*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

A note on battery life. What are typical users getting out of their desire???

I'm having to recharge every day. Typically from 100% in the morning I'm down to about 50% by the time I leave work and 25% by the time I'm ready for bed.

I came from a Nokia that i had to recharge once a fortnight :p

I've got a nice docking station now so I use it as my desk clock while it's charging, but it would be really nice to get 2 days solid use out of it.

I've bought SetCPU and have set the profiles so that it is 999Mhz until 50%, then 768Mhz until 25% and then 499 until it fully discharges. It's at min when the screen is off. To be honest, set cpu has made very little difference to me overall. I've done the full battery then wipe battery stats thing but if anything that made battery life worse! :D

So what are your secrets for extending battery life on these things.....

on opendesire with setcpu it last easily for 2 days, with bluetooth, gps, wifi on for the most part etc etc.

on any sense rom, it lasts about a day, or just over at best with setcpu
Just ordered the Desire from Mobiles.co.uk

Works out at about £17 a month with the 15 1/2 price months.

My first ever contract :)
I'm having trouble getting my memory card ready for leedroid... I'm using rom manager to create the 512mb EXT3 partition, it appears to work (reboots and partitioning message comes up) but when it restarts i'm not convinced it's actually done anything. All the original data is still on the card (rom manager told me it would be wiped) and the card capacity reads 14.9GB (16Gb card) which i'm pretty sure it was at beforehand.

It doesn't seem right to me, I've tried it a couple of times but no change. Any thoughts???
Right, received my Desire yesterday and want to root and get a custom ROM on there. So used to running vanilla Android on my Magic and can't stand Sense.

Phone is locked to a network operator but is running FroYo 2.2.

Couple of questions:

1. Does bootloader version impact what you can and can't do? E.g. Do you have to upgrade prior to rooting and would doing so prevent you from going back?
2. Was reading about GoldCard process. Is this necessary with UnrEVOked?
3. Case of rooting with UnrEVOked to Root and then loading ROM of choice?
4. Defrost the ROM of choice then? Been using Cyanogen ROMs on my Magic for the last year and been quite happy with that. How is it on the Desire?
Use a proper recovery image like AmonRA R5 instead. Use it via UnrEVOked.

I've tried to install this but it doesn't seem to want to go over clockwork mod. It runs through the process but hangs on the attaining root section (where it says it's safe to reboot), after waiting about 15mins on pulling the battery and rebooting nothing has changed.

Any ideas?
I've tried to install this but it doesn't seem to want to go over clockwork mod. It runs through the process but hangs on the attaining root section (where it says it's safe to reboot), after waiting about 15mins on pulling the battery and rebooting nothing has changed.

Any ideas?

I have exactly the same problem but no one was able to help me with this issue even on xda. Clockwork went on no problem but now hangs in same place or reboots without installing when trying to overwrite AmonRA. I gave up and manually partitioned sdcard using live linux USB that did it easily (ill find link later if u interested) and am now using DeFroST successfully with ext3
I have exactly the same problem but no one was able to help me with this issue even on xda. Clockwork went on no problem but now hangs in same place or reboots without installing when trying to overwrite AmonRA. I gave up and manually partitioned sdcard using live linux USB that did it easily (ill find link later if u interested) and am now using DeFroST successfully with ext3

Yup I'm about ready to give up now to! Also a bit annoying there doesn't seem to be a windows program that can do the partitioning!

I've not used linux before. I've found the universal linux usb program but no idea which distribution to install or how to work it once i've got it. I'd appreciate some pointers!
I have managed to break it already :p I've had it plugged into a 3rd party car charger and it didnt seem to charge it properly. The battery ran out and now Ive plugged it in at home it wont charge at all nor switch on. Do you think I fried the battery?
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