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So why when I look at the top of each leaderboard are they all using the same build?

Viable does not mean absolute ultimate - there will always be a top cookie cutter build for hitting the highest ranks. Viable these days just means able to clear 50, imo.
set yourself a goal and work towards that, you are never gonna compete with the no lifers who can spend all day every day grinding out.

Chasing the leaderboards just isnt worth the hassle, much more fun competing with friends or clan members i find :)
Anyone remember how long ROS has been out now? I'd like another expansion pack with a couple of new classes, but I've not even heard any rumours of one being on its way. It feels overdue!
Given how long we waited for D3 after D2 dropped I'm not expecting anything until I'm the other side of 40 lol
Will be at least another year and probably only one new class not a couple.

Yeah no doubt, which is a shame since it can't be too hard for them to create a few new maps if they assemble a team to do so. A new class will he a lot more work for them of course. I'm still enjoying the game, though. I occasionally burn out for a couple of weeks but then come back for more. The ability to play short sessions fits in perfectly with my non-gaming life
So why when I look at the top of each leaderboard are they all using the same build?

They aren't. It's next to impossible to see what build someone used for a GR, the only thing you can do is look at the type of weapon they used and guess. The barbarian leaderboards are full of raekors/bulkathos wastes & IK wastes. DH leaderboards are full of UE and nats (marauder is very capable of getting high with FnR but nobody likes the playstyle). When the worlds best Monk who places rank #1 world every season does so with a build NOBODY else uses every season, it's safe to say the meta is flawed. Just look at Crusaders this season, its full to the brim of shield bashers yet that build is infinitely flawed compared to the sweepsaders, as shown by world #1 rank of a 58 by one, and the US #1 being one. So technically you can say Cru's have 2 viable builds; golden flense/denial sweepsader and drakons/piro shieldsader. Granted the #1 for each region and world will be a sweepsader but shield bash is legit.

Diablo leaderboards directly represent a players luck and playtime, nothing more. Builds aren't that important, builds only determine the kind of mob types and rift guardians you can fight and beat. Somebody will place high not due to using the generic strongest build, but for using a build and fishing for a rift tailored for it. The reason the meta is so flawed in a lot of peoples opinions, is because the endgame is only accessible to those with the most time spent in the game, which locks out a large portion of players from having valid opinions, because the majority won't listen to you if you're not high ranked, and not everybody has the time to grind gear/gems and fish rifts.
Omaeka said:
Diablo leaderboards directly represent a players luck and playtime, nothing more.

There's skill involved, but yeah this pretty much nails it. The leaderboards really do suck. It's nice to have a place on them but nearly everything boils down to luck. Was in 4 man last night and we were just doing GR58's. We failed one as the rift was so bad. We didn't even play badly, it's just a poor density map with poor mob types. We did another one and cleared it in just over 11 minutes. Then we did a GR59 and as soon as I load in and see it's the Act 1 cave map with Anarchs/Bee's I just said in group chat "So much for the GR59" as I knew immediately that we would either barely clear it or fail just from the first 5 seconds of the Rift.

My personal targets for this season are clearing every class in a GR50 solo and clearing a GR60 in 3 and 4 man. Too much fishing beyond this.

I'd rather have a pre-made rift from Blizzard every fortnight that is open to everyone and base a leaderboard around that. After 2 weeks the scores are totalled and a new rift is issued.
Whichever way you try and spin it, there's always that one go to build for each class that the majority use or have to use to progress.

Yes there are other options but I'd like to see a number of different builds for each class that don't require ridiculous play time or luck that perform around the same. Hopefully this will come with the addition of further sets and changes to current ones.
Whichever way you try and spin it, there's always that one go to build for each class that the majority use or have to use to progress.

Yes there are other options but I'd like to see a number of different builds for each class that don't require ridiculous play time or luck that perform around the same. Hopefully this will come with the addition of further sets and changes to current ones.

Not trying to spin anything, there are more than 1 viable build for every class, fact. Yes some are slightly stronger than others, but the weaker ones are still viable, and you can still get top 50 of each class using a totally non meta build. If you choose to ignore every build except the cookie cutters that's on you.

There's skill involved, but yeah this pretty much nails it. The leaderboards really do suck. It's nice to have a place on them but nearly everything boils down to luck. Was in 4 man last night and we were just doing GR58's. We failed one as the rift was so bad. We didn't even play badly, it's just a poor density map with poor mob types. We did another one and cleared it in just over 11 minutes. Then we did a GR59 and as soon as I load in and see it's the Act 1 cave map with Anarchs/Bee's I just said in group chat "So much for the GR59" as I knew immediately that we would either barely clear it or fail just from the first 5 seconds of the Rift.

My personal targets for this season are clearing every class in a GR50 solo and clearing a GR60 in 3 and 4 man. Too much fishing beyond this.

I'd rather have a pre-made rift from Blizzard every fortnight that is open to everyone and base a leaderboard around that. After 2 weeks the scores are totalled and a new rift is issued.

That'd be a sweet idea, maybe have it so the rifts are exactly the same, like a premade level, where its always the same mob type + density, always same elites with same affixes, always the same positions for the monsters etc. and just have them scale based on the key level.

RNG sucks, because I've yet to take my DH into a solo Grift without it being full of Lacuni/Assassins/Exarch & Wasps. Most elites have Jailer/Thunderstorm/Waller and use the walls in the most B/S ways. I'm not purposefully whinging about it but it's a valid thing that somebody could get rift RNG like that, while others get red zombies and stonesingers 9 times out of 10.
Ok then perhaps you can share with us some of your non meta builds that have obtained top 50 with a class?

None, and I don't intend to 'break' the meta. There will be multiple builds competing on the leaderboards this season and that's just how it is, perhaps you can show us that all the people on the leaderboards use the same build? Did you just look at their profiles and think the gear/skills they're using at the time is the same build they took into the GR? Only way to tell is to look at their characters transmogs at the time of completion. DH = bow for blueballs, crossbow for M6/multi, dual crossbows for nats. Barb = 2hander for Raekors/Wastes&IK, dual wield for Kathos&Wastes. Etc etc.

Barbarian: Raekors, Bul-Kathos & Wastes, Wastes & IK. 3 completely different builds, FACT. The top 50 are full of those 3.

Crusader: Sweepsader, Shieldsader. That's 2, top 50 are a mixture of the two, mostly Shieldsaders for now

Witch Doctor: Jade Harvester & Carnevil Fetish, top 50 will be full of them.

Demon Hunter: Blueballs, Marauders, Multishot & Natalya's. Top 50 will be full of at least 3 of those builds, I'm yet to test out M6 FnR and I don't think anyone's bothered to yet.

Wizard: Tal Rasha, Magnus, Magnus + Tal Rasha. Granted I think Rasha will push Magnus out by the end of the season but for now they both look strong.

Monk: I'll admit these guys on really have Raiment, but oh well.

Those are all meta by the way. With the exception of the DH and Barb, the 'absolute best in the meta' builds dont always bet #1 for their classes. BTW did you even play season 2? With the exception of monk and WD, there was only one build for each class. S3 has completely changed that, this is the first season with real variety.

No idea why I'm still even bothering to try and convince you though tbh, you seem determined to think the way you do.
All you've really done there is list different builds I already knew about but didn't explain why they are equally good as pushing as high as the other.

I didn't just simply look at the top 50, I would check the leaderboards daily for each class and every time there was a new record it was the same build as before.

I've also watched streamers from different classes and they all use the same builds as I've seen pushing the leaderboards.

I know other builds are viable for just having fun and getting to a certain point but my original point stands that there is only really 1 build per class if you want to really progress.
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there is only really 1 build per class if you want to really progress.

You say it like it's something new and different. Having a handful of builds with maybe 1 or 2 that is fractionally ahead at the highest tier will always be the case as it's impossible to balance things perfectly equal regardless of the game.
I'm not saying it's new or different, quite the opposite actually. If it's impossible to balance multiple builds per class to push GR's then fine that's me told then.
I personally feel the Item Sets are to powerful and it ruins the game because you have to get them and it locks you into a certain play style due to the very specific set bonuses. Its clear that Blizzard is balancing stuff around the idea that to progress past a certain point you have to own the correct set pieces and i think this is just not a good way to do it. I dont mind the idea that Item Sets exist i just wish they wouldnt take focus like they currently do.
I personally feel the Item Sets are to powerful and it ruins the game because you have to get them and it locks you into a certain play style due to the very specific set bonuses. Its clear that Blizzard is balancing stuff around the idea that to progress past a certain point you have to own the correct set pieces and i think this is just not a good way to do it. I dont mind the idea that Item Sets exist i just wish they wouldnt take focus like they currently do.

Yeah. This is World of Warcraft in isometric view. Every 2 - 5 months we'll get a new set or updates to a previous set and basically a "OK, we want you to play this way now". People rag on Jay Wilson, but at least his itemisation was heading in a better direction.
All you've really done there is list different builds I already knew about but didn't explain why they are equally good as pushing as high as the other.

I didn't just simply look at the top 50, I would check the leaderboards daily for each class and every time there was a new record it was the same build as before.

I've also watched streamers from different classes and they all use the same builds as I've seen pushing the leaderboards.

I know other builds are viable for just having fun and getting to a certain point but my original point stands that there is only really 1 build per class if you want to really progress.

I see what you're saying, but as I've said there are multiple viable builds, the builds you see making the rank #1 every day won't be close to the builds at the top of the boards at the end of the season. New ones will be found all the time and that's the fun of it, everything is viable atm because it's so early, there are better times to ditch out on a season. :D
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