******* The "official" Essential iPad Apps thread (with stars) *******

Sorry you are right. I mapped my NAS on my PC which runs the server side app for AirVideo and it seems to work a treat. Not sure how to do it on a standalone NAS :(
Is there any good iPad Facebook apps? Also what are your essential apps. I know there's tons listed in this thread but they are spread out everywhere.
The 'Friendly' one seems to do the job.

Stupid that Facebook haven't made an official one yet, not that I use it much.

I'd also like to know essential apps as I haven't had time to really look at them properly yet!
I believe Facebook are saying the actual website through Safari is more than adequate on an iPad display (which I suppose it is) but I use Friendly myself. It's fairly simple and clean.
Anyone know when Final Fantasy 3 will be released for the iPad? I've found sites mentioning an April release, but no specific date.
I need a strat/sim game which I can sink myself in to, civ rev would be great but I'm not paying £7.50 while the settlers I got on my iPhone disappointed since you had to do scenario only and not free games. Any news of an Anno coming out?
All I have so far + settlers hd


Any other good strategy games, sim games(building), tower defence games or board games, would love monopoly but not at that price.
Do you find the "3" app any good? As far as I could tell it just links to the website? :confused:

FYI - anyone that hasn't yet... enable the gestures using icopybot! They're brilliant!
Whoops, apologies - "ibackupbot"... meant one thing, said another!
More like it, the gestures are good. No clue why they didn't actually implement them in the release version. It doesn't feel like when I swipe right or left to switch between applications though that it's going in the order shown when you swipe up to show the MT bar
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