*** The Official Elite: Dangerous Thread ***

£10 discount still applies to Horizons pre orders too, anybody waiting now has no reason to, plus as above, skins and Cobra mkv access :-D

It is also the same price in the frontier store if you don't want to use steam.

have got elite today, had £20 in my steam folder, and once installed and registered you get the discount for Horizons, so have pre ordered that too:D

just completed my 1st training tutorial lol good times, need to get my X52pro unpacked, as have two weeks of late and night shifts, so plenty of day time running to play ;)
£10 discount still applies to Horizons pre orders too, anybody waiting now has no reason to, plus as above, skins and Cobra mkv access :-D

It is also the same price in the frontier store if you don't want to use steam.

I might buy a second account for messing about with.
It depends what you want. You need to set your own goals and work towards them yourself. The game does very little hand holding or guiding you and is very open ended.
It depends what you want. You need to set your own goals and work towards them yourself. The game does very little hand holding or guiding you and is very open ended.

Well I played the original all those many years ago, so I suppose I'm looking for more of the same.
What's the 'point' of this game?

Seen loads of people say it's brilliant and Steam is tempting me at a 10er!

Entertainment. If you like space and a bit of combat in space and a bit of flying space ships and exploring space and did I mention there is space?

Best off watching a few vids and seeing if it is for you really :)
My big question is... is it anything like Frontier?

As in, you can dock at a station, buy goods, take 'em off elsewhere to sell at a profit, and while you're there, check the boards for any missions (bring this here, kill this guy etc. etc.).

Basically... I'm just looking for the Frontier experience all over again... with the added benefit of other people chuffing about too.
My big question is... is it anything like Frontier?

As in, you can dock at a station, buy goods, take 'em off elsewhere to sell at a profit, and while you're there, check the boards for any missions (bring this here, kill this guy etc. etc.).

Basically... I'm just looking for the Frontier experience all over again... with the added benefit of other people chuffing about too.
Frontier was an evolution of Elite. This is the original Elite pulled into the 21st C. Frontier is like this game.

I haven't actually played frontier but I suspect there was a fair bit more going on around you than in this as it was a single player game with a story. This isnt story driven, but everything you've asked can be done in this game.
Frontier was an evolution of Elite. This is the original Elite pulled into the 21st C. Frontier is like this game.

I haven't actually played frontier but I suspect there was a fair bit more going on around you than in this as it was a single player game with a story. This isnt story driven, but everything you've asked can be done in this game.

That'll do me.

Just spent the last couple of hours getting to grips with it. Dived straight in with Solo play as I couldn't be bothered watching the video tutorials. I tend not to really learn that way, anyway.

Got the basic gist and did a couple of delivery runs. Got into a fight with a pirate in a no fire zone but came out unscathed. Dropped off my loot, got my creditzzz, checked out the market and the job board and yeah... it's just like the old days -- but a HELL of a lot more beautiful. :)

Couple of questions...

1. Is there any way to target the nearest stations besides going to the System Map and chosing it? I've found that if I do that, but target something else, I lose the station and have to do the whole thing again.

2. Can you dock automatically? I swear, the amount of time I spend just maneuvering around the outside of them looking for Bay 2 was driving me nuts.
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Just spent the last couple of hours getting to grips with it. Dived straight in with Solo play as I couldn't be bothered watching the video tutorials. I tend not to really learn that way, anyway.

Got the basic gist and did a couple of delivery runs. Got into a fight with a pirate in a no fire zone but came out unscathed. Dropped off my loot, got my creditzzz, checked out the market and the job board and yeah... it's just like the old days -- but a HELL of a lot more beautiful. :)

Excellent job :D
Just spent the last couple of hours getting to grips with it. Dived straight in with Solo play as I couldn't be bothered watching the video tutorials. I tend not to really learn that way, anyway.

Got the basic gist and did a couple of delivery runs. Got into a fight with a pirate in a no fire zone but came out unscathed. Dropped off my loot, got my creditzzz, checked out the market and the job board and yeah... it's just like the old days -- but a HELL of a lot more beautiful. :)

Couple of questions...

1. Is there any way to target the nearest stations besides going to the System Map and chosing it? I've found that if I do that, but target something else, I lose the station and have to do the whole thing again.

2. Can you dock automatically? I swear, the amount of time I spend just maneuvering around the outside of them looking for Bay 2 was driving me nuts.

You need to buy a docking computer which takes up a slot on your ship. I've never had need for one myself.
Couple of questions...

1. Is there any way to target the nearest stations besides going to the System Map and chosing it? I've found that if I do that, but target something else, I lose the station and have to do the whole thing again.

Left hand targets panel, you can select and target anything and everything in system from the list in the first tab, there is also a bindable 'previous target' or 'nav target' option in the controls, I can't recall what the exact term is now but it will allow you to swap back to the previous navigation target though it is a little buggy at times.

2. Can you dock automatically? I swear, the amount of time I spend just maneuvering around the outside of them looking for Bay 2 was driving me nuts.

Yup, standard docking computer available in outfitting, internal slots. That said, you will soon get used to where the pads are, once inside a station your compass will point to your pad, outposts, if you can't see it just fly past and check the other side, very rarely will it not be visible and again, you will get used to the rough layout of pads.
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