*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

For some reason, my desire doesn't seem to be holding it's charge at the moment. Which is a bit of a pain as it died in the middle of the night and my alarm never went off.

I haven't changed anything that I know off and even after powering off, waiting a couple of minutes then powering on the battery still drops faster than normal.

I used to be able to just get 2 days use out of it, now I'm lucky if I get 24 hours :(

Notice the slight change to the noti-tray in the current DeFrost ROM builds?

I like!

Robbie, what was your "holiday" from the forums for???

Missed you ;)
I don't actually know! The reason "NO QUOTING IMAGES" given didn't seem to be accurate at all so probably some mod being wrong about something...maybe.
Robbie, how are you getting the Overclockeres notifications, is that just through email?

Also, DF 5.5 is out now. Upgraded last night and its a much more tidy build.

Quick question. I have dialer one. But the contact pictures don't show, even though they do in the stock dialer. They are grabbed from FaceBook sync and the Dialer One option to "Show Contact Pictures" is ticked. Am I missing a trick?
Personally I don't use Dialler One so cannot help there! I only installed it once to confirm that it does do inline searching and contact manage, my contact pics are all managed via Gmail too though so didn't have any issues with that.

The OCUK notification is GMail .
Contact pics were stopping my phone syncing contacts with my Parrot BT for some bizzare reason so i no longer have them, as for the dialer apps, I got a San Francisco for the wife and that has a dialer app that looks exactly like the stock android one but works the same as the Sense dialer in that it predicts who your trying to dial, would be great if I could figure out what it is and if it would work on desire as if I could get a app like that id be happy enough not to use sense roms
getting fed up with barely getting a days use out of a full charge. currently running unlocked / unbranded ota vanilla 2.2 - would rooting and using a custom rom yield a noticeable improvement in battery life?
A more power concious kernel would help yes but if battery use is that bad then you've got some apps running eating battery up. Check your meter to see what it is!
hi all, I'm on 2.1 holding off the OTA update to 2.2 until I've made my mind up on rooting. can anyone advise if it's worth me rooting when all I want on top of stock is apps2sd, underclocking to improve batt life and the little number on top of the battery icon so I can see what percentage charge it's on?
hi all, I'm on 2.1 holding off the OTA update to 2.2 until I've made my mind up on rooting. can anyone advise if it's worth me rooting when all I want on top of stock is apps2sd, underclocking to improve batt life and the little number on top of the battery icon so I can see what percentage charge it's on?

I think so. I believe there's not much, if any risk now but there was when I did it. I run an almost stock Rom with the exception of A2SD, ad blocking, circle battery percentage icon and unlock with trackpad. I only rooted so that I didn't have to worry about storage. I currently have about 85 apps totalling 149mb and I've still got 75mb internal storage free. Also, the Nandroid backup feature is great.
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