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Season 4 isnt due to start for another month or so, those of us playing it atm are on the PTR (Public Test Realm)

Thanks for info and invite. Revived my old barb, competed expansion and now into adventure mode. Started at paragon lol 7, and now nearly 300. Found some pretty cool stuff too apparently.

I like the changes. Especially the grifts. I mean wow the game can actually be challenge now, although most people just seem to be steamrolling through rifts, which I find really boring.

The loot however, is a bit underwhelming. Legendry affixes don't feel unique as they are way to common. And everyone goes for boring set builds. Especially barbs who go for the WW build, so nearly all barbs have the same weapons and gear.

I've tried to do something a bit different. Going with furious charge full set reduced by 1 because of that ring, and the broken promises ring (100% crits for 3 secs after 5 non crit hits). Not really optimum on a barb due some passive crit and a small internal CD, but it's works. What I don't understand is a value of damage in yellow when I'm hitting stuff. 100% crit in WW doing about 5 - 7 million dmg. FC can do anywhere up to 70 mill. But then FC on rare occasion I see it does over a billion dmg. Bug? My crit dmg is only 250%.

Also crafting and stuff. I have dozens of plans but everything I make is pants. Is it a waste of time?
Personally im hoarding crafting mats for the patch on live.

Im currently trying Uliana's build for Monk Season 4 and its so much fun, tempted to have a Monk/Crus/WD combo running in Season 4.

Need to get those mats farmed up for the cube on alts tho for non season :)
best guess atm is late August/early Sept Qitarah.

They normally give a 2 week notification for end of season then we have a few days to a week before the next season starts.
Played for an hour last night, jumped on one of my seasonal toons. Took me the entire hour just to get to grips on where that toon was for progression.

Digipact#2917 if anyone wants to add me. I need to play more often, the PoE exanpsion was a bit disappointing for me.
im thinking of grabbing this (wanted it since release!)
many people on here still playing this?
is it worth getting?
anybody know the best price on this?,found it on kinguin for about £14-£15 £27 with ros.

any good tips and tricks for a newbie? never played any diablo's!!(hides!haha)
You want it with Reaper of Souls for sure, all the content is around the expansion now.

Theres still a lot of people playing it especially around the start of new seasons.

You have probably 3 weeks or so till the new season starts so its a good time to jump in and get used to the game before it gets busy and people are pushing.

You can also try the PTR without owning the game if you want to get a taste of it.
Looking forward to having a Monk next season. Got bored of Season 3 after 2 weeks lol, and went back too Destiny. Shame Season 4 drops the same time as the next DLC.

Season 3 End & Season 4 Start Dates:

There will be a short period of time between when a Season ends and the next begins. During this time, you’ll be able to sort through your rollover rewards and review your progress on the Leaderboards. It’s a great time to reflect on the accomplishments you’ve made and enjoy the culmination of your pre and post-Season loot hunts!

Season 3 will be ending at the following dates and times for each region:

North America: Sunday, August 23 @ 5:00 p.m. PDT
Europe: Sunday, August 23 @ 5:00 p.m. CEST
Asia: Sunday, August 23 @ 5:00 p.m. KST

Season 4 will be starting shortly after at the following dates and times for each region:

North America: Friday, August 28 @ 5:00 p.m. PDT
Europe: Friday, August 28 @ 5:00 p.m. CEST
Asia: Friday, August 28 @ 5:00 p.m. KST

For time zone assistance, click here. We look forward to seeing you in Season 4!

Source http://eu.battle.net/d3/en/blog/19842943

Woot time to book week off work :D
Just a reminder to people there was a purge of the OcUK clan roster a while back, people inactive for more than 200 days had been cleared so you may need to rejoin if you plan to return for Season 4.
Looking forward to getting back into it for Season 4. Have they said how long they intend it to be? I really hope it's not another 4 - 5 month season again, 3 is more than enough.

Hope Monk is better this time, although it seems they got a late balance change the other day and it's hurt the class. Couldn't play that Dashing Strike build last season as it was doing my head in.
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