*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Do you know how long your trading route takes for a complete circuit? I was looking at doing some smuggling of slaves last night but could not find anything worth doing, but I did find another legal route that was better paying but more jumps and I want to work out if its worthwhile, I do not want to fly back to where I was to check the timings on it with the rubbish range that I have and I think we were working in a similar area before.

Do you know how long your trading route takes for a complete circuit? I was looking at doing some smuggling of slaves last night but could not find anything worth doing, but I did find another legal route that was better paying but more jumps and I want to work out if its worthwhile, I do not want to fly back to where I was to check the timings on it with the rubbish range that I have and I think we were working in a similar area before.


It takes roughly 6 minutes for a full circuit. It is a 6Ly jump (not 9), so sweet for ships that don't have a big jump range.
By the way bud, check my video and you can see my trade route ;) I felt bad for not sharing, so used an excuse to record some DK2 footage to show ya :)

I just checked your video, turns out we are doing the same run, someone from Mobius told me about it several weeks ago been doing it on Solo since then!
I just checked your video, turns out we are doing the same run, someone from Mobius told me about it several weeks ago been doing it on Solo since then!

I got it from Thrudds and fell upon my route purely by accident. It was supposed to be a 34Ly route to gain the same profit but did the galaxy map in the hope of finding something a bit closer and boom! :D
Hi All,

I've only recently learnt of this game and it does look interesting.

I haven't touched a space sim game since well... a long time ago...Privateer 2: The Darkening :) Is it of a similar sort, very open exploration, trading, fighting etc?

Just a quick question if I may, is this a single player game or a multiplayer space game like EVE?

I don't really have the time to put hours into, I need something I can pick up then drop again. Is this possible with this game?

Any other thoughts welcome.

Many Thanks.
Hi All,

I've only recently learnt of this game and it does look interesting.

I haven't touched a space sim game since well... a long time ago...Privateer 2: The Darkening :) Is it of a similar sort, very open exploration, trading, fighting etc?

Just a quick question if I may, is this a single player game or a multiplayer space game like EVE?

I don't really have the time to put hours into, I need something I can pick up then drop again. Is this possible with this game?

Any other thoughts welcome.

Many Thanks.

It is both a SP and a MP. Both forms make the difference to your game but you can choose to play in open or solo.

You do really need to put time into this if I am honest but if you like exploring and like some trading and some combat, no reason you have to have the biggest and best and can enjoy it is small bursts.
Mined for a couple of hours last night in my T6. Made about 6 million.

I'm finding the key is to be patient and really picking and take about 50% cargo as limpets.

35% Palladium? Not till your cargo is almost full.

Hunt and hunt for that Pain and Plat. They are in the fields! :P
So... turns out I've been playing with my joystick completely setup wrong. It was setup like BF4 where it wasn't a continuous movement rather digital of pitch forward or not. Sorted it and it feels so much better. Silly me :(
Have just signed up for the Distant Worlds expedition - launching next Thursday so there's still time if anyone fancies spending 6 months or so 'Out in the black' :)

I singed up the other day, it will be one hell of an adventure that's for sure.:D
Hope I can keep up with the main fleet and RL don't get in my way too much.:rolleyes:

Mind you I cannot see 500+ commanders making it at the same pace.
So, fired up ED after being away for a few weeks, wants an update, install update, try to fire game up and launcher falls over, something to do with cobra Windows or something, uninstalling now...
Quick question guys, im very new to the game :)

So I accepted a mission to source and deliver some HE Suits. I know that I can filter systems that have these for sale but when I do this on the galaxy map I can see no visual difference? I have deselected everything else, I must be missing something?
I didn't like the orangey hue of the galactic core. It's quite amazing what effect altering just two small numbers in an xml file can have.



Between me converting the screenshot.bmp files to png and uploading to Imgur the Image quality has taken a slight hit, but you get the idea though. It looks top notch in motion in-game.

Bud do you have a comparison of what the before and after differences are when the above is implemented?

Also can we have your HUD colour settings? Would appreciate that.

Also can anyone tell me how to get a list of the landable planets in the navigation menu (menu 1)? There used to be blue icon against those planets where you could land but now I cant see them?
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