*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Sort of. If you get an effect you don't want, you can use favours to choose the one you do want. You need to build rep to get those favours though.
Do you still need specific materials? Or does it simpyl reduce your level with the Engineer?

Not bothered with this feature myself, but I guess I should really go and craft my 3 pulse lasers with "thermal" I guess :rolleyes:

And my multicannons with what ever fits there too!
Do you still need specific materials? Or does it simpyl reduce your level with the Engineer?

Not bothered with this feature myself, but I guess I should really go and craft my 3 pulse lasers with "thermal" I guess :rolleyes:

And my multicannons with what ever fits there too!

Nope, no materials required. Some good stuff for multi cannons out there. Just don't get anything that comes with jitter for lasers as it just makes hitting anything from further than 1km very hit and miss. You're likely to want to be close for kinetic stuff anyway so less of an issue for them.
Nope, no materials required. Some good stuff for multi cannons out there. Just don't get anything that comes with jitter for lasers as it just makes hitting anything from further than 1km very hit and miss. You're likely to want to be close for kinetic stuff anyway so less of an issue for them.

Well, if I recall, JITTER seems to increase 1-->4, and then you get none with level 5?

Seems a bit unfair on levels 1-4?

My pulse lasers are all level 3 overdriven you certainly get jitter values on them!
It depends how bad it is. 3 degrees was unusable for me.

Class 3 Pulse:-
0.54 degrees
0.49 degrees
0.45 degrees

Class 4 Multi-Cannon:-
0.13 degrees
0.39 degrees

Actually looking at my pulse lasers!
36.5% more DPS... At a cost of 62.7% more distributor draw...

That's actually bad in some situations. ie: Where you have long periods of shooting it will mean you will do less damage than an unmodified Pulse Laser surely!

Infact one of them is 51% more DPS at a 88% increase in Distributor Draw... Eeek!

At least one of the Multi-Cannons is a better trader off. 61% more DPS for 61% more Distributor Draw.

I'm wondering if the Pulse Laser Overdrives are a bad direction!

ps: You can't get L5 Pulse Laser Overdrives!
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Saw a link to the thread whilst browsing the Explorers sub-forum.

Was always opposed against instant transfers, hopefully the ship transfers will be implemented with the proposed delay.
Voted for the delay. It should really be for just rearranging where your ships are. If you move out to jacques permanently, it would be nice to bring a ship or two out without having to make the trek several times in ships that have short jumps. The delay is fine there and doesn't impact much. In the bubble, it's just good for when you bought that one ship ages ago in an inconvenient spot and you spend most of your time on another side of the bubble.
Do we know if it can be triggered such that you can be say at Sothis and ask for a ship to be flown from say Shinrarta to Jaques?

As for the delay, personally I'd like for it to be something like 1 min per jump required for the ship in question. That would be sensible.
Do we know if it can be triggered such that you can be say at Sothis and ask for a ship to be flown from say Shinrarta to Jaques?

As for the delay, personally I'd like for it to be something like 1 min per jump required for the ship in question. That would be sensible.

Agreed with the delay. 1 min per jump would be fair and a good call on that. I have 5 ships (Anaconda/Corvette/Cutter/Python/Asp) that are all kitted out for varying tasks and I would be more than happy to have quite a delay on calling any of them. Not sure if I can call all the ships at once either but can't see why not.
Agreed, should be some sort of delay otherwise it's going to be abused. As said, I think it should be for fleet relocation only, not as a real 'gameplay' mechanic.
Voted for the delay. It should really be for just rearranging where your ships are. If you move out to jacques permanently, it would be nice to bring a ship or two out without having to make the trek several times in ships that have short jumps. The delay is fine there and doesn't impact much. In the bubble, it's just good for when you bought that one ship ages ago in an inconvenient spot and you spend most of your time on another side of the bubble.

I just wish the post/poll was a tad clearer? What is the rough approach being used to calculate the delay?

For me unless is about as long as it would take to manually fly there it won't help... and will instead prove frustrating. If it's much longer, fair enough... But unnecessary...
There has to be a delay, some sort of average time per jump spread over the number of jumps needed for the journey, then add to that the possibility of the ship being intercepted, damaged/destroyed etc, also add the chance of it being actually stolen rather than delivered, pilot experience and so on, hell if they are going down the crew route you could send your own second off to go get your ship, that in itself could create missions where you are ferrying people around to pick up other peoples ships, stolen ships could also be missions where you go out, find a guy, disable the ship then call in the guy that actually owns it so he can recover it..

If done right it could add a decent chunk of content to the game...
People's stance on mining? A good money earner (Im in an Adder) or a waste of time generally?

Wouldn't bother in an Adder. Mining best suits the bigger ships where you have plenty of spare hard points and internals. Unless you're in a real back water area you'll be bothered constantly by pirates and so probably spend more time fighting than mining.
Didn't they say 5min to 100min?

I'm sure it's in the sticky post put up yesterday.

On the premise some folks have worked out the proposed transfer speed is about as slow as the slowest ship I've happily voted for delayed transfer now...
Wouldn't bother in an Adder. Mining best suits the bigger ships where you have plenty of spare hard points and internals. Unless you're in a real back water area you'll be bothered constantly by pirates and so probably spend more time fighting than mining.

Thanks thought as much.
I watched a video about doing RES > Cobra > Sothis Run. Going to start that tonight and see what happens.
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