Yup I'm about ready to give up now to! Also a bit annoying there doesn't seem to be a windows program that can do the partitioning!
I've not used linux before. I've found the universal linux usb program but no idea which distribution to install or how to work it once i've got it. I'd appreciate some pointers!
I'm not getting a HD. I don't know anyone else who has a Desire too and is also?
I have managed to break it alreadyI've had it plugged into a 3rd party car charger and it didnt seem to charge it properly. The battery ran out and now Ive plugged it in at home it wont charge at all nor switch on. Do you think I fried the battery?
Don't use AdFree, just download the hosts file and lash directly via DeFrost Setup.
So all you Desire owners are still bothering to tinker, when you'll have the HD in a week and will have to start all over again.
Doh! Missed that!
Just ran it and appears ok.
CG CircleMod + Standard icons: Take it that will replace the standard battery symbol in Taskbar with the circle/number combo?
So all you Desire owners are still bothering to tinker, when you'll have the HD in a week and will have to start all over again.
So all you Desire owners are still bothering to tinker, when you'll have the HD in a week and will have to start all over again.
What's in the DeFrost Apps Pack?
Just open it with WinRAR and see!