*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Can't you get a Steam key from your Frontier Store account, if that's where you bought it from? If you bought it elsewhere, and have registered your key on your Frontier account, from the Third Party Accounts section of your account. This might only have applied if you'd bought it from them directly though, or might have ended, so I can't say for sure it will allow you to, but worth a look.
I bought ED direct from Frontier. I'll have a look at their website for a Third Party Accounts link.
Thanks Seabiscuit!
I also just started the game again after a 2 year break and it's mixed. The extra content is always welcome as it got stale quite quickly before the Horizon stuff and later started to appear.

It's been made "accessible" to the new breed of players with shorter attention spans IMHO as it was quite a grind to make any serious money originally but it's also a business so they gotta make money themselves. The FSS isn't such a bad idea as even I had my limits on flying around a system for 10s of minutes just to get near enough to a body to scan it.

However where I was taking days to make a few mill originally and really appreciated each upgrade I just made 200 million in a couple of days (hours really) from simply mining Opal/Diamonds so why would you mine anything else! At least after that initial period of getting enough credits for a mining ship. No more sitting there chipping away at a rock with a laser and manually scooping up the chunks.

Only addition to the mining guide is learn to recognise the deep core asteroid for each belt type as stated and equip double Abrasion Blasters in adjacent ship mounts and you'll get two chunks for the price of one blast! I hardly use any prospector limpets now mostly just collectors.
However where I was taking days to make a few mill originally and really appreciated each upgrade I just made 200 million in a couple of days (hours really) from simply mining Opal/Diamonds so why would you mine anything else! At least after that initial period of getting enough credits for a mining ship. No more sitting there chipping away at a rock with a laser and manually scooping up the chunks.
this is my problem (or my main one anyway). earning money and saving up for the next big thing no longer has any enjoyment now because money is so easy to come by..... and why bother using anything other than A rated now when stuff is so cheap, and engineers now mean that any compromises and considerations needed for a build are now moot. you CAN just A rate everything (apart from the odd D module when range is a consideration) when you have an engineered power plant to magic up some more power.

and dont even get me started about the magic distributer bonus you get for having 1, 2 or 3 crew members in your ship.... why should i get to put an extra pipp to shields just because i have a dormant player sitting next to me?

it has also made getting to elite worthless because unlike past changes to earnings FD did not change the amount of credits needed to get to elite so you can get elite exploration AND trade in a matter of hrs now.

but the biggest concern for me is..... FD are going to have to make credit sinks for all the space billionaires now.... which means those players who have not cheesed quince or the million other exploits, and who havent mined void diamonds or got 1st scanned on the ELWs which are in inhapbited space to make their billions........ how are those players going to have a chance to get any of the inevitable content which will come out for the credit sinks for the billionaires?

Also it has made piracy even more of a joke than it already was. what is the point of pirating a ship when i can make 1000x more by mining in the same time? it makes zero sense for any role players. in the elite universe there is no need for piracy because you can earn far more in far safer pursuits just by mining and scanning a few systems.
Only addition to the mining guide is learn to recognise the deep core asteroid for each belt type as stated and equip double Abrasion Blasters in adjacent ship mounts and you'll get two chunks for the price of one blast! I hardly use any prospector limpets now mostly just collectors.

Forgot to add that regarding fissures low does not automatically require a low charge set as if you fire a high charge at a low fissure and repeat with another I've cracked an asteroid with a s little as 3 charges. So I tend to load up any low fissures and fire low charges at high or medium to nudge up the charges as required and depending on the fissures revealed of course.
I stopped playing this a couple of years or so ago and have since got myself a VR headset and would like to get a back into it. I tried it quickly thinking I would be fine. I found I forgot everything, ended up crashing into the station the then being destroyed by Police. I lost my ship and everything inside it. I only had 10,000,000 ish credits so could not afford to buy it back lol.

Started again with a lesser ship but found I just don't have a inclination to play any more, even with VR.
I've always hated Engineers - Hike off, do some slave-labour grind, then run some RNG to see what you get... but even worse is how you actually need everything engineered just to get by, now - I liked that combat wasn't just a battle of maths, and that you could (if you chose) just go out and have some casual engagements for a bit of light fun without needing über-A-rated Engineered kit everywhere. I started losing interest when my hard-earned and fully kitted FdL was suddenly getting destroyed by a few shots from a low-mid level NPC in a Sidewinder or Cobra, who'd previously explode if I simply bumped into them...!!

At the lower end, you have this stuff:

They will do well enough for entry level.
For very good value for money, try this setup: https://www.overclockers.co.uk/thru...ystick-and-throttle-pc-2960778-gc-07b-th.html
There's also a version with rudder pedals, if that's your thing.

Beyond that, you're looking at a HOTAS from CH Products, or the absolute top end of a Thrustmaster Warthog setup. I'm personally not a fan of the latter for space games, but it does exceedingly well if you also play the big flight sims and so on.

Great, thanks for the advice I am looking at the 16000m now.
I stopped playing this a couple of years or so ago and have since got myself a VR headset and would like to get a back into it. I tried it quickly thinking I would be fine. I found I forgot everything, ended up crashing into the station the then being destroyed by Police. I lost my ship and everything inside it. I only had 10,000,000 ish credits so could not afford to buy it back lol.

Started again with a lesser ship but found I just don't have a inclination to play any more, even with VR.

noooo you broke the 1 golden rule in elite... do not fly without rebuy!. that said it is so easy to get your money back now once you have your eye in that you will have your stuff back quicker than ever (aside from engineered stuff).

i know hindsite is always 20:20 but after a long time out of the game i always ease in with a cheap ship.. and indeed there is money to be made using throw away ships now.

word to the wise, if you do go back, the crime and punishment is different now.... crime is tied to your ship and it costs a lot to clean off your ship, so if you want to do some lucrative base scanning missions, use a disaposible sidewinder !.
I got a T16000m on the rainforest clearance, damaged box but kit was brand spanking new...highly recommended, I'd been playing with a joypad and just didn't enjoy it. HOTAS has got me hooked now.
that is the stick i would buy i think if buying new now. a nice compromise between quality and price.

the X55 - my last stick - and my X56 - my current stick have all the buttons and features you could ever need for elite, but, the build quality, esp considering the price! is a disgrace!. The only reason my current X56 is going to see out its warranty is because i do not play elite any where near like i used to. i got through 2 X55s same fault in both (throttle wiring) and the X56 is made the same way.

madcatz really were the pits. It is possible the latest logitech revision to the X56 (X56 RGB iirc) may have fixed things but honestly i would want to see a tear down or definite info from a trusted source before i considered one.
I have a CH Product setup and my mate has the Warthog. Another more budget-conscious friend who we introduced to Elite tried both our setups, along with dozens more - The 16000M is the one he opted for and he's over the moon with it, so I think you chose well!

I use VKB pedals but CH throttle/combat stick with a T16000M on the shelf and I am continually tempted to go back to it, not for the additional axis but the slightly more positive feedback from movement.

Really wish CH would update their stuff, yes it's great but the drivers, software and kit itself would sell drastically more with just a bit of work. It feels like the genius behind the CH kit has died or retired and they are afraid to do anything for fear of breaking it. Clearly they had a Willy Wonka working there years ago..
I use VKB pedals but CH throttle/combat stick with a T16000M on the shelf and I am continually tempted to go back to it, not for the additional axis but the slightly more positive feedback from movement.

Really wish CH would update their stuff, yes it's great but the drivers, software and kit itself would sell drastically more with just a bit of work. It feels like the genius behind the CH kit has died or retired and they are afraid to do anything for fear of breaking it. Clearly they had a Willy Wonka working there years ago..

Ttaskmaster and I actually went for a tour of the factory and spoke to the director, he basically said they only sell the CH joysticks because people still buy them and as a company they have no active interest in the product as their main customers are military and industrial, i mean put is this way , they sell switches and buttons that individually cost more than a CH pro joystick and throttle combined. He even offered to sell us the brand and production line (and i'm not kidding).
that is the stick i would buy i think if buying new now. a nice compromise between quality and price.

the X55 - my last stick - and my X56 - my current stick have all the buttons and features you could ever need for elite, but, the build quality, esp considering the price! is a disgrace!. The only reason my current X56 is going to see out its warranty is because i do not play elite any where near like i used to. i got through 2 X55s same fault in both (throttle wiring) and the X56 is made the same way.

madcatz really were the pits. It is possible the latest logitech revision to the X56 (X56 RGB iirc) may have fixed things but honestly i would want to see a tear down or definite info from a trusted source before i considered one.

Yep my X52, which I got not long after launch, is still solid as a rock and never had any issues with it in FS or Elite. As You said, Madcatz really dropped the ball and ruined the brand IMO.
Can anyone recommend a joystick for this game, I was looking at spending about £50 ideally.
2nd hand microsoft force feedback 2, best stick out there. Trust me ive owned them all from CH to Warthog to Legendary Cougar. The MSFFB2 is the best stick out there so good that i got 3 of ebay.

They have trippled in price in the last 2 years, id grab one before you cant get them anymore, best flight stick ever to fit the hand.
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