The *Official* Eve Online Thread

Phate, take Rroff's comments with a pinch of salt. He's such a bittervet :p

Yes some things have been simplified to be less of a chore, other things have been made deeper and more about gameplay/tactical choice rather than just grinding. The capital changes have been fantastic, especially as people adjust to the new meta. Flying a carrier as a drone ship now actually has some gameplay to it, they're also really dangerous to fight against without caps of your own :)
can you sell characters? or transfer them?

I've got 2 accounts and I can't see myself coming back to the game. No idea on SP, one was started in 2004 i think but hasn't been really touched in years.
They could have gone after production facilities i.e. supers, etc. much more than they did - could have seriously impacted and/or set goons back more without having to take all sov which to me makes it feel a bit like the whole thing is being a bit orchestrated to produce "content" (I've not been following it that closely so may be mistaken but at facevalue seemed like a few times punches were pulled that would have had a far more serious impact on goons). Though looks like somewhat they were holding off for citadels.

Watching this from a distance I agree. Goons are still very active on zkillboard it seems, even though they don't hold much.
can you sell characters? or transfer them?

I've got 2 accounts and I can't see myself coming back to the game. No idea on SP, one was started in 2004 i think but hasn't been really touched in years.

SP is where the value will be mostly. Get EVE Mon and yourself an API Key. See if it will let you have a peek.
You can sell characters to other players or sell the skill points with extractors. However you're only officially allowed to do it for on game currency.
So said hi to some guys last night, I have a Caldari wench at the moment, if I get back into Eve will get my mains resurrected to add to the lol hate, my main is a mimitar flying around in an Abaddon lol
Phate, take Rroff's comments with a pinch of salt. He's such a bittervet :p

Yes some things have been simplified to be less of a chore, other things have been made deeper and more about gameplay/tactical choice rather than just grinding. The capital changes have been fantastic, especially as people adjust to the new meta. Flying a carrier as a drone ship now actually has some gameplay to it, they're also really dangerous to fight against without caps of your own :)

That stuff doesn't worry me. EVE always felt so enormous I still felt like I missed out on a lot of basics so if I did go back to it I'd probably sell off most of my kit and potentially look at starting from scratch with a skilled up character, maybe!

But hey we'll see, it's a long way off yet :)

Whats this capital changes stuff you mention? Sounds like controlling multiple ships like an admiral/general?
Huge volume of changes, more than I can be bothered to type when I can just link and run :D

Carriers/Supercarriers now control wings of fighters. It's a whole new mechanic, rather than them just being like drones. Each wing has modules you can activate, so it is kinda like controlling multiple ships to an extent :)

That sounds like fun! From what I remember I was close to being able to pilot capital ships at the time of quitting.
You can slurp out your old skills now too, then inject them again into new stuff.

If you're wanting to try all the new toys!
How does one go about finding where BPOs are seeded. I'm looking for the BPO of the Small Ancillary Armor Repairer and I can't find it anywhere. Nothing in Jita, nothing on eve central....where do you get them, anyone know?
Unless it has changed they mostly should be seeded in Jita and/or the other trade hubs - some items are only available as BPC drops or invention though.

Looks like ancillary armour reps are only available as BPC drops from exploration sites.
So I've just started playing again (around 4 days ago) and for reasons I cannot explain I currently have 4 active accounts :D.

Anyone have any guidance on where I should go with these accounts? I have some desire to get into the lowsec/nullsec mining industry but I have no idea how to go about it.

I'm currently using three of the accounts to mine on and the other to grind level 1 missions (progressing towards level 4).
You don't need to explain having 4 accounts :P

When I quit I was upto a point where if I was in highsec I could have 2x retrievers mining, 1x orca/links and then concentrating on the main client doing a site in the same system - one of the reasons I stopped playing was due to the inevitable change to links would likely break that :|
Had to downsize my accounts to 1 recently as keeping 4 going with no real aims got expensive fast. Sure I could have done PI with them but the amount of clicking...
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