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Struggling a bit less after some hints from Necro, I was running T6 bounty runs with a crappy 507k DH, now hitting 700k after 2 runs on T6 rifts, picking up enough legs to either keep or break and then reroll my existing kit...
Struggling a bit less after some hints from Necro, I was running T6 bounty runs with a crappy 507k DH, now hitting 700k after 2 runs on T6 rifts, picking up enough legs to either keep or break and then reroll my existing kit...

I can give you advice on DH. Depends what build you want to run though - UE, Nat's or Marauders?
I have now got the full tal rasha set and 4 firebirds set too so I just need to spend a bit time working out what works best. I use SS main hand so hydras are my focus.

Tear through a t6 rift in quick time and can do grifts at lvl 31 in under ten minutes (depends a little on what boss spawns. Died on one boss 6 times last night)

Such an addictive game.
Have been playing a frozen orb/slow time wizard, fun and a little different to what everyone else seems to be doing. T4 is comfortable but not sure I have the survivability to do T6 yet.
Dont you just love it when you get that one item drop that pushes you up and over that wall you have been bashing your head against for weeks :)

Was able to consistently hit 45GR on solo WD but never got the 46 down. Witching hour belt finally drops and just cleared my first 48GR :D

Bit of luck and a good rift i hope to hit 50 solo GR, its really the best fun i have in the game is pushing GR's whether solo or in groups
I've got bits of nats and bits of mauraders now, will balance out the rest of my kit over the next few days..:cool:

Marauder's is good, but is the lowest spec of the 3 in grifts (not that that's any bad until you get past grift 50 anyway).

UE isn't too usable right now until you get a Kridershot with discipline anyway, so Mararuder is good. (ignoring UE fire spec which is better in Seasons due to the quiver for it rn_
Was funny, randomly teamed up with a friend the other day and one of his mates joined who was in the OcUK clan :D Completed the multishot build yesterday, I went from doing like 8mil damage to 500mil damage, crazy.
Well Ive started to break the 1billion mark on damage :D

Not constantly obviously but regular. My standard numbers sit around 500 mill .

I basically just put down two hydras. a frost blizzard then start using lightning orb... elites die in about 2 seconds.

Enjoying this game again. Kinda wish I didnt get so hooked. Its kinda weird doing the same thing over and over without being bored lol.

Ah, you're on seasonal, this gives you two options:



My profile is basically a nearly geared out Marauders. Just need little upgrades here and there.

For UE, one of my DHs also has some of the pieces, but it really isn't optimal. However you can get the Dead Man's Legacy Quiver which gives you the option of the fire multishot build.
Ah, you're on seasonal, this gives you two options:



My profile is basically a nearly geared out Marauders. Just need little upgrades here and there.

For UE, one of my DHs also has some of the pieces, but it really isn't optimal. However you can get the Dead Man's Legacy Quiver which gives you the option of the fire multishot build.

It's worth noting that Unhallowed Essence is very hard to build properly though, as you need +12 discipline on your weapon, chest armor and quiver. Getting +12 discipline without sacrificing main stats is next to impossible. I ran around for days with + sentry damage (useless for UE) on my chest because the chest I found rolled 2 useless secondaries. And I currently have + cluster arrow on my quiver, because it rolled without any discipline. :(

You absolutely NEED 81 discipline to get maximum damage, the difference between +9 discipline and +12 discipline is huge, so much that a quiver without discipline and perfect mainstat rolls is infinitely worse than a quiver with no useful mainstats and +12 discipline.

I'd say go with Natalya's Vengeance, it's the strongest DH set for solo and the fastest for T6, and hold's its own in groups. A meh Natalya DH will keep up with a well geared UE. It has less AoE damage in exchange for mobility, survivability and insane single target damage.

EDIT: Was nosing through your characters, Tephnos, and I have to say that I feel your pain man, you destroyed that Kridershot :(

I still love the Raekor barb, loved it since the set initially came out, before the massive buff, but the single target damage is soooo bad. Group survivability also ain't great sadly.

Every barbarian build has terrible single target damage though. The closest I've seen to 'good' from a barb is Undisputed Champion/Stalgar's Decimator with Frenzy. Focus+Restrait bul kathos might out do that though.
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It's worth noting that Unhallowed Essence is very hard to build properly though, as you need +12 discipline on your weapon, chest armor and quiver. Getting +12 discipline without sacrificing main stats is next to impossible. I ran around for days with + sentry damage (useless for UE) on my chest because the chest I found rolled 2 useless secondaries. And I currently have + cluster arrow on my quiver, because it rolled without any discipline. :(

You absolutely NEED 81 discipline to get maximum damage, the difference between +9 discipline and +12 discipline is huge, so much that a quiver without discipline and perfect mainstat rolls is infinitely worse than a quiver with no useful mainstats and +12 discipline.

I'd say go with Natalya's Vengeance, it's the strongest DH set for solo and the fastest for T6, and hold's its own in groups. A meh Natalya DH will keep up with a well geared UE. It has less AoE damage in exchange for mobility, survivability and insane single target damage.

EDIT: Was nosing through your characters, Tephnos, and I have to say that I feel your pain man, you destroyed that Kridershot :(

Every barbarian build has terrible single target damage though. The closest I've seen to 'good' from a barb is Undisputed Champion/Stalgar's Decimator with Frenzy. Focus+Restrait bul kathos might out do that though.

Haha, I actually didn't - it's an old Kridershot that you can't put discipline on.

If you note my UE builds I have +12 disc on everything except for the bow :p

Nats has potential but it is also very hard to keep going - you need a good amount of CDR or keeping strafe up vs resource will be an absolute pain.
I just had a Kridershot drop, I have 5 gifts the stats are

1040-1251 damage
+673 Dex
+17 life on hit

+9 discipline


Should I role the discipline and try and get 12 or role the life per hit to damage and use a gift? My previous weapon was 3k damage with 12 discipline and I've notice the multishot damage decrease.
I would just not use it. It sucks getting a Kridershot or Calamity to drop and it rolling poorly, you end up trying to fix it in your head and convince yourself it's actually an OK roll when it isn't. I'd just get rid of it, it won't be the last badly rolled Kridershot you'll get.
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