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Also, what element are the spawned dust devils ? Is it affected by the skill rune or weapon element?
They use the element of the currently active rune. So if you pick Volcanic Eruption, the Dust Devils will do Fire damage. The only exception to this is for the Convention of Elements ring which will only buff the Dust Devils when the Physical buff is active from the ring regardless of whether you are using a Fire, Cold or Lightning rune.
Playing Nats at the moment and enjoying it a lot have gone cold (only messing around doing rifts) and im enjoying the strafe/rain playstyle, need a slayer though so i can drop in my focus/restraint from my monk but already critting for 1.5B...havent seen any UE set yet but will give that a try when i do, have got a couple of ancient one handers to partner with my slayer when i get it might go baleful and go fire.

You will want CDR F/R rings though! ;)
Dropped a new Krider today:



A shame it didn't have any disc on it. If I remember correctly a +12 disc increase is a flat out 15% damage increase, which means unless I'm missing something (might be, busy doing a bunch of things at once right now) my older one is probably still better.
I've tried the lightning build and it's boring beyond belief however it does work fairly well on grifts. I'll stick with M6 for T6, a lot more fun and quicker.
Just started playing again last night. A small bug. When i look at the clan roster all i see is myself and Jaegter listed but it does say there around 111 members. On the friends list i can see clan mates playing.

If i remove myself and readd think that will do the trick??

EDIT - its ok sorted it. Its a bug, if you select the roster via communities it give us nothing. However if you go through the GIANT OCUK logo the roster is fine. Thanks for the help Guys :D
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I've tried the lightning build and it's boring beyond belief however it does work fairly well on grifts. I'll stick with M6 for T6, a lot more fun and quicker.

M6 on T6 is painfully slow too when you have DS Monks and WW Barbs all over the place - go with lightning strafe Nats + boon of the hoarder and fly way past them all! :D

Ugh. UGH.

On the plus side this is a 3 day old Barbarian I started with from scratch in seasons (other than a hand-over 'The Grandfather' from my Crusader), so it's going pretty well.
Now got 4 peices of Nats for my DH, ran out of Gr tokens though so back to normal rifting for me...
Dropped a new Krider today:



A shame it didn't have any disc on it. If I remember correctly a +12 disc increase is a flat out 15% damage increase, which means unless I'm missing something (might be, busy doing a bunch of things at once right now) my older one is probably still better.

Thats not bad, I'm still running with a chickeneye or whatever its called at the mo, I was going to gp with twin single handed but cant get enough damage...
Some very nice OCUKers ran me through to level 70 last night (took like, 15 minutes literally) on a new Seasonal Crusader. I quite like the idea of it but I'm struggling to find a build that I like. Damage seems god awful and not massively mobile. maybe I'm spoilt coming from my barbarian but still... anybody got some advice or build that's half decent?

- GP
A good Golden Flense is hard to find though, so if you find the Piro Mibella (or w.e it's called) shield plans, pick up a shield bash build until you find a good Flense (Ancient, 3.8k+ DPS, 10% CDR, str, vit) you could go 10% damage but this build already does overpowered damage, vit on your weapon is very important imo. I'm not sure why Alkaizer doesn't use CDR on anything, but 10% weapon, 8% gloves and 8% shoulders, 12.5% head are essential IMO, literally everything in that build has a cooldown except sweep.

Akarat's champion 100% armor, iron skin 50% reduction, unity, ancient parantheon defenders, + natural toughness, as you can see in the video he easily tanks everything, no deaths.
Alkaizer is pretty much a D3 pro, he could probably play with his eyes closed. Numerous times he just casually reads chat whilst fighting elites lol :D
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