I've always hated Engineers - Hike off, do some slave-labour grind, then run some RNG to see what you get... but even worse is how you actually need everything engineered just to get by, now - I liked that combat wasn't just a battle of maths, and that you could (if you chose) just go out and have some casual engagements for a bit of light fun without needing über-A-rated Engineered kit everywhere. I started losing interest when my hard-earned and fully kitted FdL was suddenly getting destroyed by a few shots from a low-mid level NPC in a Sidewinder or Cobra, who'd previously explode if I simply bumped into them...!!
At the lower end, you have this stuff:
They will do well enough for entry level.
For very good value for money, try this setup:
There's also a version with rudder pedals, if that's your thing.
Beyond that, you're looking at a HOTAS from CH Products, or the absolute top end of a Thrustmaster Warthog setup. I'm personally not a fan of the latter for space games, but it does exceedingly well if you also play the big flight sims and so on.