Was doing a Community Goal in Xelabara, along with dozens of other players. So many, it was a struggle just to find a single NPC!
Unfortunately, there was a Wing of PowerPlayers all in Fer-de-Lances who were pouncing upon any smaller ship not of their faction. Being in a Wing with NavLock they all drop in when one interdicts you, meaning you're suddenly faced with four FdLs all opening up on you at once.
They nabbed my little Vulture four or five times and on each occasion I'd barely taken control of my ship before I was just blatted to oblivion. Had to switch to Private Group in the end, as I was losing so much money in rebuys... lost 6.5mil, made only 1.3mil.
And this is why we all need to be on friends list at the very least, get jumped on, call in the cavalry..
Whats the Max wing size you can have?