*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

hmmm i was playing angry birds for a while this morning (its pretty addictive) went to have a blast a few mins ago with my cuppa and its vanished......
My phone seems to be now fuzzing on a call, changing the volume doesn't seem to make it better. Should I talk to HTC about this or just go back to T-Mobile? Had mine since April, rather not trade it for an SLCD?

If you have Home Insurance then it might be covered under that.
ffs with every leedroid update comes more problems. now with 2.2 not only do music and nav not work together (ie music stops and doesnt start when announcer finishes) but now camera sound is always on (even though it says its off) and my mem card access seems to be getting slower and slower.

****ing ****e......and i really dont wanna do a full format but looks like i might have to.

ALSO: what does everyone use to format the sd card to ex3? i did mine fine ages ago but for some reason something went wrong the the mrs's card, it works fine but no partition and the program im using saying it cant create the partition as it thinks theres 4 partitions on there already!!
Use a better ROM, like DeFrost :p


FFFffuuuuu! My phone slipped out of my hand as I walked back to work from the carpark at lunch, luckily though all the scuffs are on the hardcase and the phone is unscathed \m/


There are some scuffs on the other side of the case too but the above is the most visible.

£400+ phone saved by a £3 case :D

Everything went better than expected.


ALSO: what does everyone use to format the sd card to ex3?

Use AmonRA's R5 recovery.
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In my defence I was wrestling with my car keys at the time and also fumbling to find my door entry fob before gravity snatched the handset from my grip!

I feel I should also apologise for the "people should take better care of their phones" comment from earlier, although it was meant in jest it was probably a bit too karma ¬_¬
T-Mobile says repairs are 2-3 weeks, what I expected. HTC sent me to T-Mobile first but have offered that I should speak to them again and they could pick it up. This is annoying, it works fine, just sounds crackly.
I've had a search on Google and the forums for this, but can't find anything. I'm surprised it hasn't come up before, so apologies if it has.
I'm just wondering if it would be possible to use the Wi-Fi hotspot feature in 2.2 to extend the range of my home wireless network. I've got a computer some distance from my router which is a bit dodgy on connection sometimes.
Could I put the phone somewhere in between them, turn on the wi-fi hotspot, and have the computer connect to the phone? The key bit would then be the phone connecting to the router and not going 3G. Would this actually work?
(The more simple solution would be to upgrade to Wireless N, I know. But I'm just intrigued).
I've had a search on Google and the forums for this, but can't find anything. I'm surprised it hasn't come up before, so apologies if it has.
I'm just wondering if it would be possible to use the Wi-Fi hotspot feature in 2.2 to extend the range of my home wireless network. I've got a computer some distance from my router which is a bit dodgy on connection sometimes.
Could I put the phone somewhere in between them, turn on the wi-fi hotspot, and have the computer connect to the phone? The key bit would then be the phone connecting to the router and not going 3G. Would this actually work?
(The more simple solution would be to upgrade to Wireless N, I know. But I'm just intrigued).

i might be wrong but your pc connecting to your phone will operate on 3g surely? or if the phone is connected to your wifi, it wont let you make it a hot spot?
i might be wrong but your pc connecting to your phone will operate on 3g surely? or if the phone is connected to your wifi, it wont let you make it a hot spot?

Yeah, that's what I was wondering - the important bit would be for the phone to able to act as both a wifi access point and client at the same time. Just wondered if twas possible.
OK im thinking i wanna try this rooting stuff. does anyone have a guide link that is easy for a gumbo like me, and a good rom to try that allows me to force apps to SD
I can write a guide if you want but the process today is so simple you might hit yourself with your own palm!
there maybe an app, but i think if your phone is connected to a router wirelessly then that will stop it hot spotting?

Yeah, you're right. Although sort of opposite: hot spotting actually turns off your wireless. Does seem interesting tho, I wonder if it is technically possible.
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