*** The Official HTC Desire (Bravo) Thread! ***

Both, although only Titanium primarily.

Titanium (Pro) for App+Data.

MyBackup for SMS/MMS.
Does anyone else's gallery sometimes not show all images? I've got eight folders of images on my SD card, sometimes the gallery shows all of the folders, other times two or three of the folders are missing. I can still get to them fine through a file manager and they open from there in the Gallery. But if I go into the Gallery app, they are not there.

Its bloomin' annoying when I'm trying to assign icons and my icon folder just won't show up. Running Defrost 6.0a. Anyone else got this?
The 3D Gallery can sometimes have issues but this was fixed a while back IIRC. You could use a widget power button to reload the SD card quickly if this does happen though, I have the button in SwitchPro.
The 3D Gallery can sometimes have issues but this was fixed a while back IIRC. You could use a widget power button to reload the SD card quickly if this does happen though, I have the button in SwitchPro.

Good thinking batman, I'll give it a go. Cheers.
Neo's AuraxTSense v8.0 Rom is out if anyone's interested. :cool:

8.0 Changelog looks good!


* New Kernel UVOC _ NeoPhyTe.x360@SnowLeopard #18 ---- @998mhz Default - Max @1190mhz - CFS.SVS.UV.OC.GPU+.SDfix.LZmaCompresion (Thanks to all that have make that I build this kernel) -> GPL Source: http://neophyte.vipme.com/gpl/
* Updated kernel modules.
* Updated Aura CPU Manager (to change CPU Values without loss Aura config)
* Modified ScreenState, after 12 minutos in Sleep, DATA connection switches to 2G, and with the screen on 2G/3G (thanks to FloHimself for this) - (For Disable this or temporaly,, in auracpumanager choose DISABLE, and screenstate will be disabled, included data switch)
* NEW Launcher & LockScreen completely made by ME (If you use it somewhere, CREDITS)
* Added new Vietnamesse, Thai, etc to Locale.
* Updated Maps.
* Updated Market.
* Updated CarHome
* Updated YouTube 2.07
* Fixed Wifi Hotspot
* Fixed VPN connections (¿?)
* Improved wifi power to save battery.
* Added a lot of new Wallpapers.
* Zipalign.
* Fixed read ahead buffer size ("sdfix"), Improves read speed of sdcard.
* More Improves Battery & Performance, for better speed between menus.
* Tweaks.
* & more I sure forget haha

I think I should give this a try tonight!
Last edited:
8.0 Changelog looks good!


* New Kernel UVOC _ NeoPhyTe.x360@SnowLeopard #18 ---- @998mhz Default - Max @1190mhz - CFS.SVS.UV.OC.GPU+.SDfix.LZmaCompresion (Thanks to all that have make that I build this kernel) -> GPL Source: http://neophyte.vipme.com/gpl/
* Updated kernel modules.
* Updated Aura CPU Manager (to change CPU Values without loss Aura config)
* Modified ScreenState, after 12 minutos in Sleep, DATA connection switches to 2G, and with the screen on 2G/3G (thanks to FloHimself for this) - (For Disable this or temporaly,, in auracpumanager choose DISABLE, and screenstate will be disabled, included data switch)
* NEW Launcher & LockScreen completely made by ME (If you use it somewhere, CREDITS)
* Added new Vietnamesse, Thai, etc to Locale.
* Updated Maps.
* Updated Market.
* Updated CarHome
* Updated YouTube 2.07
* Fixed Wifi Hotspot
* Fixed VPN connections (¿?)
* Improved wifi power to save battery.
* Added a lot of new Wallpapers.
* Zipalign.
* Fixed read ahead buffer size ("sdfix"), Improves read speed of sdcard.
* More Improves Battery & Performance, for better speed between menus.
* Tweaks.
* & more I sure forget haha

I think I should give this a try tonight!

I have always been using his ROM's... Tried LeeDroid etc but couldnt get on with them. This guy does some nice quick Sense ROM's :)
Anyone dealt with HTC repair yet, how long did a repair take? I've been holding off sending it away for my buzzy speaker but trying to work out when the best three(?) weeks to be without it is.
One day without my phone is torture!! Can't believe it can take up to 2 weeks!! :( haven't even got a half decent backup phone. Apparently to have a replacement phone from Vodafone I need to have phone insurance on my account with them! Not amused.
Richard Trip has enabled the Brain**** Schedular (BFS) for DeFrost 6.0a+ and things are rosier than ever :) I am finding the phone much smoother with the stock DeFrost kernel!
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