The 3D Gallery can sometimes have issues but this was fixed a while back IIRC. You could use a widget power button to reload the SD card quickly if this does happen though, I have the button in SwitchPro.
Neo's AuraxTSense v8.0 Rom is out if anyone's interested.![]()
8.0 Changelog looks good!
* New Kernel UVOC _ NeoPhyTe.x360@SnowLeopard #18 ---- @998mhz Default - Max @1190mhz - CFS.SVS.UV.OC.GPU+.SDfix.LZmaCompresion (Thanks to all that have make that I build this kernel) -> GPL Source:
* Updated kernel modules.
* Updated Aura CPU Manager (to change CPU Values without loss Aura config)
* Modified ScreenState, after 12 minutos in Sleep, DATA connection switches to 2G, and with the screen on 2G/3G (thanks to FloHimself for this) - (For Disable this or temporaly,, in auracpumanager choose DISABLE, and screenstate will be disabled, included data switch)
* NEW Launcher & LockScreen completely made by ME (If you use it somewhere, CREDITS)
* Added new Vietnamesse, Thai, etc to Locale.
* Updated Maps.
* Updated Market.
* Updated CarHome
* Updated YouTube 2.07
* Fixed Wifi Hotspot
* Fixed VPN connections (¿?)
* Improved wifi power to save battery.
* Added a lot of new Wallpapers.
* Zipalign.
* Fixed read ahead buffer size ("sdfix"), Improves read speed of sdcard.
* More Improves Battery & Performance, for better speed between menus.
* Tweaks.
* & more I sure forget haha
I think I should give this a try tonight!
I have always been using his ROM's... Tried LeeDroid etc but couldnt get on with them. This guy does some nice quick Sense ROM's![]()
What is the best Sense Rom to use at the moment?
What is the best Sense Rom to use at the moment?
Bah I don't like change! I'm staying with DeFrost for the moment!
Personally id say LeeDroid
Well I tried unrevoked 3 times and it failed each time. What's the alternative to root the Vodafone 2.2 stock ROM?