I may get well and truly annihilated for this comment, but I honestly think D3 could benefit from adopting more structured role requirements for a group, similar to WoW.
example: group requires a healer. You might therefore play your clothy in a set of healer gear for that group, and in the next group there's a better healer, so you switch and play a a spellcaster.
There are hints of this in the way that some people will play zDPS in groups, but it's more of an afterthought in my opinion rather than a serious mechanic that is being looked at.
example: group requires a healer. You might therefore play your clothy in a set of healer gear for that group, and in the next group there's a better healer, so you switch and play a a spellcaster.
There are hints of this in the way that some people will play zDPS in groups, but it's more of an afterthought in my opinion rather than a serious mechanic that is being looked at.