*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

Was doing a Community Goal in Xelabara, along with dozens of other players. So many, it was a struggle just to find a single NPC!

Unfortunately, there was a Wing of PowerPlayers all in Fer-de-Lances who were pouncing upon any smaller ship not of their faction. Being in a Wing with NavLock they all drop in when one interdicts you, meaning you're suddenly faced with four FdLs all opening up on you at once.
They nabbed my little Vulture four or five times and on each occasion I'd barely taken control of my ship before I was just blatted to oblivion. Had to switch to Private Group in the end, as I was losing so much money in rebuys... lost 6.5mil, made only 1.3mil.


And this is why we all need to be on friends list at the very least, get jumped on, call in the cavalry..

Whats the Max wing size you can have? :D
And this is why we all need to be on friends list at the very least, get jumped on, call in the cavalry...
I didn't have that kind of response time.
This was about 4 seconds from emerging out of the Interdict to me going BOOOOOMMMMM....!!!!!
I had a wingman right nearby so the Navlock drop-in was almost immediate, but even then I was dead before he emerged. He then died straight after.
I swear these guys all had multiple Plasma Accelerators, or something.

Whats the Max wing size you can have? :D
But to be fair, it only took two of these guys to blink me out of existence... and this is a seriously tooled-up Vulture.
I recently went back to an asp after running around in a culture for a couple of months - ditched it for the vulture again last night, wasn't really making any money trading with it (I do not ha e the patience for multi collect/drops) and got my arse handed to me by a couple of ships that would have been absolutely no problem in the vulture.

Back terrorising small ship players and any NPC until I can afford something a bit tastier now. Might go for an assault ship next
Mmmm, tempting me to go back to the Vulture, I do like the ability to run that the Viper gives you though...
I've never once fought an interdiction, I just close the throttle, drop out, wait until they fire the first shot and then give them a kicking, if it gets to the point where I'm getting my ass kicked I just boost out of the way and jump off...
I've never once fought an interdiction, I just close the throttle, drop out, wait until they fire the first shot and then give them a kicking, if it gets to the point where I'm getting my ass kicked I just boost out of the way and jump off...
Yeah, this ^.

I've never been hit anything like as hard as that before.
I clicked to see just the one FdL interdicting me and thought, "Bring it ONNNNN!!"... I drop out, shield was down immediately, then I was gone before the ship had finished saying "Shields Offline"!

Credit to these guys, they were obviously well practiced...
Doh! I was hoping to have a play this weekend. Back to Fallout4 then.
Not at all - Stay with Elite and get in on the Community Goals. Even at the lowest percentile, you'll be getting several million Credits from the global reward- You just need a few kills.
You'll want every penny you can scrape for when the new ships and stuff becomes available!!
On sale for just over £9 on Steam what a steal!!!!!

I’ve not played my copy as a backer of the KS and thought at £20 it was great value. Don’t mind as it helped bring the game to market backing the KS but dam that’s some price.
£10 discount still applies to Horizons pre orders too, anybody waiting now has no reason to, plus as above, skins and Cobra mkv access :-D

It is also the same price in the frontier store if you don't want to use steam.
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