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Want that extra stash space ! :)

On a side note started a HC toon as im pretty much decked out on my main WD now.

Deffo adds a new element when you know its all over when you die.

After hittin 70 did a few slow run GR's hoping for upgrades, managed a nice carenevil, quezecoatl and Tiki so im sorted for helms, ideally wanna go a heavy pet build for HC i reckon.

For anyone with a HC toon if you die doing the GR trial i take it thats it all over?

I guess you just farm the trial key to your highest comfortable level then bail

Anyone seen this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=csGFSBIi6H8 ?

4man Grift lvl 70 and the RG has 11 trillion hp lol.
Their crusader has 2m hp while the witch doc has 1.6m hp.

I am more impressed with the crus / wd than the RG. Their strategy looks very mmo-y to me. Pretty neat.

Is it youtube or is the wizards framerate really that bad, couldnt watch that tbh, they wont be doin that next season with the removal of permaCC :)
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I'm fairly stuck at GR 48. Had hoped to hit 50 solo this season but burning out now. My wiz has some decent gear I think but an ancient Serpent Sparker or Aether Walker is not happening.


If i stacked a fair few 48's i'm sure i could get a 49 with the right grift but even getting 48's is a chore :(

I'll outline some of my high grift findings, some info may help you?

I've started playing my wiz again solo and cleared a 50 the other day. Getting to the RG in time is no problem, I usually have 7+ minutes left and then its just a case of l2p issues, dodging the RG attacks etc.

My gear is no were near perfect right now, but with the right rift I think 55+ is doable. The build im using gets stronger as you push the grift levels.


Looking at your build it kind of lacks a bit of focus for 50+, both in gear choice, skill choice and gems. Everything will 1 shot you so you have to really stack damage and fish your way through a rift, skipping mobs that will explode, skipping most packs etc and herding large groups of whites together, to sit in, letting your APD bracer keep you alive whilst you meteor them down.

Notice on my build I don't use any defence gems and even have glass cannon passive. Focus and restraint for extra DPS, no RROG, Skelly shoulders for an extra cheat death, no defensive armor buff, choosing the DPS one for more regen. regen from MW/conduit etc. Astral presence for more regen. 4 APOC on my source.

Regen is key at this level of play, teleport into a big pack of whites, stun them with calamity, hit a meteor, run out, teleport back in, meteor, move on.

Taeguk gem will give you both a DPS boost and armor boost, get one, get it levelled as high as you can and youll see a difference. It's a pain to keep the stacks up but just takes practice. Most of the skills youll be using maintain the stacks so after a bit of practice youll see it sitting a max stacks through the whole rift.

Some nice tips there thanks. Will definately see what it like with Taeguk instead.

But most of what you suggested above is based on having that Ancient AW, rapid calamity teleport, skipping mobs etc. I actually use a build close to what you run for speed farming T6... but just normal AW works for that.

EDIT:: didn't realise you only had a month to claim your items from season 2! Lost everything in my Barbs stash :(
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Some nice tips there thanks. Will definately see what it like with Taeguk instead.

But most of what you suggested above is based on having that Ancient AW, rapid calamity teleport, skipping mobs etc. I actually use a build close to what you run for speed farming T6... but just normal AW works for that.

EDIT:: didn't realise you only had a month to claim your items from season 2! Lost everything in my Barbs stash :(

I'd certainly give the normal AW a try with a similar setup to mine. I have an abundance of DPS for grift 50 and my ancient AW isn't that great.

Another tip I forgot to mention is if your aiming at clearing 50ish, do trials and quit at around wave 7, this should net you a 35 to 39ish key. Do that key and you should end up with 50ish key depending on your clear times.

I do this in batches of 5 trials, can clear a 35 to 38ish in around 2 to 4 mins. This nets very fast blood shards (250 a pop) and great exp, far better than farming t6.
I'll outline some of my high grift findings, some info may help you?

I've started playing my wiz again solo and cleared a 50 the other day. Getting to the RG in time is no problem, I usually have 7+ minutes left and then its just a case of l2p issues, dodging the RG attacks etc.

My gear is no were near perfect right now, but with the right rift I think 55+ is doable. The build im using gets stronger as you push the grift levels.


Looking at your build it kind of lacks a bit of focus for 50+, both in gear choice, skill choice and gems. Everything will 1 shot you so you have to really stack damage and fish your way through a rift, skipping mobs that will explode, skipping most packs etc and herding large groups of whites together, to sit in, letting your APD bracer keep you alive whilst you meteor them down.

Notice on my build I don't use any defence gems and even have glass cannon passive. Focus and restraint for extra DPS, no RROG, Skelly shoulders for an extra cheat death, no defensive armor buff, choosing the DPS one for more regen. regen from MW/conduit etc. Astral presence for more regen. 4 APOC on my source.

Regen is key at this level of play, teleport into a big pack of whites, stun them with calamity, hit a meteor, run out, teleport back in, meteor, move on.

Taeguk gem will give you both a DPS boost and armor boost, get one, get it levelled as high as you can and youll see a difference. It's a pain to keep the stacks up but just takes practice. Most of the skills youll be using maintain the stacks so after a bit of practice youll see it sitting a max stacks through the whole rift.


You seen that guide going about on gearing your follower for stuns and such to reduce power up attacks and such. Looks pretty, if not I can link it when I get home from work.
You seen that guide going about on gearing your follower for stuns and such to reduce power up attacks and such. Looks pretty, if not I can link it when I get home from work.

Haven't seen it but if you look at my Templar he is pretty pimped :D

Eun-jang-do weapon for perma RG lockdown at 18% health
Freeze of deflection shield, block chance rolled
Ess of Johan to clump up the mobs
Oculus ring as im playing melee wiz and is a nice dps boost for me
Bull Kathos for some health and it puts out some decent dps.
Cant die Templar relic.
Any melee players got tips on fighting Perdition? I am having problems figuring out how to dodge the dual-sword-to-ground skill. The only time I can dodge is using Call of the Ancients and its not 100%.
Any melee players got tips on fighting Perdition? I am having problems figuring out how to dodge the dual-sword-to-ground skill. The only time I can dodge is using Call of the Ancients and its not 100%.

It's need to be interrupted or you need to make yourself immune for when he hits you. If you're using a WW Barb set-up then nothing in the general skill-up for that build will be able to deal with it. If you're doing Raekor's then you should be able to avoid it by charging away at the very last moment, or using the freeze rune to stun him as the animation is happening.
aye im pretty burned out on it if im honest, grindin out trial keys is a pain for me to be able to progress solo so ive been leveling up and gearing alts.

Tryin a bit of zdps WD also to try and get my gems higher but getting groups who want to run 50+ stuff can be a pain also, sigh startin to sound all eliteist now :p
Cheers for the tips flibby and Idartalis. I play WW/BK as the second unity wont drop. With Ancients up I can survive the damage head on however there is about 5-10 second downtime and that usually end in me dying. Guess I just have to stack more hp or get more CDR for 100% Ancients
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