*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

Well Orange finally released 2.2 :cool:

Text messaging app seems a bit slower, but otherwise it seems the same, if not maybe slightly snappier.

I notice the Wifi Hotspot app doesn't work though - you can connect a laptop fine but it won't access the internet :(

UnrEVOked makes rooting the Desire dead simple. Mine had the latest Bootloader and it rooted fine.

Now running DeFrost 4.9 :D Desire was 24 hours old when I decided HTC Sense wasn't for me.

Quick question.

Has anyone managed to get AdFree working ok? Everytime I attempt to download and update the host file I get an error message.
This morning I noticed an update available on my O2 Desire...................so I thought "will I read on tinterweb to see if there are any potential issues?", nah I thought O2 have delayed this for ages so it must be ok.................so now I have a Desire sitting at the blue o2 splash screen.............erm help?
I have managed to break it already :p I've had it plugged into a 3rd party car charger and it didnt seem to charge it properly. The battery ran out and now Ive plugged it in at home it wont charge at all nor switch on. Do you think I fried the battery?

I've had the same thing.

Can't remember what i did now, think it just started to charge a hour or so later.
So all you Desire owners are still bothering to tinker, when you'll have the HD in a week and will have to start all over again :p.

i can't see the point if they had a mega new cpu then yeah, but just rehashed stuff that will filter down to the desire in time. (if not already looking on XDA)
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