*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

I'm up to about 78mil on Robigo missions now, usually 17/20 hops drop a few then back to Robigo, will do another run tonight that should see me over 100mil if I can get them all in, swapped out my 64t fuel for 64t cargo then swapped the scoop out for a fuel tank, 17 jumps before I need to refuel sits me just about on the end of my range so just have to make sure my first drop is to a low risk destination, fuel up again then do the rest...

Nice. I usually have an A6 fuel scoop

I find 6-7 is the max to get otherwise you get harassed too often. I have around 250Mil now but getting bored of those runs
Did my first Robigo missions tonight. I pulled in around 15M in just over an hour and a half as a try-out (didn't do the solo-open-solo shuffle when picking up missions), should be better when I can pick up the Broker tier missions which will take one more run.

A lot easier than I expected, other than a couple of interdictions by over-keen pirates in Eagles and dodging a Viper scan it was pretty uneventful.
I had my first experience last night of a pillock flying through my lasers when I was taking on a pirate. This resulted in basically everyone at the Nav Beacon chasing me down. That was fun!

Also, one pirate dropped some cargo, and I failed to control my acquisitive nature. Picked it up, and was instantly scanned and became wanted. I knew it would happen, but just couldn't stop myself. :D

I've made a good million credits from just an hour or so of Nav Beacon bounty hunting though over the last couple of nights. Given I'm only in a Cobra MkIII, that's pretty good money. Generally I'm not really into making money as quick as possible, I prefer to potter about, pick up missions, explore, trade, check out signal sources. But I've had the Cobra for a while, and I'm starting to get puppy eyes about an Asp Scout. And combat is always fun anyway. Despite my approach to dogfighting being largely to contantly chase the other guy in circles.
lol I wrecked my SRV so now i,m really stuck....did try the fuel rats but it turns out you can not transfer the parts needed. What a great bunch of guys though, they were quite willing to come all the way out here mining as they went
I'm going to try leaving my game running over night to see if i can close the distance enough in SC to make a jump, if not 3...2...1.....boom:(

I know quoting yourself is bad form but its relevant in this case :p

So after chatting to the FuelRats turned out there was a way to help me out. you can not transfer ores but in theory someone in an SRV can find them and break them up and then a ship can actually scoop them from the planets surface.

Its a long way to come and a PITA to actually traverse this part of space due to the large distance between systems so I told them not to bother and I would just self destruct.
Two guys in the chat room really did not want me to do it and were really keen to give the rescue ago so they started making there way to me.
We finally made contact last night and tried out the transfer system and it worked! although it was a bit tricky on hilly terrain. So now we have to find some Vanadium and Niobium to get me back to habitated space.
Times are a bit difficult as they don't get on until quite late when i need to sleep but hopefully once the weekends here we can get it sorted.

I'm pretty sure this is the first rescue of this kind (for the Rats anyway) and although it was my idiocy in coming here unprepared I'm glad i did now as its led to quite the adventure.

If I get out I guess it will go on the RATs epic rescue board and I'll be famous! (albeit for being an idiot :cool:)
I know quoting yourself is bad form but its relevant in this case :p

So after chatting to the FuelRats turned out there was a way to help me out. you can not transfer ores but in theory someone in an SRV can find them and break them up and then a ship can actually scoop them from the planets surface.

Its a long way to come and a PITA to actually traverse this part of space due to the large distance between systems so I told them not to bother and I would just self destruct.
Two guys in the chat room really did not want me to do it and were really keen to give the rescue ago so they started making there way to me.
We finally made contact last night and tried out the transfer system and it worked! although it was a bit tricky on hilly terrain. So now we have to find some Vanadium and Niobium to get me back to habitated space.
Times are a bit difficult as they don't get on until quite late when i need to sleep but hopefully once the weekends here we can get it sorted.

I'm pretty sure this is the first rescue of this kind (for the Rats anyway) and although it was my idiocy in coming here unprepared I'm glad i did now as its led to quite the adventure.

If I get out I guess it will go on the RATs epic rescue board and I'll be famous! (albeit for being an idiot :cool:)

That really is awesome. Just amazing how different player interactivity is within FD when compared to most other games I've tried.
Morning Commanders,

We have an update incoming today. The galactic servers will go offline at 11AM GMT and will return within the hour (UPDATE: We aim to bring the servers back online at 12.30GMT - thanks!). Below are the patch notes to quench your changelog fever.

General Changes
Fix for crash when approaching some settlements (AZRAEL - SEARLE PORT)
Fixed a crash in drone component
Fix for crash during outfitting
Added guards for a door manager related crash
Fixed Mine/Missile malfunction causing the client to crash
Added guards to help prevent a Capital Ship related crash
Ensure cargo is transferred when re-buying a ship from an orphaned SRV
Limit Galnet to only displaying recent articles in the game
Fix Darnielle's Progress in the Maia system
Fix some names in local trading report news articles.
Stop requiring the Phekda permit to travel to that starsystem
Rank missions should no longer instantly fail for no apparent reason
Ammo store shouldn't show drones as purchasable if there is no stock
Galaxy map now remembers the previous Cargo Mass slider setting, unless enough real cargo is added to the ship to exceed the slider setting
Don't replot the current route just because the Galaxy Map is opened. Fixes the route being forgotten sometimes if viewing the galaxy map during FSD charge, and helps to avoid forgetting the in-system target at the end of the route
The SRV is now refuelled when it docks at a port
Fixed an issue when deploying the buggy to a garage in a port, the buggy started slightly below the ground.
Fix Imperial Cutter schematic

Client: Text Display
Translations updated.
Various text fixes.

Fix bug when determining network connection MTU causing assorted player-to-player connection problems.
Fix for network object ID exhaustion.
Fixed some missing Powerplay translations.

Server Side Fixes
Fixed some metadata mismatches causing server errors.
Fixed a server crash if a star system is being accessed while being deleted.
Various server performance and reliability improvements
So i fired this up last night, i have been working a hell of a lot lately so had no time to play much of anything but i thought i would run through a couple of the tuts, managed to do the basics, landing, takeoff and navigation and thought i would jump in to see what it was like.
It's a bit overwhelming to say the least. lots to take in and it looks amazing, wading through the immense amount to do is a task of itself, working out what places to trade at etc is a little confusing, flew straight in to a settlement and got tagged as trespassing/wanted and blown out of the sky. that was bed time :D

Either way it was great fun, ordered a delanclip to enable headtracking so looking forward to trying that also!
You're not wrong. There's a lot to take in at first. I'd recommend for the first few trips, don't sweat all the 'maximum income' stuff. Just do some short hops with a bit of cargo to get used to the general mechanics of it.
went to see a barnacle last night, and duly blasted it's tentacles for the meta alloys...

good likc Kanifee, back when i started i went down the trading route, taking missions first, before getting enough money to kit out a hauler and running the rares loop untill i got enough credits to all the other stuff!
Ok managed to make around 175Mcredits which gives me a conda + some change....

Just went out in this thing... frik me. PIG SLOW!

Any recommendations for budget bounty hunter loadout?

Dont bother with a Conda pal. Get a Python and kit it out. I recommend Pule Lasers (Large and Medium) and two plasma accelerators for up close
Server downtime - bonus credit weekend
From Zac Antonaci on the Frontier Forums:

Greetings Commanders.

As many of you will know, last night we suffered unexpected server downtime which lasted for a considerable number of hours.

By way of a thank you for your patience and to cover any unexpected small fines due to the time delay, we will be running a 48 hour bonus credit period for all Commanders in the galaxy.

All mission reward credits, bounties and combat bonds will receive a 20% uplift when cashing them in.

Missions will show as the same reward but should add 20% as a bonus when cashing in. Bounties will also say the same amount has been claimed but will then increase in your transactions. As will combat bonds.

The bonus period will be available from 14:00 GMT (30 minutes time) today until 14:00 GMT Monday 1st Feb.

This will be applied to all platforms (PC, Mac & Xbox One)

Once again thank you so much for your patience while the servers were fixed. We truly appreciate your fantastic ongoing support.

Fly safe Commanders!
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