*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

I see LeeDroid 2.2 is out. Can I just drop it on my memory card and install it over 2.1a and expect to have all my apps etc present? I'll back up all my messages etc obviously just in case.

Or do I need to do the whole titanium backup, format, install 2.2 and then restore all my files?

You should be able to install without a wipe because you're just upgrading the same ROM.

Always nandroid backup first though just in case :)
Yes, as all HBOOT's can be patched due to a flaw in adb.

My phone still has this annoying reboot issue despite formatting it. I basically cant root via the one click method as it cant handle rebooting that much without going into the reboot loop. Driving me f'ing insane to say the least, I feel like throwing this phone off a wall. Why the hell will it take them a week to send me a replacement?
Trying to get A2SD working and have a few questions:

1 - How do I test it is working (created 512/32 ext/swap from rom manager and did a clean install of defrost 5.0)?

2 - Should installing apps still take up phone memory?

3 - If "yes" to 2, why should I use this over froyo move to SD as all my apps allow moving?
Trying to get A2SD working and have a few questions:

1 - How do I test it is working (created 512/32 ext/swap from rom manager and did a clean install of defrost 5.0)?

2 - Should installing apps still take up phone memory?

3 - If "yes" to 2, why should I use this over froyo move to SD as all my apps allow moving?

1 - Run the following command via adb

adb shell
ls -1 -L /sd-ext

If you see the directories below listed, it's worked.
  • app
  • app-private
  • dalvik-cache

2 - Yes because there is application data stored in /data/data, which can't be symlinked.

3 - because the /data/data isn't an issue and you're going to drastically slow down the rate of which your internal data is used up by. Also, FroYo native AP2SD is very poor, you can't install any system applications or any applications with widgets you use to the SD. If you do, they won't load if you ever reboot your phone because the FAT32 partition where FroYo AP2SD stors them isn't mounted until after boot.

Also half the applications on the market can't be installed to SD card formally.

You don't have these issues with the EXT version of AP2SD+ because the EXT partition is mounted in time for widgets and system files to be installed safely on there and also you just set and forget it. Any application that goes to install to /data by default will be automatically rerouted to the EXT partition.
A family member got a Desire recently on TMobile, I unlocked it and rooted it (which was surprisingly simple and painless).

I took some pics of it compared to my AMOLED Desire, the difference on bright coloured images is quite similar but the difference in dark images is pretty obvious and backlight bleed is there even if minimal.



The SLCD has trouble retaining the image quality on pink/reddish tones on dark images however (1st pic, face detail).
cant believe quite how good the HD ROM is but, battery life especailly (94% after unplugging at 9am with full sync and 3G on all day so far).
I'm heading back to DeFrost until some of the HD bugs are ironed out such as camera and alarmclock (no way to turn it off other than pull the battery).

It will be very good though once polished
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Just calibrated the battery on mine by doing this:

The following steps should significantly extend the battery life on your phone. Please connect the phone to the charger with the phone powered on, and allow the phone to charge until the notification LED is green, indicating the device is fully charged. Disconnect the phone from the charger, and power it off. Reconnect the phone to the charger with the phone powered off, and allow the phone to charge until the notification LED is green. Disconnect the phone from the charger and power it on. Once the phone is powered completely on, power it off again and reconnect it to the charger until the notification LED is green. Disconnect the phone, power it on, and use it. You need to use this sequence only once.

Did it at 10am this morning and I still have 93% left using the Supervillain HD Rom.

As for the alarm clock problem, you should be ok if you use the standard clock and not the desk clock
Few questions if I may. As an orange user, I have to purchase a code before installing a custom ROM? (if so...scum!)

Secondly, i've mentioned previously the rebooting loop my phone gets stuck in, it will just turn off during a call and enter a reboot loop. Can get it back to working if I remove battery and turn on 20mins later but from a so called premium phone, its not exactly what I was expecting. Has anybody seen a fix for this issue other than sending it off for a replacement?
can anyone help with this...

as you guys no doubt know, you have a 'me' contact in the contacts but using gmail contacts i also have myself in there with all my address stuff and so on, so i tried to merge and now it looks like it created a new 'me' and that just says 'loading' when i try and access it. Any ideas? i would either like to edit it and at least have my picture on there or replace/remove it altogether and point it at myself in gmail so its not a duplicate.
can anyone help with this...

as you guys no doubt know, you have a 'me' contact in the contacts but using gmail contacts i also have myself in there with all my address stuff and so on, so i tried to merge and now it looks like it created a new 'me' and that just says 'loading' when i try and access it. Any ideas? i would either like to edit it and at least have my picture on there or replace/remove it altogether and point it at myself in gmail so its not a duplicate.

Dont think its possible... The "me" is an HTC built in thing so Google Contacts has no control over it.

TBH, I just let Google make one with my details on it and dont use the "me" so that, if I send it to anyone, it comes up with my name as opposed to a contact entry of "me" on their phones....
Dont think its possible... The "me" is an HTC built in thing so Google Contacts has no control over it.

TBH, I just let Google make one with my details on it and dont use the "me" so that, if I send it to anyone, it comes up with my name as opposed to a contact entry of "me" on their phones....

but when you send and receive txts it defaults to 'me' ?
Need some help guys, think I've borked my phone.

I just tried to update to the latest LeeDroid using ROM manager, I want to use an A2SD+ ROM with my new class 6 card as I'm fed up of low space warnings using froyo apps2sd.

Anyway, it rebooted into recovery and failed to open the .zip with the brilliant error (bad). So I just tried to go into recovery from boot and try it from there, same problem so I rebooted and was going to start again with a new download. Now my phone is stuck on an ANDROID boot screen seemingly forever :(. Its not the same boot screen I had previously so it looks like its changed something but enough to actually work!
To add the cherry on top, I now can't get into recovery. It brings up an error along the lines of "Unable to get into e:/recover/command" and thats that!

Any help guys?
Need some help guys, think I've borked my phone.

I just tried to update to the latest LeeDroid using ROM manager, I want to use an A2SD+ ROM with my new class 6 card as I'm fed up of low space warnings using froyo apps2sd.

Anyway, it rebooted into recovery and failed to open the .zip with the brilliant error (bad). So I just tried to go into recovery from boot and try it from there, same problem so I rebooted and was going to start again with a new download. Now my phone is stuck on an ANDROID boot screen seemingly forever :(. Its not the same boot screen I had previously so it looks like its changed something but enough to actually work!
To add the cherry on top, I now can't get into recovery. It brings up an error along the lines of "Unable to get into e:/recover/command" and thats that!

Any help guys?

Did you make a nandroid backup before trying to flash and did you wipe data, cache, dalvik-cache before flashing LeeDroid?
Well I managed to get into clockworkmod by spamming the recovery menu a bit, now I've managed to wipe everything and it actually started installing Leedroid.

New problem,

E: Can't symlink /system/xbin/[
E: Failure at line 15:
sumlink busybox SYSTEM:xbin[
Installation aborted

Really can't understand how I'm having these problems now, ROM Manager I've used 3/4 times before no problems, pain in the ass.

EDIT: I'm guessing ROM Manager didn't manage to partition my sd card? Can I do it in windows or do I have another excuse to download the new 10.10 ubuntu?
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^ I got that error. Download the ROM again, Lee is aware of it and fixed it.

Or, install the A2SD+ version, but you have to partition an EXT partition on your SD first.
^ I got that error. Download the ROM again, Lee is aware of it and fixed it.

Or, install the A2SD+ version, but you have to partition an EXT partition on your SD first.

Thats what I'm trying to do, EXT2/3/4? Will do it in gparted its easiest. And how do I get the clockworkmod update.zip back on the card after I've formatted it? Can I dl just the update.zip somewhere?

EDIT: Sorted, managed to grab an old update.zip and get into clockwork mod, partitioned the card with gparted, wiped everything and managed to flash leedroid. So far looks like its working. What a palava.
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