*** The Official Diablo III Thread ***

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This may have already been posted, but I only just saw it and thought it was cool:

It is clear from the video that they took a page out of WoWs book when it comes to armor design. Lots of big shoulder pads with lots of spikes and bright colours.
Really not liking the progression of the Monk armour. It's the wrong way round, surely? In so far as with the progression in the skill of a Monk, the more in tune they become with their abilities, the less armour they would need?

Meh - I'm picking holes but I just don't like the idea of playing an armoured Monk, and its a shame because its my most anticipated class.
I've played plenty of D2, and it didn't bother me. I enjoy exploring, and I doubt I'd have ever gotten any enjoyment from the game as a whole without generated instances.

Blizzard have already said a few times that just grinding bosses again and again in D3?won't get you the best gear like it did before. They've put the work in to stop people needing to do it, so that you get fun out of the whole game rather than just the bosses.

You stand as much chance to get the very best from killing normal mobs as bosses if I've read it correctly. Missing out parts of the instances and skipping mobs will mean less chance of the best drops.

LOL ok. I still think you never played the game as much as someone who actually farmed bosses though, and that will sway your judgment on how the random instances affected the amount of time you had to put in per run just to get items.

If you are correct on the new system for D3 then i don't see how this game will last as long as D2 did, since after you completed the game there wasn't much else to do other than farm for the best of the best...

Still any info/links you have i would like a read of, since it sounds good on paper but one of those things you know wont work in the atual game i can still see it as D2, especially with there real world money auction system if items are not "rare" then why would they need it if everyone could get the items as easy as you have made it seem?

either way, doing 10's of thousands of boss runs on D2 will make you hate the randomness of map spawns. it was fine for the story, and just playing the game but to get the best items it was the worst aspect of it 100%
It has it positives though. If gotten right, it can add longevity to an excellent game.

Take a look at wow, Burning Crusade was an awesome expansion adding some awesome content and raids. It started to go rather down hill by then, but by that stage the game was already four years old.
It has it positives though. If gotten right, it can add longevity to an excellent game.

Take a look at wow, Burning Crusade was an awesome expansion adding some awesome content and raids. It started to go rather down hill by then, but by that stage the game was already four years old.

Of course it can, but IMO the DLC we get does not equal the amount we pay for it. as long as Blizz can justify cost:content then im sure it's all good.

call of duty for example, what is it £15? for 4 maps?... now i don't really like CoD as it is, but to me £15 is not worth 4 maps that will be of no use in a few months time.
Uh, brood war? Lord of destruction?

Expansions are nothing new.

oh dear...

expansions and dlc are nothing a like, at least they didn't used to be you got what you payed for.

LoD and broken world for DSII are what i would call good value for money.

map packs are not.

but companys and devs have forgot what the difference is so it's easier just to bundle it under "DLC"
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oh dear...

expansions and dlc are nothing a like, at least they didn't used to be you got what you payed for.

LoD and broken world for DSII are what i would call good value for money.

map packs are not.

but companys and devs have forgot what the difference is so it's easier just to bundle it under "DLC"

Yea I'm well aware of the difference, look at what you quoted.

I'm pretty sure Blizzard will have n amount of expansions lined up.

I suppose when Heart of the Swarm drops, we will be able to gauge what the expansions for Diablo 3 may consist of eh? ;)

as long as Blizz can justify cost:content then im sure it's all good.

Agree with this fully.
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oh dear...

expansions and dlc are nothing a like, at least they didn't used to be you got what you payed for.

LoD and broken world for DSII are what i would call good value for money.

map packs are not.

but companys and devs have forgot what the difference is so it's easier just to bundle it under "DLC"

Have you looked at what Blizzard have got planned for Heart of the Swarm..? I'd hardly call that a cheap pop DLC. :confused:

I'd expect the Diablo 3's expansion to be the same as Blizzard have always supplied. Activision and Blizzard may be part of the same large company, but their ethos surrounding games, customers and quality couldn't be more different.

There's tons of devs out there providing good quality, value for money DLC and expansions for games. It's not all lolEA/lolCOD mickey takes.
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Have you looked at what Blizzard have got planned for Heart of the Swarm..? I'd hardly call that a cheap pop DLC. :confused:

I'd expect the Diablo 3's expansion to be the same as Blizzard have always supplied. Activision and Blizzard may be part of the same large company, but their ethos surrounding games, customers and quality couldn't be more different.

There's tons of devs out there providing good quality, value for money DLC and expansions for games. It's not all lolEA/lolCOD mickey takes.

Not all, but most. that is the problem but then again it's down to what each individual would think. as i said to me most "DLC" these days is complete rubbish as far as quality/content:cost but then again i don't know every single game with every single bit of DLC only what i see and hear about, and it's mostly down to greed, or whatever company's can get away with...

I just don't want one of my favorite IP's to get bogged down in all the greed that surrounds the game industry now, where the company's don't even care about there products, only profit. It's not all dev's fault that they get rushed to push crap but you can bet that there are some that don't care.

But then again it could go the other way. but IMO it's unlikely.
I started playing the beta last night and was somewhat underwhelmed. I was kind of expecting to get that same feeling of awesomeness I had when I was playing Diablo 2 when I was about 18 but it just felt like another generic hack n slash. Perhaps because I am 28 now and have played so many other great games, this doesn't really stand out to me.

I played a Demon Hunter to level 5 so I'm sure it will get more interesting as I unlock better skills later on, but I was hoping to be blown away from the start. Right now I make a trap which slows enemies, then I run back and use 2 shooting skills to slow and kill them, so I can see how strategy comes in to play in combat.

There are some things which are glaring throwbacks showing lack of polish, like when you go into buildings, your character disappears then the interior loads and your character appears inside. Compare this to The Witcher 2 where Geralt actually opens the door and walks in. Also, the NPCs just stand around in 1 place whereas in TW1 and 2 there are people and animals walking around town.
I started playing the beta last night and was somewhat underwhelmed. I was kind of expecting to get that same feeling of awesomeness I had when I was playing Diablo 2 when I was about 18 but it just felt like another generic hack n slash. Perhaps because I am 28 now and have played so many other great games, this doesn't really stand out to me.

I played a Demon Hunter to level 5 so I'm sure it will get more interesting as I unlock better skills later on, but I was hoping to be blown away from the start. Right now I make a trap which slows enemies, then I run back and use 2 shooting skills to slow and kill them, so I can see how strategy comes in to play in combat.

There are some things which are glaring throwbacks showing lack of polish, like when you go into buildings, your character disappears then the interior loads and your character appears inside. Compare this to The Witcher 2 where Geralt actually opens the door and walks in. Also, the NPCs just stand around in 1 place whereas in TW1 and 2 there are people and animals walking around town.

You should try Path Of Exile beta. I've played it a lot now (its much bigger than D3 beta) and its awesome! Gritty graphics and amazing skill tree. I've played a tiny bit of D3 beta. If you're looking to try Path Of Exile (look it up & check it out) i'd be willing to do swapsies for a bit? (providing your battlenet acc only has the D3 beta of course) just a thought.
You should try Path Of Exile beta. I've played it a lot now (its much bigger than D3 beta) and its awesome! Gritty graphics and amazing skill tree. I've played a tiny bit of D3 beta. If you're looking to try Path Of Exile (look it up & check it out) i'd be willing to do swapsies for a bit? (providing your battlenet acc only has the D3 beta of course) just a thought.

I'm actually on the mailing list for the PoE beta. Going to see how D3 plays out at higher levels though. Think the beta is up to lvl 12/13. Also want to try out the other classes.
I can't say which is better because I haven't played D3 but I managed to get a level 51 ranger 37 and 40 duelist, they all died on hardcore.

The skill gems, support gems, random loot, slots and skill tree just make for epic customisation and builds. It's truly amazing and still getting more and more added, Act 3 should be soon too when it becomes Open Beta.

well apparently 2 more expansions on diablo 3 is in future maybe 2 more classes like d2 or something that sort etc

edit : thats from leaked road map a while back missed the date for d3 in 2011 i guess
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