer right?
Ok so you are seemingly defending Canon's use of outdated tech with the MK4.
Like a good defence lawyer who looks to discredit a witness. You have tried to discredit a photographers technique (Raymond). You did this by basically implying he was a spray and pray photographer.
Unfortunately for you and your 5D defence. Raymond's technique is sound and perfectly logical.
In fact I do pretty much the same as would any competent wedding photographer.
Wedding photography isn't just a game of skill, but also half chance. Deeper buffers increase the odds of capturing the perfect moment. It's really just that simple. The 4k solution you suggested has too many tradeoffs in terms of quality. Imo you should have known this before suggesting it. Apologies if you didn't.

If the camera is right for you. Great. But please don't covertly attack the people it isn't right for why'l pretending to be ignorant.

Tongue firmly in cheek.

Kelby loves it and mentions taking stills from 4k video and how awesome it is. Did I mention it's awesome, mega awesome upgrade.
An Exception, firstly I'm not defending anything that Canon does, but I can understand why they've take decisions about the specifications on this camera (see post #45).

The problem is most high end DSLRs are so good other than adding better and higher resolution sensors/focus points, they're hitting a bit of a ceiling.

Canon/Nikon/Sony or whatever aren't going to put all the same bells and whistles into their lower end cameras that they do in their top of the range. Canon don't want the 5DMKIV to kill sales of their 1 series and C series.

Who knows what consulation / design meetings occurred when they decided on the specs of the Mark 4, but whatever they were, they've released it in that form and that's it.

Nothing is going to change in the design for perhaps 4 years (other than possibly a higher spec version like the 5DR/S with more megapixels, possibly faster card slots and the ability to utilise the entire sensor for 4k video rather than cropping?) - perhaps that is what Canon intend to do?

Maybe their intention is to move professional photographers from the 5 series onto the 1 series by holding back specifications on the 5 series?

Perhaps they intend to kill off the 5 series and reposition the 6 series into the gap? - It's Canon, they've always played the cards close to their chest. Whatever the decision process was, they've set their stall. Will I buy one? No, that's because I still very happy with my Mark3. Its not worth the upgrade for me. However to some people with a Mark 1 or Mark 2, it will be very tempting.

Discredit Raymond? Not my intention - he has always produced consistently excellent work and I have always said so. I'll apologise if people took it that way and by extension I will say sorry to Raymond. Raymond I'm sorry.

As regards the 4K workflow, ok I'll have that 8mp quite clearly isn't as high a resolution as 22/30/42/50 or whatever. The other issue is that they're not saved in a RAW format, so it will limit the processing you can do within Lightroom/Photoshop.

They are being used however and its not as absurd as some may think. It might be early days, but search on 4K video Stills on Google and you'll find quite a few articles and examples of usage.
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The more I see of this the more it confuses me why they'd release this spec. It won't be used for 4K video more many reasons and the 30 megapixel sensor is a strange choice considering their 5Ds/r which is 50. Tony Northrup did his preview and said he wouldn't want to loose the detail he gets from the SR and for video i would be no go.

So in the end it's better at some things and worse at others so really no idea who this appeals to.
Canon/Nikon/Sony or whatever aren't going to put all the same bells and whistles into their lower end cameras that they do in their top of the range. Canon don't want the 5DMKIV to kill sales of their 1 series and C series.

But this is a £3.5k camera. It's hardly lower end..
The price is crazy.
Full frame mainstream cameras have been around for about 11 years (5D launched in 2005) so FF is not special anymore.

These camera's should be costing about £1k.
Photography is so accessible to everyone now (through mobile phone cameras) that the majority of people don't want to pay thousands for wedding, stock, sports, event photos anymore.
But this is a £3.5k camera. It's hardly lower end..

Yes I know, but it is comparative, compared to the Canon 1D X Mark II it is the top of their mid range and not their top end.

Again who knows how Canon decided on not to include CFast cards? It might be down to who the Camera is aimed at.

Canon 5D Mark II users who perhaps didn't see the need four years ago to upgrade to the Mark III? Serious enthusiast photographers? Semi-professionals?

The 1D X has only recently been released itself, it has one CFast slot. Isn't this the first time that type of card has been put into a Canon DSLR? As I keep saying, they differentiate their models and whilst it would be nice to have the same thing on the 5DMKIV, they're a combination of marketing decisions and user feedback.

CFast cards are without doubt much faster, but they're also more expensive e.g.

Sandisk 64Gb CFast card can be had for £188 (that's the 515MB/s card)
Sandisk 64gb CF Extreme Pro card can be had for £74 (that's the 160MB/s card)

If Canon are aiming for top end enthusiasts then perhaps their though process was 'well they'll probably have quite a few CF cards, lets not make them replace all their cards well' - until next time. That's only my view though. Until someone, perhaps DPreview, interviews the CEO or Head of Design at Canon and asks them, we'll never know for sure.

That said, even if they do interview them and ask them directly, Canon execs aren't as chatty as say Mr Kazuto Yamaki the CEO of Sigma
The price is crazy.
Full frame mainstream cameras have been around for about 11 years (5D launched in 2005) so FF is not special anymore.

These camera's should be costing about £1k.
Photography is so accessible to everyone now (through mobile phone cameras) that the majority of people don't want to pay thousands for wedding, stock, sports, event photos anymore.

i bet u the d900 will cost over 2k.

Sony's ff lineup wont be cheap either.

Canon's price is nothing new tbh. Not many shoot in FF
Holy **** did you just compare Brexit to the end of slavery, what the ***** :eek:

The camera is as expected except the price is even more ridiculous :(

Yes Brexit has extremely important implications. Most don't understand them, and just parrot what the TV and celebrities tell them. Clearly you don't understand either, hence the belittling smug golf clap. However my point is some things are more important than favourable exchange rates when buying toys. I think that's enough politics for this thread.
Sandisk 64Gb CFast card can be had for £188 (that's the 515MB/s card)
Sandisk 64gb CF Extreme Pro card can be had for £74 (that's the 160MB/s card)

Consider for a moment the cost of the camera. Do you really think users would mind paying the extra for a card that doesn't clog up their buffer?
Why not just go dual SD UHSII?
Lexar Professional 64 GB Class 10 UHS-II 2000x Speed (300 MB/s) £85

The 5D4 is a good camera, I was briefly even tempted. I have a feeling the dual raw format will be phenomenal. I can't tell you how many great pictures such a feature would save. However, gimping the card slots was not a good idea for Canon themselves or their users imo.
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Consider for a moment the cost of the camera. Do you really think users would mind paying the extra for a card that doesn't clog up their buffer?
Why not just go dual SD UHSII?
Lexar Professional 64 GB Class 10 UHS-II 2000x Speed (300 MB/s) £85

The 5D4 is a good camera, I was briefly even tempted. I have a feeling the dual raw format will be phenomenal. I can't tell you how many great pictures such a feature would save. However, gimping the card slots was not a good idea for Canon themselves or their users imo.

I for one am not concerned about extra cost of cards, you got to do what you got to do, if the card make full use of the camera, such card it is.

It is like buying a Ferrari and then fill it with Ron 95. You just don't.
This post is nothing more than dumping what I am thinking.

I could get a Fuji, for that smaller camera for travel but then I'll still need or at least most likely end up buying 3 or so lenses.

Or I could get a Sony A7Rii and use all my canon lenses, which no doubt end up costing less and still have more lenses to play with.

(This is besides the mk4 upgrade which despite the reluctance, I think I still will)
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