money isnt really an issue any more (which makes me really really sad but that is another topic all together) so this may not be worth doing, however if you like getting everything bargain price, if you get the alioth permit you can get 20% off the price of an asp there iirc.
IIRC the way to get alioth permit is to get allied with Alioth Independents faction around alioth. and once you are allied with them and with the alliance you will get a mission to get the permit. you will of course also get cash whilst building rep.
like i said, this is only really needed for the role play now you can earn money far more quickly doing missions.
Exploration builds are fairly cheap (contrary to popular belief you DONT need A rated FSD to explore, just D rate most things (the lightest) which is also cheap, and add on a detailed surface scanner and an SRV and bob is your mothers brother.
if you want fairly easy money quickly and are not bothered about combat and you do not have the money to outfit an expensive ship I suggest doing the scanning missions on planet surfaces. These are often illegal so do in a disposible ship - an E rated sidewinder just with updated FSD is ok, just remember to add the SRV. these missions pay well, are easy and fairly enjoyable.
my ultimate advice however is dont burn through the game. I know it is tempting to want all the big shinies asap but the truth is once you get there you only do exactly the same stuff you can do now. take your time. i woudl suggest going in fully with the role play, so DO do things like getting the alioth permit, DO find a faction and adopt it as your own, DO try and read the lore at the info beacons and follow galnet and your ships log. None of this is really needed but to me it is what makes the game.
and i would also say DONT do anything which feels exploity or cheesy. yes if you want to you can earn 100 million in a few hrs and it may be tempting, but imo that is a sure fire way to kill any interest in the game.
just my 2p. i love ED, however the more it goes on the more i have to work at NOT being a billionaire with all the things, which really depresses me to be honest. in some ways for me the game has massively gone backwards since 1.0 launch date (and before).
ps combat in the early ships like the eagle is fun, but it is hard..... dont even think about taking on anything more powerful than a cobra yet. once you can afford one if you get a vulture, things will suddently be much easier. the vulture is like an eagle, but better in every way and can tear ships up quite quickly. (and only costs ...... 5million is it? credits)