The official Dell Ultrasharp 2408WFP Thread

Sorry, this might be a stupid question, but how do you know when the monitor was built? I've had two now (both 0CX268) but I haven't seen a production date on them anywhere. Thanks

There is usually a date on the back label, Mine says April 2008 ( i think, cba to move my monitor around :p )
There is usually a date on the back label, Mine says April 2008 ( i think, cba to move my monitor around :p )

Indeed the manufactured month is written on a small sticker on the back of the LCD.

Alternatively, you can use SoftMCCS (if you are under Windows).
It give you the manufactured week, example: 2008 ISO Week 20.
This is between 12 and 18 of May 2008
Thanks, Week 7 2008, not too good then! It's going back anyway, it was sent as a replacement but has 3 dead pixels in a group! Maybe they'll replace it with a newer one.. although this one isn't too bad other than the pixel issue.
Can anyone recommensd the best means of calibrating an 0CX268 (manufactured in May) - or better still, can anyone offer some settings for brightness, contrast, RGB, hue, saturation etc?

My greens seem almost electric at the default settings. I've been fiddling with the settings for an hour or so, but still can't find a blend that looks realistic - or matches my Iiyamas...

Thanks very much

Well, I just received my 2nd replacement and it is a 0G286H Rev A00. So far, touch wood, it seems vastly superior to the OCX268 Revs A00 and A01 I had before, despite it being the older revision. The colour out of the box seems a lot better, gone is the red sort of haze around certain fonts and the left side of the screen is no longer noticably brighter.
Havent checked back here for a while, but by the looks of it no-one has had any joy yet.

Great summary 'brhume' although I am fairly certain my first 2408 was the 0G268H from Mexico (or was it 0G286H, def from Mexico tho as the other 2 have def been 0CX268's from CZ), nevermind :confused:

I'm trying again with Dell cos the input lag on this one is really annoying, as is the red/green tinge around the text, as is the light bleed in the corners, as is the change in colour on the left side of the screen... etc.

I got a Case No. from Tech Support on my last exchange so I have just used this on the Dell Contact page (Here) so that I hopefully dont need to do the phone call merrrygoround again. I've clearly stated every model I've had, the 2 threads on Dell's own forum (Original & Summary Thread - Now known to me as the Jimmy_P threads), and have plainly asked for a brand new model manufactured in September 08 (surely this would have to be an updated firmware version).

I dont hold out much hope, but at least they can contact me for a change :)
I'm going to be polite but bullish when (if) they call. e.g. "So you cant help me, you cant find a specific monitor to send me, please could I speak to your boss, he's on the phone is he, can I have his name and direct number then please, he cant help me, well can I have his bosses name and number then".

I tell you SOMEONE is gonna get me the monitor I paid for. Anyone know where Dell actually hold and ship these monitors from ? I'm tempted to say, get someone to meet me at the doors of your warehouse, I'll hand deliver the duff one back, then someone can escort me round the warehouse and I'll pick one myself.

Wish me luck. I'll post back the results when I have some.
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Wish me luck. I'll post back the results when I have some.

I'm with you gazzeroo... ;)
Well in the same boat I guess.

As Sallarmas suggested I had my 2408 exchanged because of the mark on the anti-glare coating.
It was definitively a defect.
Actually what other users was seeing was a very small bright dot (like a dead pixel but a lot smaller), as explained in my post. The mark on my screen was a lot bigger and visible.
Dell kindly sent me another 2408 but unfortunately this one also has a problem.

Hopefully, all these will come to an happy ending...

The warehouse for Belgium is in Netherlands. ;)
For Uk I'm not sure: Ireland ?
I'm with you gazzeroo... ;)
Hopefully, all these will come to an happy ending...

The warehouse for Belgium is in Netherlands. ;)
For Uk I'm not sure: Ireland ?

I reckon they do that on purpose you know, just so you cant just 'pop round' and get the item you want :)

I'm near London, not Londonderry so a round trip to Ireland isnt really on the cards.

No response to my web request for help yet, but they did say please allow 24 hours. Shame they havent sent me an email to confirm they got my message tho.
Yes reading a bit more, it does'nt seem such a bad choice afterall
It's gotta be an improvement on my 8 yr old ish illyama AS4611UT - 18.5", has'nt it?
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hello, i am interested in buying this model from overclockers, does anyone know what i am going to get? Will I get the latest firmware with the sharpness in increments of 10? or is it a crapshoot?
I think the only way people have received an A01 firmware is by getting a replacement from Dell - and even that is a crapshoot. I haven't heard of anyone getting a A01 model direct from a retailer.
Well... after reading this thread in last few months, I was a little concerned when I bought this monitor in the last June. (Yes, I just see this thread after I bought it :rolleyes:)

My monitor its a A00 from Last April, and I dont see any problem with mine. I dont notice any input lag (maybe its me) and no other problem.

I'm very pleased with mine ;)

Ah! I came from a 223bw sammy
I think the only way people have received an A01 firmware is by getting a replacement from Dell - and even that is a crapshoot. I haven't heard of anyone getting a A01 model direct from a retailer.

ok, well here's the rub, as we used to say 500 or so years ago, i have been emailing the folks here at OC and i am informed (after careful questioning) that the new 2408wfp's that they have on order will have the new firmware update with the 10 increments sharpness etc. I asked how they could be sure and the answer was that Dell themselves inform the retailer of exactly what they are purchasing.

I don't care if they call it A00 or A053.76, I just want the 2408wfp with that new firmware.
so my question, fellow forum persons, is:

should i believe what i am being told?
I'm hanging on until someone can tell me 'Yes I bought one and yes it really is the latest spec/everything I hoped for'.

At that point I will be getting my credit card out...
Damn it!

OcUK have them back in stock but are unable to say what the build date / revision no. is.

My old monitor keeps cutting out at the most annoying moments for up to 30 mins (god knows what's wrong with it).

I'm too nervous to just buy what's now in stock without some sort of confirmation that it's not going to be a pile of rubbish..... :(

Plus, the price has gone up £12 today :(
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Damn it!

OcUK have them back in stock but are unable to say what the build date / revision no. is.


sorry i find that utter bullcrap ... theres no way a major pc supplier like ocuk cant find out what version they are orderign is ... they are making orders for THOUSANDS of pounds ( if not more ) to companies.... and they dont know ???? common
sorry i find that utter bullcrap ... theres no way a major pc supplier like ocuk cant find out what version they are orderign is ... they are making orders for THOUSANDS of pounds ( if not more ) to companies.... and they dont know ???? common

an email i received from ocUK after i asked how they could be sure they were getting the 2408wfp's with upgraded firmware (10 increment units for sharpness, etc.)

Dear eric, (that's my name btw)

we are a main parterner with dell they advise us of the revisions of stock we are going to be getting anymore questions?


(name withheld)
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