*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Hi guys back after nearly year away from game been playing from beta 1 so have lifetime pass have noticed that my trusty Vulture now not the greatest what's the best combat ship for around 50mil.

IMO the Fed Assault Ship is a great combat ship, and can be fitted out to be effective for 50 mill.
You mean to buy, or work from. To buy, try this:


Great site to find where to buy ships, kit etc.

Decided to be a bad guy for a few days. Fitted an interdictor, flew to a control system for another power and am going to see how blowing up hopefully everything that moves actually works.
Never done it before, but will apparently gain 30 merits/kill of the right type of enemy. I need 750 merits to maintain my Rank 4 with Duval, so just 25 kills.
Have to say that the interdiction mechanics are still not easy. Just as it's tough to avoid, it's clearly not easy to achieve. Took me 2 mins in my Python to interdict a DBS.

Ended up flying for 16 jumps to a rival's control system, and knocked in the required 25 kills in about 90 mins. Have now moved back to my present "home" location with a 100k bounty in the control system I was in. Job done. That guarantees another 5 mill in the bank and a 20% bonus on all bounty kills. Can't say that my Python was my best ship for the job, but it did OK.
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I've just started playing again, having a proper go at it this time round!

I want to end up as a bounty hunter but I know I've got to work my way up to it so to start with I've bought a fuel scoop and I've been zipping around exploring, gone a good 100ly+ from the started system so far and earned ~150k in 5-6 hours which isn't too bad.

I think I'll upgrade to a hauler soon and do a bit more exploring & start trading to get some decent cash in before I go off and buy a combat ship.

what !?! is this fuel scoop you speak of?
Decided to go to Barnards loop and try and get into the area of space behind it that has very few systems all spread out using the FSD boost. I'm now stuck in the middle of nowhere and can not find any polonium for the level two boost and i'm more that 39 ly from another system :(

The Russians seems to have a plentiful supply of it :p

Going try for another couple of sessions then I think i'm going to have to press the self destruct button which is a shame with all the exploration data I have
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Decided to go to Barnards loop and try and get into the area of space behind it that has very few systems all spread out using the FSD boost. I'm now stuck in the middle of nowhere and can not find any monolium for the level two boost and i'm more that 39 ly from another system :(

The Russians seems to have a plentiful supply of it :p

Going try for another couple of sessions then I think i'm going to have to press the self destruct button which is a shame with all the exploration data I have

Before you do that, try these guys.

Yeah I know about them but its not fuel i'm lacking its materials for the FSB boost.
I'm in an ASP with a jump range of 30ly, level 1 boost takes it to 37.5 but I think the nearest star is 40ish light years.
What is the maximum speed under supercruise with no gravitational influence ?

You could possibly point at the nearest star and just leave yourself whilst at work during the day. Hutton Orbital is about .2ly and takes maybe an hour so you should be able to travel 2 or 3 ly if you just leave your pc running for 24 hours ?
What is the maximum speed under supercruise with no gravitational influence ?

You could possibly point at the nearest star and just leave yourself whilst at work during the day. Hutton Orbital is about .2ly and takes maybe an hour so you should be able to travel 2 or 3 ly if you just leave your pc running for 24 hours ?

From a quick Google, 2,500c, apparently.

Although, you couldn't supercruise from one system to another. You still have to hyperjump the last bit, it seems.
Yeah I know about them but its not fuel i'm lacking its materials for the FSB boost.
I'm in an ASP with a jump range of 30ly, level 1 boost takes it to 37.5 but I think the nearest star is 40ish light years.

Just a thought, maybe you should make good notes about that system. Might be a good location to setup a future base it just incase we fail to stop the Thargoids. After all, if we can't jump 40LY, maybe they can't, thus giving us an easy to defend location.
Just a thought, maybe you should make good notes about that system. Might be a good location to setup a future base it just incase we fail to stop the Thargoids. After all, if we can't jump 40LY, maybe they can't, thus giving us an easy to defend location.

Err not really. Their scouts can do more than 500ly in a single jump! They can sit in hyperspace rather than super cruise, interdicting you at will... If the Thargoids show up and mean business, we're all in serious trouble.
Err not really. Their scouts can do more than 500ly in a single jump! They can sit in hyperspace rather than super cruise, interdicting you at will... If the Thargoids show up and mean business, we're all in serious trouble.

It'll be interesting to see just where FD pitch the Thargoids. I'm hoping they'll be a real menace and that we'll need to take a fleet to deal with them.
Prior to that, strikes me that we need new MUCH bigger fleet ships (e.g. carriers), along with the ability to create bases and similar.

Having said that, wouldn't it potentially be more amusing if we didn't actually have capital ships capable of genuinely stopping them right now, such that maybe we lose a third of known space until FD have the military develop appropriate responses...
Well at the end of the previous game they were on speaking terms with the Alliance after Feds/Imp navy delivered a bio weapon that nearly wiped them out. I think we're going to face a far worse enemy and we'll end up having to call the Thargoids to help.
Just a thought, maybe you should make good notes about that system. Might be a good location to setup a future base it just incase we fail to stop the Thargoids. After all, if we can't jump 40LY, maybe they can't, thus giving us an easy to defend location.

To be honest the Thargoids are what bought me to this part of space, the inscription on the barnacles (as a lot of people have said) looks like Barnard loop, but when you look at the loop its the wrong way round hence me going behind the loop so it then looks in the correct orientation.
Hindsight is a wonderful thing but I would have been better getting an anaconda with maxed jump range for this trip but hey ho you live and learn

The lore say that they can jump vast distances and we are limited to 40ish ly so thats why i figured we have not bumped into them if they are in that part of the galaxy until we got FSB boosts....but thats just the thoughts of a babbling idiot.......

or is it! :D
lol I wrecked my SRV so now i,m really stuck....did try the fuel rats but it turns out you can not transfer the parts needed. What a great bunch of guys though, they were quite willing to come all the way out here mining as they went
I'm going to try leaving my game running over night to see if i can close the distance enough in SC to make a jump, if not 3...2...1.....boom:(
So i picked this up last night to keep me busy, i started it up and looked at the menus last night, that is it, i was wondering if there are any important tips or videos on starting out properly. Best way to get right in to it?
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