*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Now I just need to find a way to make the 6000000 to buy it. Currently only have about 700000.

Anyone recommend a good way of making the money?

I made the cash to get my first Asp and full kit by doing High Intensity RES in Kremainn. Took me a few days, but well worth it. If you're not getting high value spawns, log out and back in until you're getting Anaconda & Python spawns and you should get some 1-200k bounties.
Now I just need to find a way to make the 6000000 to buy it. Currently only have about 700000.

Anyone recommend a good way of making the money?

You should get a hauler if you don't have one, fit it out with a fuel scoop and decent cargo space, then do some rares trading.


These are good at the start of an Elite career because you can get about 16000cr per ton of rares, so a huge ship isn't necessary. The reasonably large distances involved reduce the amount you'll make per hour, however.

A higher risk alternative is to attempt Robigo shadow missions in a Cobra Mk3. It's much more difficult to do as you'll be traversing 350+ly with NPCs trying to interdict you at almost every star. Then there's the trouble of docking at stations; if any ship scans you, you've failed the missions, and will have to spend 30+mins going back to Robigo to get more. I waited until I got a nicely specced Asp before starting shadow deliveries.
Gregster? Anyone?

Sorry, I haven't looked at it but there isn't any point in me ranking up past 3 for (whoever I am with - can't remember) as the 10% bonus is on at rank 3 and above that is too much effort.

I did a google search for mine and what was the best way of ranking up and basically, the answer involved lots of people throwing rotten fruit+veg at us :D


Zemina Torval and again, ranking past 3 is too much work and not enough benefit.
If you want to make credits quickly, I would use a cobra mk3 and do slave smuggling missions from Robigo. Then once you earn enough credits upgrade to an asp and continue until you make enough credits for the next ship you want.

You will need to log in and out between open and solo play to refresh the mission board until you get enough missions to fill your cargo hold, and be prepared to be interdicted all the time.

It's not what I would call fun but I now have a full A rated Federal Assault Ship with 100+ million spare and I only did the above for a couple of nights. On the plus side I'm having lots of fun in Haz RES sites now so the couple of boring nights was worth it for me.

Excellent Ill give it a go. I take it if i get scanned landing its game over. :)
Whats the best way to avoid scans apart form going silent? I delivered a fair few illegal goods and never got scanned but I do tend to fly away from the station and line up with the letter box and once i get to 7km I request docking and boost into the station fast. Not been caught yet.

Is that the way to go.?
Yes, when being scanned in the past, I have accelerated sharply through the dock entrance to break line of sight, and it has worked. Although I had to manoeuvre quite wildly then to avoid crashing into the inside! I've heard people say you can break a scan with chaff too, but I don't know about that.

All the stuff above about ranks, powerplay, bonuses and the like though is sailing massively over my head. Can anyone give a brief couple of sentences intro to what on earth this is?
Whats the best way to avoid scans apart form going silent? I delivered a fair few illegal goods and never got scanned but I do tend to fly away from the station and line up with the letter box and once i get to 7km I request docking and boost into the station fast. Not been caught yet.

Is that the way to go.?

Leaving a station I usually am boosting at full speed whilst I'm going through the slot, then continue boosting.

If you've been interdicted, then identify the exit point you want, turn to face it, throttle to max, then boost boost until you can jump. I can't remember the last time I was scanned if there's just a single ship trying to scan me.
Another option is to shoot the enemy, at least once. Apparently if you land a hit, they'll deploy weapons and stop trying to scan. Clearly not good for your status though.
Getting frustrated with the Robigo missions, maybe im just a moron!

Dropped out of hyper space beside a star and was immediately interdicted.
The NPC then started to scan, i boosted away, targeted him and deployed hard points.

Now i thought that was supposed to stop his scan, it didnt and i was scanned :(

Any ideas what im doing wrong? the game was very laggy for me tonight so maybe that has something to do with it.
So every one of us EVE players are arses and disgusting? I think the more likely situation is that you're way too sensitive.

I played EVE quite heavily last year for a few months and enjoyed being part of an active alliance. However the corporations within the alliance didn't agree on what we should be doing so eventually the alliance split up and people went off and joined different groups. Was a shame really as had got used to playing with the same bunch of friends and then couldn't find the motivation to seek out and join another group. EVE can be a very hostile environment and you should always be prepared that everyone's intention is to destroy your ship and/or steal your cargo.

Well I am blown away by the Rift and even though my eyes hurt a little, it is awesome. I think I will do a giveaway of my EDTracker when I do a review of this game with the DK2, so if anybody doesn't have one and would like one, keep an eye on my vids.

Hey Gregster dude - I'm a little late to the party and got my DK2 on Tuesday, had a quick 15 minute session in Elite and boy I was like "OMG!" - the cockpit on the Cobra MkIII looks amazing in 3d. I've picked up some of the tweaks mentioned earlier and will be making sure I apply them before my next game session!

Crossfire is working in Elite dangerous with good scaling.

Yes working fine for me too and also with Eyefinity resolutions.
Hey Gregster dude - I'm a little late to the party and got my DK2 on Tuesday, had a quick 15 minute session in Elite and boy I was like "OMG!" - the cockpit on the Cobra MkIII looks amazing in 3d. I've picked up some of the tweaks mentioned earlier and will be making sure I apply them before my next game session!

Nice one and you have to get the Asp man!!! Proper good view looking out the bottom/top of the ship :D Tweaks is good as well and needed really and the best one was the green HUD for me + SweetFX.
Anyone running the Robigo thing, can you land an ASP on any other pad other than 5, saw sat there for over 20 minutes yesterday as some guy was just sat on the pad AFK, there were 10 CMDR's waiting at one point, until I got bored, tried to ram him off of the pad and then shot at him, then got blown up by the station lol
Anyone running the Robigo thing, can you land an ASP on any other pad other than 5, saw sat there for over 20 minutes yesterday as some guy was just sat on the pad AFK, there were 10 CMDR's waiting at one point, until I got bored, tried to ram him off of the pad and then shot at him, then got blown up by the station lol

Just go into solo mode lol :D
Getting frustrated with the Robigo missions, maybe im just a moron!

Dropped out of hyper space beside a star and was immediately interdicted.
The NPC then started to scan, i boosted away, targeted him and deployed hard points.

Now i thought that was supposed to stop his scan, it didnt and i was scanned :(

Any ideas what im doing wrong? the game was very laggy for me tonight so maybe that has something to do with it.

Did you actually open fire on them though? I think you have to shoot at them to stop the scan.
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