FC = Fleet Carrier?
How much have you got to grind to get one?
And I heard there are running costs? Does this mean you have to continously play to keep it?
I just... keep ... coming back.. to this thread.....ARGGGGGGGHGHHHHH
Here, this will show you the purchase and upkeep costs. If you have enough cash stashed away then can take a lot of time off without putting it at risk, if you run out of cash it gets repossessed
You can suspend services to reduce the upkeep by around 50% if you wanted to take a break from the game etc, but yes it is expensive.
Its certainly not for everyone and it's not necessary to own one to be able to enjoy the majority of the game.
What you can do with it is up to you, whether its a mobile base for exploration, repair and refuel, trading etc or just a handy storage for all yours ships and modules. I dont know how much effort it would take to make 10bn credits now, but people (inc. new players) were doing that in a few days with LTD mining and had not much else to spend it on but FCs.
Yep, I never really followed the "trends" for quick cash, or exploits if you prefer! Played since launch and had enough for a few top end ships but not excessive amounts. Then the FC update came in and it was crazy how many were suddenly around. I guess the LTD "gold-rush" already existed for awhile but the number of people who were piling into it just highlighted it to the point it had to be nerfed/fixed. I did it myself for a week, made enough for a FC and a few years upkeep, and left it at that.
I think you either keep your eyes and ears open for the latest get rich quick scheme and jump on it, or just carry on playing how you like and enjoy the game. However in elite, if you are not grinding for cash you will be grinding for something else anyway, whether its materials, rank, kills whatever.
What is this "LTD" rush exactly?
How much can one get from this now as opposed to "back then"?
What is this "LTD" rush exactly?
How much can one get from this now as opposed to "back then"?
It was anywhere up to about 1.7 million a ton IIRC, you could make a huge amount even without resorting to cheesing anything whatsoever.
Low Temperature diamonds (LTD) are mineable minerals that you can get from cracking asteroids (deep core mining). Void opals used to be the previous thing until the developers nerfed it (close to a year ago) also was when they introduced the supply demand system. As @Dano has said, each unit can net you some serious credit but the pricing for selling keeps changing and the stations that buy it for the highest amount also change often depending on the supply. There are a few systems that essentially have overlapping LTD zones (triple) that essentially boosts your chances getting a significant quantity. Its good fun and definitely worth trying if you havent done so before.